Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Genoblests vs Globalists + Global-World-Nations vs Globalization = COLOR KINGDOM New World Creative Arts vs The New World Order - THE STATE OF TEXAS vs U.S. FEDERAL GOVERNMENT + AmeriAfrindian ArtistCHD Avatar Avenger, Occupyneer Son of SUNGODD DEITY Ankh Arthiest Atom Amen-Ra = Z-Blac-Keyz Z-BlackRayz pt2

BUTT believe better blessings are on the grassroots ground level zero, regular, typical Americans and as Africans, Afrinidians, AmeriAfrindians, repeatedly wrote letters, lawful papers pleading, petitioning, the prison problems, the unconstitutionally overcrowded jails, TB infected cell conditions, unsanitary - unhealthful Correctional Centers; privatized plantations, and Units of The Texas Department of Criminal Justice!
Further still, these reptilian racists refused to feed captive inmates a humane diet, that is nutritional-nourishing. And deprived prisoners of Vitamins & Minerals, needed to fight off various illnesses, viruses and diseases. Like Vitamin-C deficiency causing scurvy, bleeding, infected gums, decaying teeths and bone structures. Rickets, colds-coughs, influenza-pneumonia. Lack of vitamin D deliberately designed to cause degenerative diseases. Destruction of Mother Earth Nature's Natural Immune System!
Purposely profiteering, producing positive Tuberculosis test results, by putting infected inmates inside un-infected jail cells, to intentionally contaminate captives. Causing contagious conditions, warranting the madatory injection of shots, toxic chemicals, cancerous concoctions, vaccines-inoculations, and ingestion of poisonous pills, pushed by the pirate predatory physicians pharmaceutical prison industrial complex. Generating an expidemic spread of debilitating realities. Expecting to get paid for each and every infected, in-housed inmate. Telling additional fraud in fact devilish lies to justify their psychopathy and sociopathy.

Then glibly, marking up the numbers to increase the economic benefits. Racist racketeering reaping huge capital gains and demonic dividends! Expediently extorting financial funds, hundreds of thousands of tax dollars, aid money from the Federal Government, Treasury & Trust. Blatantly bankrupting the entire country and nation, as their initiated, invidious-insidious Institutionalized Racism proliferated profusely. Expressly, The Satanic State of Texas; TDCJ, acted far above the legitimate laws of the land!
Collectively contiving to capitalize on the CIA Sponored, Introduce Crack Rock Cocaine, epidemic. Housing State sentenced convicts; yet still held hostage, in privatized makeshift jails, annex units owned by the Capitalist Criminal Creatures City & County, Police Chiefs & Sheriffs, thereof, therein. Yes, an experimental laboratory to test and to treat sick inmates who they made sick; in the first place and degenerative! PURE EVIL!

Albeit, all of our outside the jails appeals to the United States Federal Government & Dept. of Justice, Attorney General Office - Civil Rights Division, FBI..., seem to had - have fallen on death ears, closed mindsets. Trying to help free MY PEOPLE, which showed me exactly how monstrous, mad and mean these terrorist thugs truly are. And I’ve kept, retrieved, retained the actual documentations, letters written, and the replies - responses formally and Officially. Also, in signed Legal Documents! Evidential Factors, plus positive Proofs!!
And as a direct and proximate result, these govening bodies, Federal & State, has forfeited any lawful, legal right to dictate RIGHT & WRONG, truth and justice, to Africoidian Africans Americanized. And our correct answers and problem solving solutions are to defect from the fraudulent Unionists & Confederates of corporatist confusion, civic conflicts, criminal capitalism and combustible corruptions! Thank Good SUNGODD DEITY; ALMIGHTY DIVINE GRACE, We's & Us's are set free at last!
Backsliders They never came to our rescues, on any level, and neglected to address any of the legal and lawful issues African Americans, incarcerated and free at liberty wrote to them. And failure to fulfilled their sworn by oath, fiduciary duty, caused the criminalizing conditions to proliferate profusely. Expand across the Ku Klux Klan country; as a Widespread Practice & Flagrant Pattern of the Prison Industrial Complex! So what's up with that? The true answer is that The States are in cahoots collusion with the "Feds"; up until they got mad and angry at one another, as foes in fascist feuds!
The wicked witchcraft WhitTie terrorist thugs: Thus their repeated racial or Rayzial profiling police harassment, traffic stops, hold-ups, detainments, arrests, incarcerations, sentencing to jails and plantation prisions, is intended. Inducing frustrations. To keep setting us back, having to start all over again without needed resources. Meant to interrupt and interfere with Africans in America, our lives; overall and in general. Purposely imposing ill-intents to terrorize tissues, torment and torture dark shaded skinned human beings of Africa!

Evilly, exploiting expediently, advancing technologies, testing techniques. Field tubes used to sample substances, in possession of accosted-arrested citizens of color. Engaged by “White” witches, warlocks, warlords - werewolves in criminal cops clothing. Ursurping The MAATRIX of dynamic equilibrium bio-balance, love-peace-harmony among the Mother Matriarchs & Father Patriarchs. Renegade Rouge Reptilian Racists; religiously riding around town and cities and communities, in petty police patrols, infecting the inner-city ;African American Black’ neighborhoods. False positive laboratory and field test tube analysis, even alleging that they found, “2.0 milligrams” of a Controlled Substance in the possession of suspects. Meaning microscopic particles, invisible, unseen by the naked eyes. Yet they falsely clam that the person, ‘knowingly and intentionally possessed it‘, and knew that they were carrying Crack Cocaine cosmic-crumbs, ridiculous residue. These are actually DEVIL WHITTIES; whip CauCrackers, sick sociopath supremacists, sinister Satanists!

PRETEXT: After which illegal searches and unlawful seizures of personal items, pulled out of inside paints pockets, wallets-bill folders, vehicles, etc. They make their bogus police reports, under false arrests-detentions. And no real evidence therefore, is ever presented before a Grand Jury for examination, sifting the alleged illegal substance. Butt, The Foreman of the stealthy Grand Jury, rubber stamps the criminal case and felony indictment documents. All unconstitutional, unlawful, insane and inhumane!
"Totalutely" vs. Absolutely!! (Dr. K.C.) Yes total freedom from Eu-Rope-ans, Caucasoid Caucasians, Eurasians - Asiatic Arabs. Absolved absolutely + released resolutely. No more half-steppin'; butt better still, whole stepping. While wisely integrating with Mother Africa and Her wealthy wisdom, witty womanhood, worthy of worshipping. She shall surely serve to sacredly, securely-safely, Spiritiously support our Occupyneers optimized objectives, to connect, link, hook up to the Rare Rich Royal Resources!
More meaningful is full fledge freedom of Artistic Expression Emancipation:. Proclamation Promocration + Declaration Deliberated Dependency deployment of development. Self-sustained salvation. Individual bodily beings having separate Statutes, stratified stations, specifically stated and strictly situated. No more meaningless majority vs minority election Votes, which are replaced by dutifully casting consensus Capital Cash Currency NOTES = $$$.
Intelligently Increasing, escalating-elevating, accelerating the vivid vibration freedom frequencies, Rayzial ratio rates of Eco-Energystics = Ecology + Economy. No useless Unionists, lazy labor unions, tactical teachers unions, covertly-overtly, obstructing our Official optimization, Occupyneers objectives, originating organic organisms. Liberty dependent upon self-sufficiency, self-survival and self-sensibility. Foundational Financial Free-Feederation is formulated as a fortress!
“Freedom is a moving target” and one has to stay abreast, keep up with this flowing, fluidity. Going with the flow! Never trying to become “Secessionists” seeking Sovereign States. “Secede” = separate-segregate from the United States of America. It's alreadly divided and conquered by big bank bandits, glutonous greedy "Globalists" guilty gobblers. Although Wexz & Usxz are to try + trial talents, develope gifts of grace, gallant genesis geniuses, gainful grassroots grounded growths. And, progressively-positively-productively Proceed Promocratically x PanorAfricAsporally. The Unified Statutes of America + Africa = USAA+ PROMISED LANDS!!! Read: http://colorkingdomnwca.wordpress.com.

GENETIC Warfare wicked witchcraft WhitTie whip CauCrackers crazy criminality. The vicious vaccinations of toxic chemical concoctions to cause females to produce inferior, degenerate infants, new born babies. Who will easily become the criminalized subjected victims of their PRISONXZ!

"A gene is a molecular unit of heredity of a living organism. It is a name given to some stretches of DNA and RNA that code for a polypeptide or for an RNA chain that has a function in the organism. Living beings depend on genes, as they specify all proteins and functional RNA chains. Genes hold the information to build and maintain an organism's cells and pass genetic traits to offspring. All organisms have many genes corresponding to various biological traits, some of which are immediately visible, such as eye color or number of limbs, and some of which are not, such as blood type, increased risk for specific diseases, or the thousands of basic biochemical processes that comprise life.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gene
Moreover, these stated facts of reality, indicated how that smarter young Africans in America as males, are wisely watching out about the soulless sisters, who might appear artificially to be suitable for dating, mating and marrying. Knowing now how that so many of their minds have been politically poisoned against their men of Africa's origin. A degenerative curse passed on from one generation to the next. This started back on the captive-slave plantations of forced submissions, violent rapes, and sexual + mental perversions purposely implanted inside her brains and mindset. An asinine ass attitude!
And nobody has the powers to fix or repair, these relationships between males and females, black or white, as they call themselves a "RACE". So then, I honestly tell y'all, that the traditional family affairs, is over and done, divided and dead. Compelling circumstances says so succinctly. And We's & Us's are ordered to move on fast forwards; as Africoidian ascendants of Africa, America - Afrindica Olmecca. Happily letting that in which is lost, stay behind. Blatant bad black bitchcrafts burdens our backbones. It's dead weight that our dark skinned melaninated Multiplex-Rayzial-Body can no longer afford to carry. She is not worth the fussing and fighting!
While still surreptitiously in the midst of the overall, aggregate American family falling, failing to fuffilled expectations, many members have chose to seek 'alternative lifestyles'. So said sexual liberation, womens-lib, feminist male haters, Lesbians, gay females and gay males, homosexual, bisexual, transexual, etc. As there are those trying to fight fearlessly back against this currency, "homophobic" hatemongers, who feel that their manhood is being threatened. Although, I AM not necessarily for nor against these sexual perversions, and is basically neutral = neutron, cyberspace clear out of my assignment, artistic anoining, and appointing. Live and let live!
Yes, happiness and jubilant joy, seek mates outside of the maze of "The Skinner's Box"; no so called "Race" owns you, you are free to choose whosoever is desired. Open your mind and think positively about meeting someone who will want to be with you, for all aspects of who and what you are. And know also, that there are higher heavenly forces and potent powers controlling the conditions, and concurring circumstances. And it is easier for y'all to try and go with the fluidity of the financial flow. Only fools attempt to go against it = Capital Cash Currency Climatic Charged Changes 100%+=$$$
The Universal Mind Infinite Intelligence + Immaculate Imagination: Endowes Authentic Arthiests, Spiritious Sources, Spirit Soul Sciences. We's & Us's have innate-in-born blessings, forceful powers enough to defeat, destroy our evil enemy energy entities. Yawls are to truly seek to KNOW! I AM The Original Creative ArtistCHD AmerAfrindion Avatar Avenger, Son of SUNGODD DEITY. And I came with power and the glory forever, Atom Amen-Ra, of Z-Blac-Keyz and of Z-BlackRayz!!!!
YES, BUTT BEWARE, of the degenerates, dysfunctional, defective genetic traits of these sellout sinister scientists, soulless snake serpents of the sorcerer System SATAN. They are experimenting on humans holistic health, healing habits, in "The New World Order" To generate inferior artless forms of bodily beings, inferiority complex confusion inside the minds - hearts - spirits - souls, of pregnant females, young teenage girls and their infants, new born babies. Children having all sickness sorts of illness, susceptibly to catching contagious cancers, demonic destruction of Mother Nature Earth’s Natiural Immunities and Divine Defenses!!

GlobalWorldNations vs. Globalizations: by definitions meaning more members worldwide, mass media of our online Internet Whole Wide World Web. Under One HueMainLaw, having holistic HueMainRights of our original-organic HueMainKind!!
Engineered internalized crime and violence, “Black on Black”, Brown on Brown, high unemployment ratio-rates, incarceration-imprisonment numbers, various sickness syndromes, mental trauma historically and presently imposed. Unmerciful shootings, crooked Caucasian Caucasoid criminal cops, prejudice police patrols, as serial killers of African Americans and as People of Color & “Minorities“!
African ascendants (formally descendants), are held hostages, in bondage, as caged captives of the Criminal Injustice System of Satan. So said Sovereign States of Supremacist WhitTie whip Crackers. Privately owning-operating: The Prison Industrial Complex & Pharmaceutical Industrial Complex!!
Intended inquisitions, imposed invidious-insidious Institutionalized RACISM! Inductions - indoctrinations - innoculations are presently intolerable. Has come to its closing End Time Days of Reckoning, Trials & Tribulations are now beckoning. Some say: Obama "Post Racism"! And I profess that We's & Us's of HueMainity's sanity, are actually past participle poisonous-polluted politics, post Prision Plantation of public people's population of the planet. Past present presidential personal problems = Rayzsm vs Racism, Raceryst vs Racists!! Equals = Ultra-Universal Unification of our Multiplex-Rayzial-realities; skin pigmentation, colorful body beings, melanin membrans, of Z-Blac-Keyz and of Z-BlackRayz radiance of Solar SUNGODD DEITY Atom-Amen-Ra!
I've envisioned the so said "God" and "The Devil" being one in the same spiritualized sensation. And the alleged "White Devil" is the identical twin of The Black Devil! White Supremacy is the other opposite pole, of Black Supremacy. Therefore, We's & Us's have learned that a person can't ever be The Devil nor God! And that's giving a Euro-Anglo-American more empowerment than what he or she deserves! So y'all realize that devilishness, wickedness, evilness existed, in ancient Africa, Kemet - Egypt - KEMEGYPT!
Redistribution of Demonic Debt vs 'Redistribution of Wealth'!! Redistricking - rezoning racists, realized riches, ready resources, rare royalties righteously. Redistributing devilish damnations, devalued dollars. Thereby, affording Africoidians as Americanized Africans, actualizing advantages; in the midst of adversities. The meaningful momentum, as I’ve artfully apprehended and courageously, completely comprehended has circulated, moving middle class + uypper class Caucasian Euro-Anglo-Americans, downwards, wiped out of their stable-standings. Seeing how that they acquired their wicked wealth, extra-income, stock shares-savings..., through terrorism's tactics, tortures and tormenting tisses. Now today being brushed by the wicked wings of Luciler, the light bearer, and kicked off of His banking body. (Goden Sacs) Due to them not being cost effective!
Lets say for instance, the U.S.A. Military Installation “Africom” on the continent of homeland Love Goddess Mother Africa. Now next by going along with the existing EcoEnergystics, the flowing fast forwards movements, allows African Americans to draft and to graft, their Genesis Gifts of Grandly Great Genius, as gallant GENOBLESTS, perfected paralleling para-dem-on-stration (paradigm) to the so said; “Globalists!

'YES and I saw a New World Creative Arts COLOR KI NGDOM; a new heaven and a new earth. Authentic Africoidian ArtistCHD, makes all true things newer. Ya see crystal clear, with Real-Live-Vision, through my True-Up U-Turn Universal IniVersal RealiVision. Not going against the circulating currents, butt, going with the whirlwinds, following suit with the circuits, concurring conditions, climatic charged changes!
THE BREAK DOWN: Nobody in their right mind, sane sensibilities can totally trust a Government, States nor United States and Federal. Howsoever, things henceforth, here on…, are based on transparency vs. trustworthiness. I’ll say serene sovereign Statutes, includes, those strictly and specifically stated: a. “Homosexual, Bisexual, Transsexual-transvestites, He/she, Tranny, Gay-Lesbian, etc. And they have their own country-county-city-community, under their dependent controls. Governed by Hue-Main-Laws!
b. Straight, heterosexual, males and females, mothers and fathers, men and women, who prefer to meet-mate-marry, date others of the opposite sex-gender. (Race a none issue, irrelevant tissue!) To having offspring, pregnancies, producing progeny, infants-babies, children for families, expressly exercising their reproductive Hue-Main-Kind Hue-Main-Rights!!!
Racial-Ethnic groups, politically perceived as being: blacks, browns, reds, yellows, whites, pinks pigmented persons, public people’s population. And biologically balanced beings of our organic Multiplex-Rayzial-Body! Amalgamated-aggregated, miscegenation, mixed membranes, melted, mingled melanin members. Yes things are breaking apart in some ways, so that they can unite with themselves in other ways! Forced integration is old-school sorcery!
c. BUTT INDEPENTENT: Isolationists, Segregationists, Separatists: “homophobic” are “All Black” and all White wilderness worlds, without the Foundational Financial Funds Federation Fortress. Equasion =  
Fed - Era + ate + at + ion _ This is the era of feeding food to impoverished poor down trodden masses melaninated members. Going fast-forwards at food banks, civic centers, as everybody eats, consumes clean cultured culinary cooking, inclusively ions. Dependent upon the merits of the self; TO LOVE THY SELF!
"An ion is an atom or molecule in which the total number of electrons is not equal to the total number of protons, giving the atom a net positive or negative electrical charge. The word ion is the transliteration of the Greek participle ἰόν (meaning "going"), and was first used by physicist Michael Faraday for the substances that move ("go") under a current between electrodes in a solution, when an electric field is applied."
Divinely Decreed Protection + Declared Deliberated Defense!! Deceased direct confrontations, contensions, conflicts. Adding a paralelling para-dem-on-stration, commonly called paradigm. Basically because two opposite poles, polarities, Negative - + Positive charges causes combustible conflicts, chaos, confusion. Electrical sparks and flashing flames!
It is commonly call Independence:
noun 1. Also, independency. the state or quality of being independent.
2. freedom from the control, influence, support, aid, or the like, of others.
No not at all is this thought, type thinking truly means what we want to be doing, practicing and artfully applying. Ya see certain terminology, is being brought into our organic originality. With us being dependent upon the historical years of hard slave labors, free work force for racist WhitTie Terrorists, demon dominators and devil dictators! A century of Jim Crow Segretion Laws that were oppressive and cruel. Thereby, Dependency upon individual + collective efforts = economic efficiency. Gracefully in gratitude, accepting what honestly belongs to Africoidians of Africa. Reclaiming righteousness, values worth wealth within; opening up the closed doors, and golden gates of our optimized ownerships. Rightful entitlements, set-insides instead of set-asides. Africans in America have long since been overly taxed, charged, and penalized. Therefore, the Satanic System is in our deep debt. Economically + Spirituality!
The Federal U.S. Government owe itself to pay-up! Monetary, material means; in which, we have alreadly paid for financially. Expressly FEEDERATION  food, SNAP, so said Social Security, wellfare, Federal Aid - Assistence, is warranted, worked well within the Systreaming Sovereignty Self-sufficiecy!
Butt, when we wilfully go in the generated directions, following a flowing in and out, to and from, circulation circuitry, then they travel compatibly, in Love Peace & Harmony = everlasting long leading Love Life Light Locks of SUNGODD DEITY = SOLARSUN'S SPIRIT SOURCE SCIENCE SYSTEM + SOVEREIGN SYSTREAM!
d. Feminist -females who dislike or hate being controlled, influenced by males. And they are to be removed, and or permitted to relocate among those who are compatible with her type. Their Statutes are written under Genoblest Guaranteed HueMainRights!
Geo-Genetics are the biological beings who we're dealing with, concerned and care about, first and foremost. Before considering anybody's religion, sexual selection, political party, and any other artificial attachments to our originating Hue-Mainity, states of being humans!
No longer alleged, assumed, Gay rights, black rights, white rights, ethic group rights, so forth and so on. Those are accidents of the old-world wicked witchcrafts. And this is our originating New World Creative Arts of COLOR KINGDOM NWCA

Unfortunately, the so sadly said “Globalists” of “Globalization”; fail to break back down these fundamental foundations, elemental Ethnicities, commonly called Races. And tend to try and force issues and tissues by terrorist threats!
Lesser hours worked on jobs, no long term employment = part time-temporary workers, college careers cut concisely in half. Reducing all incentive to spend aboe one's means, take expense vacations, and buy extravagant real-estate, mansion homes, on scenic routes, ocean-seashores, clean coastal beach fronts. And as humans can no longer afford the medical bills, health care costs, then, they are forced through compelling circumstances, to relean how healthful it is to preserve their/our organic well being as healthy humans. Living body organisms! Less money means more mind power, self-controls, self-dietary disciplining!
Albeit, that’s my mastermind job, courageous career commission calling cause as an Arthiest Actionary, authorized, anointed, appointed Africa ascendancy AmeriAfrindian ArtistCHD via Arch Angel Ark Anchor Ankh Atom Amen-Ra Solar SUNGODD DEITY!
Genesis Generator Gracious Gift of our Conscious Con-Science Cosmic CREATOR. Giving general glory and positive photon power to the planetary people’s populations. ....
Compatible chemistries, coming cultured clean consummately, completely cured. Those of like minds, similar mentalities, typical thinking, tender thoughts, are united, The Unified Statutes of America + Africa!! Our USAA+ PROMISED LANDS.
Yes, these sectional societies are divided into singulars, segmented social settings; seeking sovereign serenity. While still in the solemn midst of being bodies among themselves, kindred spirits, hearts, souls and minds!
Following suit, the exact same ways that the planetary sphere earth’s bodily organism does, divide into islands, continents of Her holistic geographic VegePlanTerRain!

Y'all are knowing now how that these one-sided, single sociital sections, "all Black" and all White sickness syndromes, never shall combine compatibly, compose compassionately and caring in a charible character. No way will we want to unit with "red meat", hog haters, viral vegans - vegetarians who hate eating animal flesh. Nobody can get along when we so very often hear so said scholars, wanna-be Black leaders of the complaining "Conscious Community"; constantly causing civic conflicts. Childishly castigating culinary arts, attacking Africa's ancient ancestral Culinary Cuisines - Customary Cooking Commons that has been existing, practiced for tens of thousands of years, and of all ages.
Yet these meaningless minors = mad minorities, wrongly think that they are educated, smarter than the Artistries & Ancestries of Africa. Cowards coming online, insulting "neck bone"; "poke chop"; "pickle pigs feet"; consuming citizens, brothers and soulful sisters, esp. attempting to mock Christian faith worshippers; while surreptitiously supportig The Nation of Islam, Muslims - Muhammadans. Asiatic Arab-Eurasian Sick Slaver Masters too!

ANTI-AFRICA'S SOLAR SEXUS SOUL FOOD DIVINE: As opposed to "White Power" & "Black Power" politicized pundits. They are antagonist adversaries, alien agents, inordinately immature talk radio show hosts and guilty guests, who are frustrated with "The White Man"; so they make cowardice verbal insults, two-faced backstabbing sarcastic remarks against: African American "Black" Pastors, Preachers, Deacons, Reverends and Clergy. Butt, who is worst off, is it the wimpy whinners, cry babies, or is it those who simply love choosing to think, eat, believe in what they want to; freely and at liberty?!

Nor can African Americans come together to work on our disagreements, disputes, differences, in Love Peace & Harmony! Due to the conflicting chemistries, charged circuits and compelling climatic conditions. Sped up vibration frequency Rayzial-ratio-rates, extended-elongated wavelenghts and shortened wavelengths of our orgasmic-opioid: Electromagnetic Field ColorComPlexTrix + Maatrix + Soultrix + Spiritrix!
HEATXZ Hot Hades Hell Hate Flaming Fires, Burning Bogus Brains & Big Butts! Hatemongers having a closed mindset, "all Black" beaver blockades, and nobody can tell them anything different, unique in terminology, original definitions, new world words of wiser-wealthier wisdom. I'm talking about those in particular, who has dressed themselves up in traditional African clothing, called "Conscious Community" of Afrocentric Pan-Africanists; instead of PanorAfricanests. Far too many of the ANKH symbols on their necklaces, shirts, robs, scarves, etc. Romaniticizing this Red-Black-Green colors, is not good enough today. Nothing has changed for the betterment of Africans in America. Lower frequency faith followers. The cusssing, contaminating cities, corrupting citizens to think and believe that they are authentic authors, published book writers, of truthful knowledge. Interfacing with our real Africoidian authors and Arthiets + Earthors!
 BeaverlyD Blogtalkradio: Bro. Polite will discuss Monday November 19th - The Willie Lynch Prophecy: 2012 and The End of White Supremacy Part 1http://www.blogtalkradio.com/truth2power/2012/11/20/bro-politethe-end-of-white-supremacypart-1
Opitmized Options & Official Objectives of Occupyneers: Having a healthy, happy, humored holistic Huemainity. Non-religious, and or Ante-Religion, no need to be Atheists, butt, better beneficially blessed by being bestowed Arthiests. Coming far before any pseudo science, biblical history!
Number One: Everybody who wishes, wants to be set totally free at last from all manmade, manufactured mythological religiosities. Deliberated from dictators dietitians demonocracy dietary democracy. And coming inside our originating planetary Promacracy. And are actualized into our original Spiritiosities. CK-NWCA’s sovereign system, Spirit Source Science System + Sovereign Solar SUNGODD DEITY ‘S Dimensional Disc Domain! http://mp3.com/artist/ArtistCHD

ZOMBEES: Zero tolerance for individuals dependency upon self-healing, self-help, whcih = holistic health. And avoiding, excessive examinations, over-diagnosis by physicians pushing pharmaceutical pills = poisonous pollutions, predatory psychologist, pirating psychiatrists prescribing psychotic drugs and toxic treatments to our youngest school students, ‘African American Black’ kids, small children. Formulating a pipeline for the financial funding of the Private Prison Industries, States & Federal penal plantations.

Certainly these are the factors, primary elements adding up to equal our urgent need to bring into existence, mental and material matter art forms, our optimized, official Global-World-Nations. Not necessarily The United Nations! Instead We The Public People of the Planetary Populations!
De-privatizing everything that is vital to human beings survival. Each and every necessity, to full fledge freedoms, long lasting liberties, are rendered released. No more private ownership of city-municipal drinking water aquifer systems, jails, prisons, correctional centers, farms, food stores-supplies, ranches in livestock, agriculture -horticulture, plants-crops-vegetable, grain, nuts-seed-berries, No more personalized private ownerships of our hospitals, medical clinics, public housing-projects - apartments.

THE SATANIST STATE OF TEXAS: arrogantly acts against freedom, liberty and justice for all Americans. Thus, in succession to the U.S.Federal Govenment Union. Big bullies, building privatized prisions, jails to house people of color, melaninated members, dark skinned blackish-brownish Mexicans, Latinos, African Americans. Unrepentently holding We's & Us's in captivities, enslavements. Therefore, the Civil Wars will start with Texans, Racist redneck rouge renegade Reptilian Race Religion, of the Protestant - Baptist Sountherners, Wicked witchcraft WhitTie whip Cracker Caucasian Caucasoid militia males. And here again I vehemently proclaim: "Let My People Go, Or Else"!!!
Private security police units, county, city cops, are to be disarmed, broken back down to ground level zero, empty handed. Strictly and specifically due to them being blatantly bad badge wearing warlocks, warlords, werewolves and wicked witched. Causing civil conflicts, race riots, urban dwellers who are sick-tired-fed up with these terrorist thugs, uniformed petty police officers, misusing and abusing their policing powers. They are given far too much, push and pull pistol on unarm civilians, shoot them down in cold blood. Murderers and serial killers they are, overall and in general, Corrupt Criminals!

“Africom” = Africoidian military men, machine might, authentically authorized males, are to take total tactical controls over our African American communities, inner city neighborhoods. Complete combat commandos, disarming the State highway patrols, and police forces across the country.

Every citizen who is on Federalized Food Fitness, Financial Funds, SNAP, Socialized Stamps to buy food in grocery stores. Those on Social Security, retirement, disability benefits, are being protected and defended, as the poor down trodden masses. People that are unemployed and or unemployable, as a mandated must be sheltered, serviced, saved, fed, clothed, by fearlessly fighting Financed Foundational Federation!
No State of Texas, and no where else, shall be permitted to carry firearms, handguns, concealed or otherwise in their possessions. City cops can carry their officers badges, hand held pitons, night sticks, Billy clubs, etc. No mace, stun guns, tear gas, pepper spray, toxic chemicals contaminating citizenries causing cancers.

Howsoever, the petty police patrols can wear bullet proof vests, carry handcuffs, cell phones, (Not “Free Obama Phones”!) Can no longer be flabby-fat, excessively overweight, obese, pot bellied. Only those living below the assessed poverty line-poor level, are receiving free first aid, basic health care clinical treatment at local hospital now ran, operated, owned by the Genoblists - Freedom Federation.
The jobless, indigent, are no longer shelter less, or homeless, because Humanity has housed helpless humans, fulfilling each and every basic need to live a healthy happy life upon the earthly planet.
Religions: Christians-Christianity, Islamic Muslims + Orthodox Islam, Mormons, Jews-Judaism, Black Israelite Hebrews, Hindus, Buddhists, and others are living inside their owned enclaves, circles accordingly. Yes, to each its own!
COLOR KINGDOM New World Creative Arts, paralleling paradem-on-stration, vs. “The New World Order”!! Which ever one y’all elect to choose?

http://www.colorkingdomnwca.com/color_kingdom_blogs-music_art.htm ….
Extraterrestrials+ Ultra-Universals:

Feederation = Feederation = Feederational = Feederationalists
Federation, Federational = Federationalists, Meaning to rationally feed folks, feeding, foundational freedoms, financed funds, feeding food to humans, nationally and internationally. No I did not say Federal!
The adjective RATIONAL has 4 senses:
1. consistent with or based on or using reason
2. of or associated with or requiring the use of the mind
3. capable of being expressed as a quotient of integers
4. having its source in or being guided by the intellect (distinguished from experience or emotion)Familiarity information: RATIONAL used as an adjective is uncommon.
Past tense of feed = fed = fed-e-ration, Ration: noun
1: the food allowance for one day (especially for service personnel); "the rations should be nutritionally balanced"
2: a fixed portion that is allotted (especially in times of scarcity)
“1: restrict the consumption of a relatively scarce commodity, as during war; "Bread was rationed during the siege of the city"
2: distribute in rations, as in the army; "Cigarettes are rationed" [syn: 107 Moby Thesaurus words for "ration": administer, allocate, allot, allotment, allowance, amount, apportion, apportionment, assign, assignment, batch, big end, bigger half, bit, bite, budget, bunch, chunk, clutch, comestibles, commission, commons, consignment, contingent, control, count, cut, deal, deal out, destiny, disburse, dispense, disperse, dispose, distribute, distribution, divide, dividend, division, divvy, dole, dole out, dose, eatables, edibles, end, equal share, fate, food, give out, gob, group, half, halver, hand out, heap, helping, hunk, interest, issue, large amount, limit, lot, measure, measure out, meed, mess, mete, mete out, modicum, moiety, number, pack, parcel, parcel out, part, pass around, pay out, percentage, piece, portion, portion out, proportion, prorate, provender, provision, provisions, quantity, quantum, quota, rake-off, rations, restrict, schedule, segment, share, shift, slice, small amount, small share, spoon out, stake, stock, sum, supplies, viands, victuals”
Everybody, everyone shall surely get their fair share of food, survival supplies, shelters and of FEMA trailers-campgrounds. Clean cultured compounds, concentrated city-country-county communities. No firearms!
No alcoholic beverages, illicit-illegal drugs, weed-marijuana-grass, tobacco cigarettes-cigars, …..
Guarded 24/7, authorized military searches-seizures sanctioned, entering and or leaving living areas, zones, locations. No police patrols on the interior streets, premises. No religious churches, mosques, synagogues. Only Spiritual Temples, Chapels, Civic Centers. Place to meditate Spiritiously as opposed to praying religiously!! In silence, quiet, love-peace and harmony, among members.
Free Feederational bus transportation, shuttles to and from down town, central cities,… workplaces, … without local police check points, harassment, holdups, beatings-battering, arrests, assaults and attacks!
No more ‘Racial Profiling’, writing unwarranted traffic tickets to make money, get revenues, thus taking liberties with helpless and defenseless citizens. All fines, fees are paid by the Free-Feederation, according to The Unified Statutes of America + Africa!!
Actually the localized States shall surely sweat the bogus bills of bankruptcy = broke! Basically because, they decided, elected, and voted to “succeed” from Free Federalization! And unfortunately they are not able to fed themselves!
There can be no melanin members mutual mergers, due to the conflicting, combustible chemistries. Forcing citizens to mix and mingle is a failure, faulty thing imposed by law or legislature. Compelled separation or segregation is equally wrong and unwise.
Fragmented frameworks, separated societal sections, divisions between ideologies, beliefs religiously and politically. Conscious confusion, community chaos, citizens combined who are not compatible with and among each other. Opposing poles, polarities, opposite positions - places - persons.
Break back down to ground level zero, everybody, establishing equality, effectual equilibrium. Basic biological bodily balance!!
BUTT the general overall citizenry, public people’s population, are entitled to all of the needed nutrients, necessary nourishments, rendered resources, equably. There’s no more competition among members to get, have, acquire that in which all humans need, as opposed to desire.
“White privilege” is over! No social-economic, financial-monetary means are freely given to advance one RAYZIAL, racial/ethnic group over or above the others. Eliminating all special interest lobbyists, humbling and lowering the manmade manufactured middle class and upper class citizens. Thereby, freeing the low class citizens from the oppression - repression - depression, of that center section of society, who are tyrannical, prejudiced people, bigoted, bias against other citizens of the country and nation!

Africa’s ancient ancestral artistries, Africoidian ideals incorporated, assimilated, integrated into our originating organizations, operations, orchestrations, of our optimized Genoble Global World Nations.
Promocracy vs. Democracy, Promocratic vs. Democratic!! Yes Ancient Ancestral Africa's Africoidian Primacy, promoting public people’s private persons, and primary planetary populations. One has HueMainRights, to themselves, bodily beings, basic belongings.
Afri-cap-it-allysm vs. Capitalism - Communism - Socialism!! Allying Africa’s ancient ancestries and anointed artistries. Artworks into Internet Networks. Artfully applying authenticity = arthiesticity instead of ethnicity. Basically because Hue-Main-Kind is an art form, foundational feature, formulation. These talented terminologies tells total truths 100%+ thus tested throughout the terrestrial times!
PanorAfricAsporAgenda Promocractic Plan: Equals = Capping off, out of control citizenries, over-populations of people, outgrowing the available resources, thus requiring the raping, robbing of the earthly planetary sphere. Over-productions of toxic chemicals, wastes, poisonous pollutions. Contaminating the airways and waterways, causing cancers, corrosions, corruptions to Her VegePlanTerRain! http://artistchd.wordpress.com

Counter-Combating Competitive Capitalism cannibalism, criminal conception, causing cancerous conditions. And is feeding upon itself inflicted insanity, gluttonous greed. Over consuming capital cash currencies; conquering continents - countries worldwide. Wicked witchcraft WhitTie whip Crackers Corrupt Corporations.

Geo-Genoblists: are financially free from faulty foundational funding, from the International Monetary Fund = IMF, free from the Federal Treasury printing up any amount of dollars it desires. Free from the International World Banks.
BUTT TALENTROLOGY: A noble genetic grassroots geographical growth, generating great gifts of genesis geniuses. Creating conditions that our optimized youth, young teenagers, new born babies, small kids-children can come into being better beneficially bestowed blessed. So that they shall surely develop divinely decreed declarations. Generational gallantry + actualized artistry!!
The Declaration of Independence” Day 4th of July, means nothing more than having a big BBQ cookout. Fine and dandy, so be it. And these sick Southerners, Texas redneck racists, realize today that they are captive slaves to the same sinister System SATAN, as all other ethnicities of melanin coloration complexions. ‘Poor white trash’; impoverished peckerwoods, “Crackers”; Honkies, Patties and “New World Order” N…words!!!
They have no sovereignty nor serenity. I often hear talk radio show host Mr. Alex Jones, proclaiming that The State of Texas should “secede” from the Union = U.S. Federal Government. “Take back our country”; Constitution of their ‘Founding Fathers’, etc. And I vehemently ask, really?
AfricAsporAgenda: Americanized Africoidians, Afrindians have no founding fathers, nor legitimate Constitution, herein these dis-United States of Anglo-America Al Qaeda. Angry antagonist adversaries, alien agents.

What Declaration of Independence for Wexz & Usxz? So let our minds militarize melanin media, methodical messiah mental models making more meaningful sense, soundness, saneness. Dependence Day Divinely Decreed, Declared Deliberated & Deified!!!
OBAMABRAHAM:; Lincolnocks + Africancipation Promoclaration vs. Emancipation Proclamation & Declaration: undresses, unclothe, disrobes the USA’s masquerading rapists and ratified racists and robbers, radical renegade rouge Reptilian Race Religions. Sovereign Suppremist Successionists, 99, 000 in Texas filed petitions to withdraw, pull out of the Federal Union.
Centuries of mis-eduction, disinformation is being dismantled, under the Africoidian Americaized U.S. President Barack Huessein Obamas’s Administration Abraham Lincoln. Oval Office Capitol Hill Washington, D.C. Commander In Chief of the Pentagon!

His physical-biological bodily image, is our optimized, orgasmic, opioid, objective Occupyeers organic-organism. Melanin Mastermind Messiah Mental Model-Media. Superficial skin color, artificial appearance, epidermal pigmentation, speaks for itself. An ObamAbraham reflection of currency changes, climatic conditions changing circuit charges. Here to set the enslaved captives free unto the perfect law of liberty!? Yes The Freederation + Feederation!!
As ancient Africoidian Olmecs of Olmecca, who are authentic Arthiest AmeriAfrindians, native-natural indigenous inhabitants, called Indians in English language wording, are also We's & Us's. Those who left our original creative artworks as positive proofs, efficient-effectual evidence existing right now today. And as the name America came into being known on the geographical map; so be it, fine and dandy!
Nevertheless, this entire empire of Eu-Rope-an blood sucking vampires, is hatefully held hostages in bondage by bias bogus bigots, hatemonger hypocrites, and racist renegade rouge Reptilian Race Religion. The truest Slave Master of all HueMainity, living upon the planetary sphere earth. A METAL VIRONXZ, Psychogen = "mental virus"; infecting, infesting the gene-pool, contaminating our originating blood lines and clean cultured cells, melanin membranes and corrupting our bright brilliant brains. Due to duping, bribing, brainwashing!
Unknowingly or  knowingly, unintentionally or intentionally, unwittingly or wittingly, The United States President Barack Hussein Obama-Abraham Lincoln; is the reincarnation, rebirth, reborn benefit blessing bestowed biological bodily being: Multiplex-Rayzial-reality. An A+ Son of SUNGODD DEITY, as well as I AM  The Original Creative ArtistCHD AmeriAfrindian Avatar Avenger via Arch Angel Arch Ankh Arthiest Atom Amen-Ra, of Z-Blac-Keyz and of Z-BlackRayz!!!
He do not necessarily; Know, all of these things in their truest sense. Howsoever, it is my job, courageous career comminssion calling cause, to reveal and to portray the pictures to yawls. PanorAfricAspora!
Ya see, crystal clear, how that Africans in America, z-blackxz, z-bluexz, z-brownxz, pigmented people are under violently vicious attacks. Adversarial assualts, while some senseless, soulless sisters, and so said 'Black brothers', still stay stuck stupidly, on these foreign invasions as dietary deceivers, demonic dietitians and nasty nose negative nutritionist Negras. Adopting an antagonist asinine ass alien agent, that in essence, is Anti-Africa. They embrace evil enemy energy entities, Eurasian-CaucAsian criminally corrupt culinary concepts and idiotic ideologies. Bringing them back inside the under-class communities of color complexions, claiming to be experts, authorities, university scholars, college educated 'Negroes'! These are ya truest N...WORDS!!
Politicized profiteers vs Original Occupyneers. Attempting to dictatate deitary dinner dishes; Veganism & Vegetarianism, to those of us who eat meats, animal flesh + fresh vegetables, fruits, berries, nuts, seeds, grains, dairy. Yes, doing so at liberty, generating, healthy holistic, healing humored happiness, as we please with genuine joy. Equals = SPIRITIOUS Solar Sexus SOUL FOOD DIVINE! http://www.last.fm/music/ArtistCHD/SoulFooDivine
Albeit, better beneficially blessed, "Obama Care", as I've envisioned and imagined, shall surely serve societies as a Savior. Finally feed the fallen flocks through what I have named to be, The USAA+PROMISED LANDS FEEDERATION!!! Equals = free food, full fledged financial freedom = $$$


NYC fast-food workers in historic fight for unionization
Tell President Obama: Insist that Congress raise the minimum wage to $15!
Tell friends, family and co-workers to take action!
 New York City fast-food workers rally, 11-29-2012
"Today, hundreds of fast-food workers across New York City made history when they boldly decided to strike and protest the mega-billion dollar corporations that employ them. They demanded respect, their right to organize, and an end to poverty wages, which cannot even cover the basic necessities of life."
Positive Plus+ they also have a right to self-respect by owning their business enterprises, entrepreneurial industries, just like the heroic Honored Marcus Mossiah Garvey, and other self-loving Africoidians emphasized and illustrated by actually doing! And CK-NWCA, is an equal opportunity to start small and grow large ownership. Artworks. So who's responsible for "Blacks"; "Negroes" going so far astray?
"While the CEOs and investors take in billions, food-service workers are all too often sleeping in shelters and relying on social services to feed their children." I say that's true to some extent, butt, believe my telling y'all that by keeping on raising the salaries of lower, middle, upper class citizens, effectually equals economic Inflation!
The more money made, minimum wage raises, the more the cost of living goes upwards, the food prices increases respectively-resulting in a constant cycle, Capital Cash Currency clash-collision-crash. Devalued Dollar bills and bankruptcy. People are simply greedy, glutonous, never getting enough. And the finalizing fatality is required to force them to Stop-Point-Blank-Period. The system has reached its pressure points, and is about to explode and implode!!
WHAT'S NEW? "The company takes advantage of their workers' vulnerability by threatening them with replacement if they dare to speak back or organize. Workers have already been illegally fired in NYC for having had the courage to try to collectively organize with their co-workers – a legally protected right."
And I say in these helpless-defenseless cases, shut the hell up, be quiet, save ya money, live within your monetary means, lay-low, until a better day. Why keep getting all emotionally upset, argry, madly insane, when one only has to get even and go ahead on upwards as Africa's Ascendants. This is wisdom! Besides, 'Obama care' covers your survival and nothing else!
Meanwhile you are on welfare-food stamps, SNAP, jobless-unemployed, learn how valuable it is to study to show yourself approved unto your Cosmic CREATOR. Teach yourselves how to learn, new lessons, art forms, that pays off handsomely in the present and future. Stay at home and develope your native-natural gifts of grace, truer talents. Utilize your time laid off, fired from work, to uplift other organic options, pursue positive purposes to produce profits fairly, honestly and culturally cleansed!
Since African Americans are being portrayed up-front, Blackface, on these news reports, it grossly distrorts reality, that there are all types of skin colors, RAYZIAL complexions, ethnic groups working in the fast food industires. And therefore, Wexz & Usxz are no longer the captive slaves trying to save everybody else, so called "minorities" = minors. And has grown up to mature adults, who have learned lessons, that self-sufficiency solves these discriminatory paycheck problems. Period.
New York City fast-food workers rally, 11-29-2012New York City fast-food workers rally, 11-29-2012New York City fast-food workers rally, 11-29-2012
Music Player JukeboxAlive:
Intervention Divine:
Alex's Official Channel
The Black Atheist of Atlanta:
http://www.ezrahspeaks.com/ Exrah: http://www.ezrahspeaks.com/Colmns.html ….
.Info@EzrahSpeaks.com “As such, we should not expect centuries of mis-education and psychological attachments to simply evaporate, even with a Black president. The purging process however, will certainly require a “systemic undressing” of America’s character and historiography in ways that this establishment will definitely find uncomfortable and unwilling to concede.”
Welcome to Harambee Radio OnlineThe Black Learning Channel. Harambee's Very Own Ning Site . Dalani Aamon's Site. True Africarambee Africadio vs. false Harambee radio version via Real Harambee Africa, Kenya Coat of Arms National Symbol. COLOR KINGODOM NWCA ARTISTCHD1 http://www.colorkingdomnwca.comhttp://www.harambeeradio.com/ + http://artistchd.wordpress.com )
SOUL-FOOD-DIVINE: The VegeLeoAugustan VegePlanTerRain = Authentic-Authorized Africarambees Africadio vs false Harambee radio-TV vs True Harambee Kenya, Africa + Africoidian Ancient Ancestry-Artistry = Ascendant AmeriAfrindian ArtistCHD homegrown green garden vegetables + colorful clean cultured crops = ColorKingdom New World Creative Arts Ankh Atom Amen-Ra Z-Blackrayz MAATRIX+SOULTRIX + SPIRITRIX + Son of Solar SUNGODD DEITY!......
ArtistCHD MP3: http://mp3.com/artist/ArtistCHD

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