Monday, November 21, 2011

OCCUPYNEERS Optimized Optional Objectives = Spiritual Renaissance Movement MultiplexRacialBody March Multimillion men+women > Washington DC Capitol Hill US Presidential Oval Office Fed-Gov. Divinely Decreed Deliberated Day of Justice Judgment Under One HueMainLaw = We The Public People Power Plan + Positive Population Protests >The Prison-Pharmaceutical-Military Industrial Complexes!!!

1. YES: THE COMFORTER COMMANDER CHIEF COLOR KINGDOM New World Creative Arts; commands a multimillion men and women. Indubitably, of our Optical Optimized OCCUPYNEERS MultiplexRacialBody of current cultural color complexions: black-brown-red, tan-yellow, white-pink pigmented people’s population = UNIFICATION. Artistically actualized as authentic, and aesthetically authorized Actioneers + Humaneers: We The Public People Power Plan + Positive Population Protests = Pyramidal Panorama Phenomena Diaspora Afrindica!  Commandeer + Occupyneer Washington DC Capitol Hill. "We Have A Responsibility To Act"; "A Humanitarian Mission" 'To Protect Our U.S. Civilians & Defend The Citizens Constitution of America'! This is our objectively original organizations operational order: Solar Sexus Souls SOVEREIGN SPIRIT SOURCE SCIENCE SYSTEM =  SYSTREAM!!!
2. INDUBITABLY no doubt, shifting sensibilies sanely sound minded, focussing our objective options = attention and energetic efforts to overcome...; directly at the sinister sources snake serpent SYSTEM SATAN. Courageously Occupyneering and Systreaming street sidewalks, scenic routes respectfully, wisely avoiding criminal cops contacts, clashing confrontations, ambitious arrogant egos of; in particular White males. And side-stepping petty police patrols. Come clean cultured, calmly composed currently cautious and carful and compassionate. All that MAATIEST may, bring ya laughter, your facts, legal case stories, established evidences and documented proofs of their official guilt and criminal culpabilities. Plus, smile'n lovin' faith always; happily, healthily, humorously and holistically; with cheers of joy, seasons greetings and meetings among merry members of the HueMainKind family's tribal tree. Under One HUEMAINLAW!
2a. Truly Subservient Slaves & Entrapped Citizen Captives of the American Continental Criminalizing Cage: this certainly means millions marching upon, inside-around down town and or against Washington DC Capitol Hill United States Presidential Oval Office. Inclusively, every U.S. Government body branch; the Executive, Legislative, Judicial. Also the giant Capitalist Corporations are owned, operated through the deceased demons, dead bodies belonging to the ruined, rotten ribs, of the racist religious REPTILIAN RACE!
3. YES The Site of Transition + Transformation + Transfiguration: McPherson Plaza, general area, location, Capitol Hill Washington DC, is the designated rendezvous, meeting point of reference. Specifically for regenerating and or transcending, the dying “Occupy Wall Street Movement”! That is facing dooms day gloom soon by city official goons. Plus failing fatally from inside, internal ill-will, divisions, disputes about spending monetary means, financial funds, and invidious insidious Institutionalized Religious Racism!  Thus to build up our 21st CyberSpaceAge Optimized OCCUPYNEERS Optional Objectives; Son of SUNGOD Ancient Ancestral Africoid Africa' s Ascendant Avenger AmeriAfrindian ArtistCHD; is called, chosen, commissioned and sent anointed-appointed. Updated today,  Friday, January 13, 2012... 12:00 am.  High achievement success also means, no cop confrontations, contentions or civil conflicts!!!

4. Rising Tsunami Tidal Waves of Cognizant Conscious Awareness + Awakening:  DIVINE DECREED DELIBERATED DELIVERANCE DECLARATION DAY of JUSTICE + JUGDMENT!!  Precisely January 1, 2012 punctually at 12:00 am Sunday. And this occassion only marks the initiating start to the end of wicked witchcraft western white Supremacy Superiority Superpower Sickness Syndromes + Black Jackass Uncletomism - Samboism - Self-hatism!!! Being terminated via ColorKingdom New World Creative Arts, gifted genius genesis. Born better beneficially blessed beginnings, with a HUEMAINKIND Birth Certification of Righteousness + Spiritiousness. This planting of potent seed for future harvest, instates, intalls Mother Matriarch Madam MAAT'S Love Peace & Harmony, in Dynamic Equilibrium Bio-Balance!! Equals = equity under HueMainLaw. Plus+ “Dissidents” defying the “New World Order” & “Globalization" and replacing it with an installed, instated GlobalWorldNations!!! 
4a. Promocracy vs. democracy‘s dictators "demonocracy"!! Means to positively produce progressively instead of demo or demolishing or destructing or demon. No deductions and destructions. Something of positive values, that adds and not subtract from morality or morals, wholesomeness, righteousness, kindheartedness, etc. Things that unify or unite as opposed to things that divide, conquer, confuse, cause chaos, civil conflicts and combustion. This creative concept promotes and not demotes, take way from that which is good. N. Promocracyeers.  
5. Zombies, Spooks, Ghostly Goons + Sambo: Expressly the U.S. Supreme Court of corrupt criminals, lynch mobs of demonic death squards and execution sentences of wrongfully accused innocent American citizens. In particularly Mr. Troy Davis' murder and unconstitutional death penalty. Let us also admonish - caution - warn, challenge+charge... all Congressional and Senatorial stations of poisonous polluted political power positions, seated upon their pitiful psychopathic posteriors!!!
6. The Supremacy Superiority Superpower Slave Ship sinks, alone with everybody who wishes or wants to believe in it and still support its sad-satanic legacy of insanity's inhumanity! Nevertheless, now today is the perfected time period to massively move, and in one single direction, by bodies, minds, spirits + sovereign Solar Sexus Souls. Unified under these instructions, at once, promptly, immediately without delay. Constitutes calmly composed concentration + urgent unification. And make no mistakes about it, these are no pleadings, asking, begging anyone to do anything, not in the least amounts attempting to convince the inconvincible servants of satanic sensations. Butt, believe my telling y'all, as an anointed, appointed, authorized Avenger Prophet Messenger AritstCHD, instinctively-intuitively I KNOW spiritually, that they are our Conscious Conscience Cosmic CREATOR'S COMMANDMENTS!!!
6a. Openly obey orders or else....face forceful powers of The Ether That Be's compelling circumstances = cataclysmic, catastrophic, calamitous currency charged climatic changes = Sudden Shock & Awesome Forces of Mother Earth's Divine Nature!!!  Her wild whirling winds, wrathful weather = worship wealthy womanhood's witty wisdom all around our whole wide world.

CROSSCRUX ANKH + MAAT = Dutifully Cast NOTES vs Votes: Apathy - Indifference - Complacency + Compliancy are our realistic and truest Entity Energy Enemies with silence on these stated subjects herein..., being the number one serial KILLER.  So y'all, may choose freely to do the self what is good and wholesome and as Commanded! Drop the axes, divisive personal negative name calling, let go of bitterness, apathetic attitudes, inordinate indifference, complacent comfortable lifestyles via assumed job security and local business traffic as usual, ignoring street protesters, who are doing the best that they can, in spite of themseves at times, blocking pathways, building fronts and walking in the streets. Some are no doubt fringe groups, raucous radicals rebelling against all authorities!
8. Butt worse off are those thinking that they are so well employed, housed with safe-secure shelters and fresh food to eat. More important today, is to cease the un-brotherly and un-sisterly sarcastic remarks, verbal insults, shouting obscenities, disrespectful profanity, constant uncivilized cursing at other living human beings instead of inanimate objects. Relinquish back stabbing gossip and two-face fakery. Cease the in fighting, fussing, arguing, disputing among one another. StopPointBlankPeriod procrastination, indecision and postponement of our OFFICIAL OCCUPYNEERS Constitutional Commission Calling Cause of Actions. No more talking and thinking about this, because, we have been wasting valuable time always planning and never carrying out those plans, across our USAA PROMISED LANDS!!!
Jobs, Not Jails!
March and Rally Saturday, Jan. 14, 2012 at 11 a.m.
7th & P St. NW, Washington, D.C.
(Green/Yellow Line to Mt. Pleasant-Convention Center)

1. YES THE COMFORTER COMMANDER CHIEF CK-NWCA Reveals: Certainly citizenries have been turn in on each other, their energy entities converted into city and county cops working for the State. And lower class civilians, were recruited by increasing numbers as common citizens, to join the ranks of the police patrol populations across the USA. And this strategic maneuver, masterminded the mentality method of making our would be friends, neighbors, etc., our enemies. The political officials, brought their objective about, caused them to come into being, by systematically, systemically and silently removing living wage jobs, gainful employment opportunities, away from and out of certain city sections of societies. Replacing them with U.S. Government CIA Sponsored Crack Rock Cocaine, and other illicit, illegal and legalized drugs! Thus to enhance, elevate: THE PRISON INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX!!! Equals = A Modern Day Underground Legalized Slave Trade Market & Jail House Prisoner Corruption Racket!!!

2. The PPMIC = The Pharmaceutical-Prison-Military Industrial Complexes!!! Pronounced = peemic or pee-mic sounds similar to endemic, panic, anemic, epidemic, pandemic, etc. Meaning by defined creative concept these collective causes and clinical conditions. A current cultured climate, causing civil conflicts, widespread in flagrant formations, and pandemic patent pathways of pharmaceutics, physicians, poisonous pills, politicized pollutions. Having unhealthy jail cells, membranes, imprisoned behind the bars of blatant behaving barbaric beasts. Leaderships in religious political power positions who are psychopaths = politicians, and sick sociopath sinister scientists = SYSTEM'S SATANISTS!!!
3. Y’ALL LISTEN UP CLOSELY: The planned plot, conspiring coalitions, set up these living environments, as anti-humanity, anti-sanity, and most of all anti-MAAT Matriarch Madam Mother Africa GODDESS of Love Peace & Harmony, Equals Her Dynamic Equilibrium Bio-Balance = reciprocity, sharing, friendships, kindheartedness, righteousness, truthfulness, healthfulness, holistic healing, compassionate care + clean cultured curing. It's our original Ancient Ancestral Africoid Ascendance + Authentic Authorized Artistry.
4. Moreover, the Europeanized vs. Africanized artful applications are counter-productive to positive progress on all scales, weights, balances and measures, of wholesomeness to a healthy holistic humanity. Imposed as impostors positioning themselves into powerful political places, so that they can cause cancers, criminality, civil conflicts, crooks of corruptions, throughout, Capitalist - Socialist - Communist citizenries. Consequently, can apprehend and arrest their subjected victims, through these terrifying laws, legalized legislations, then psychotically justifies experimenting on them while incarcerated, jailed or imprisoned. A mad man’s medical laboratory of tissue testing, toxic treatments, teroristic threats, trauma, torments and tortures!!!

4a. And this test tube tissue terrorism, is also made mandatory militarily to enlisted members, patriotic patients, youngsters serving their supposed country, via viciously viral vaccines! Then they end up loony in their heads, confused, and homicidal and suicidal, then the military Officials claim that they are only just stressed out due to the bloody warfare. Some post disorder or derangement, etc. Butt, that's not all of the truest stories, as I AM righteously revealing to y'all presently today!
5. Consciously creating criminality by giving patients, prisoners psychological prescription pills, producting psychotic reactions, behaviors, and disconnection with a truer reality. Then turn these human beings out onto the inner city streets, acting all crazy and spaced out, as if they had lost their minds. And might I be very specific about what I'm saying to y'all, those behind these tests, clinical trials and tissue terrorism, are Euro-Caucasian Caucasoid creatures. So may we no longer fool ourselves by playing colorblind. These bad bio-genotype traits hate humanity, they have this profoundly deep hatred, hideous hostilites, against Africa's Africoids..., somewhere strored in the recesses of their Messenger RNA & Mitochondria DNA CODES! “Deep in the recesses of their psyches” (J.R.S.)
6. Which wicked witchcrafts; sinful sorceries, in turn creates criminalizing living environments, requiring larger police patrols to enforce the ever changing laws, rules and ridiculous regulations. And the local and mainstream news media were bought and sold by the racist rouge renegade religious Rulers REPTILIAN RACE, governing giant capitalist corporations, compelled to push the envelope of fear mongering. Generating hysteria, and emotional discomfort and discontent among the registered voters who ran and rushed out to their local voting booths on election days, to impose these so called “get tough on crime” bills, “war against crime”; “war against drugs”; this that and the other justifications for spending, yet wasting billions of tax dollars. Thus to buy more militaristic machinery, weaponry, vehicles, equipment-gear, tactical; terrorist SWAT teams, Special Combat Police Units, Riot Police, and their dislikes today!
7. Thus constructing city jails and privatized prisons built upon the backs of poor Blackxz & Brownxz.. Profiteering as middle class white America, aided and abetted their hate crimes committed against darker skinned humanity. Investing their extra income with Wall Street Stock Exchange markets, reaping capital gains from the jails and privatized prison system.  And happily making profitable monetary margins from oppression-repression-depression of nonwhites nationally and internationally. Domestically domineering in the decision making processes here at home in America. Sitting upon their pearly pink posteriors, Lilly white rear ends, in virtually all white juries judging people of darker skin colorations. Instituted psychopathy racism. They were pre-programmed, prejudiced in their mindsets against impoverished people of color, in particular. Thinking that they were innately intelligent, more meaningful, always right, and much better than the subjected victims as "Minorities" of corrupted Capitalist Corporations. Conglomerated gluttonous greed!
8. ASLEEP SILENLTY: Playing colorblind, dumb, and ignorantly ignoring these true realities of overt and covert racism, that became invidiously, insidiously institutionalized. A cancerous growth against humankind was happening with White middle + upper class Americans acting like they were sound asleep, and didn't see anything wrong with the Sickening Satanic System. As long as they had high paying jobs, and lucrative career salaries, and extra income to spend and money to burn = $$$
9. UNCLETOMISM & SELFHATISM + SAMBOISM: Was being created so that there would be shifting sensibilities, that would allow the "pale face" politicians, official authorities who are Anglo-Americans, to cowardly hide their white skin behind hired henchmen-women, put up on the frontlines. Naive, gullible per-suns as people of colorations glibly used. To carry out some of their underhanded demonic dirty works. Miseducated, indoctrinated and conditioned to follow strict orders from their terrifying Caucasian Caucasoid criminal commanders. Now today our young White "Occupiers" are seeing and suffering the dire consequences of their parents prejudices and bias bigotry. The Establishment, knew how to use their racial hatred back against them, by employing high numbers of Black & Brown nose stooges, sucking up as sycophants. Anticipating and expecting a Civil Conflict from the down fall fatality of the CaucAsian Caucasoid Class of central citizenries of societies. Entrapped in a maze, box, contained, controlled and caught inside a continental cage of every conceivable crook, vulgar, uncultured, uncivilized, unclean, profanely foul spirit, and hostile hateful bird. The New..N...Words & Sentenced SLAVES!!
10. While still in the stealthy surreptitious midst of recruiting more police officers as cadets, rookies green behind their ears, and wearing rose colored glasses, so to speak. Not necessarily knowing why they are being encouraged to join law enforcement, and never realizing that they would eventually be used. Exploited expediently against the helpless homeless, defenseless unemployed, and general street people. Many hundreds of thousands, were well off upper middle classified citzens, until recently, falling financially into bankruptcy, home foreclosures, loan shark borrowing... or predatory lending debt enslavements. These youth joining forces with the States & City Halls, allowed themselves to be puns of politicians, just to get and keep their jobs, to pay their own bills, feed and shelter themselves and families. Many others simply don’t know any better, due to their naiveté and gullibility, to trust these white shirt wearing higher ranking or rated Lieutenants, Sergeants, Captains, Chefs, etc
1. Divinely Decreed Devil Damned, are these tender new proselytes, recruits, disciples, apostles of SATAN’S SYSTEM, This is an advanced understanding of educational, developmental psychology, teaching and learning. Then they artfully apply the tested techniques on populations of people, indoctrinating and educating them; which effectually or effectively processes the methodology of: Duping - Bribing - Brainwashing!!
2. "Occupy Wall Street": Use some of the donated dollars, monetary cash capital currencies, financial funds, to rent, lease and or charter commercial busses. Transportation services that can carry citizens luggage, bags-belongings. This is a wise investment, to go to Washington DC on this date or be there already, protesting peacefully; if you may of good will. OCCUPYNEERING, park places, market squares, scenic spaces, high traffic tourists areas, and locations open to the PUBLIC DOMAIN + CREATIVE COMMONS!!
3. Remember yawls to Dutifully NOTE vs. Vote; These Occupyneerations, are not permanent “Occupations”. Only our Optional Objectives to temporarily settle down on these city spaces, during this special specified, sapiens Systream OCCUPYNEERS optimized occasion. Love Peace & Harmony!!! = LOVE GODDESS MOTHER MATRIARCH MAAT.She is the Divinely Decreed direction to go in by all of Her healthy humanity for holistic healing!
4. “WELCOME TO OUR WORLD” The Whites: “Reconciled (differences) on some level, it has to be done…how, I don‘t know.” (J.R.S) Albeit, Avenger AmeriAfrindian ArtistCHD, and he both totally agree 100%, about how these so called CaucAsian Caucasoid European Whites were kicked out of Negroid, ancient ancestral Africoid Africa, pushed away from their parents who birthed them. Basically rejected by their originating family tribal trees, homeland baby birthing cradle of Humanoid kind, because, of their bad barbaric behaviors, beastly enslaving savagery. And as a direct and proximate results, were forced to live in freezing cold Caucasus cave icy isolation, segregation and discrimination. Kept out of direct ultraviolet rays of the spectral hues, avoiding arid, hot hellish heat, excessive sunshine-light, for their own good, well being, and health. At least until they could coolly calm down in composure, come currently cultured clean, and civilized. Yet this took several ice-ages for their biological-physiologic features to stabilize and superficially normalize, into common decency.
4a. As I've envisioned, the oldest Africoid females, named Lucie, Lucia, Lucy and such, 1000-3000 years old remains, and or 1.2 million years old bones, were the ones who took care of her mutant infant babies born with serious health issues and blotched brown-black-pink-white skin pigmentation. She or they migrated to more safe and secure geographical locations, as any compassionate caring MOTHER NATURE MAAT, would do to defend and protect her offspring, progeny, regardless if they were sick, ill, virus infected and had deadly diseases! And or simply peculiar appearing, different looking Albinos of albinism, having pinkish pigmentation, white and bleached-blond hair. Somewhat freaks of nativity!
5. Butt, apparently, today, in my view = Real-Live-Vision, only a few; Rare+Rich+Royal 10% to 12%, are SPIRITUALLY saved, redeemed and Divinely Decreed Deliberated. Better beneficially blessed by BRIGHT BRILLIANT BRAINS!!!
6. COMPELLED TO LEAVE + TAKEN OUTSIDE OF AFRICA: Due to them being mutant members or mutations, infected with the vicious virus and or disease leprosy and albinism. A defectively dysfunctional, deficient Melanin hormonal generating Pineal Gland = SPIRITUALITY producer. Consequently inheriting recessive, descending, degenerating genetic Messenger RNA + Mitochondria DNA CODES. Prejudicedly programmed 88% to 90%, racists, sexists, fascists, egoists, suffering Superiority Supremacy Superpower Sickness Syndromes. 
7. Maybe a Karmic over-reacton of Melanin psychosis - pathology. Trying to compensate for their internalized inferiority feelings; by degrading - denegrating others outside of themselves. PROJECTIONS! To an institutionalizing psychopathy, thus then socialized sociopathy as taught and learned racial prejudices; reinforcing their innate propensity or tendency towards terrorism, torment and torture. Dominating and controlling their weaker white members, enslaving them, then proceeding out into the vast geographical land masses upon planet earth; replicating religious Reptilian Race's radicalized racism. Unmerciful, unremorseful, unforgiving, ungodly, unholy mentalities, culminating into psychopathic and sociopath criminality. And this is why they have this seemingly innate, intrinsic, inborn hatred of z-Blackxz, z-Bluexz, z-Brownxz!!! And this is exactly how, why, when and where they invented RELIGIOUS RACISM!!!
7a. Prison Ministries captivating entrapped inmates who are emotionally drained and vulnerable to being recruited as proselytes, new "Jesus freaks" led remotely astray, lost and not ever found. So y'all can now see crystal clear how that they all work within these frames of references posted for financially free herein, my True-Up-U-Turn Story Book Bible Blogs SOULIDARITY SYSTREAM. Revealing how the present problems were, consciously, concurrently concocted by the Roman Catholic Christianized Church & Vatican Popes, Priests, Bishops + perpetuated and perpetrated today by the so called "Black Church"; and white Protestants & Baptists, preachers and pastors of falsified, fraudulent Christianity. Equals = the invading inventers and criminal creators of Corporatist CAPITALISM!!!
8. A+Son of SUNGOD solemnly says, may We’s & Us’s reconcile our mutual Humanity = HUEMAINITY!! This talented technique is an actualized, artistic appropriated approach, to unify our Individuation vs. individualism, separatism, and isolationism. So that things are restored, relationships renormalized, re-spiritualized in a quantitative qualifying artful form of : Love Peace & Harmony!!!

9. Compatibly coexisting continentally, community, country, county and city citizens. Yes let us completely comprehend to the only reality that we share in common among people, are our humanness. Not religions, politics, sexual orientation, which we were never born with, nor did any of us come into being humans having these attachments, that are specifically Europeanized concepts and ideologies that militates against the best interests of humankind = HUEMAINKIND under One HUEMAINLAW!!!
10. YES: Some senseless “Occupiers” are talking about or planning to go to Africa, in solidarity with the U.S. Government’s orchestrated, concocted, criminally created capitalist corporatist colonialism and imperialism, superficially so called “Arab Spring”. Racial and ethnic cleansing of dark shaded skinned native indigenous inhabitants of the northern territories. Controlling and dominating them, committing genocides! Although stupid over ambitious, arrogant and ego-trippin' Americans still go over into these foreign lands, disregarding and disrespecting these native Afrindians.
11. Yet these are insensitive White Americans & Canadians, who act as if Egypt is located somewhere outside the continental geographical map of Mother Africa. Effectually going overseas abroad interfering, meddling with the internal affairs of sovereign nations; civil conflicts or wars. Also those great pyramids belongs to Africa's Africoid ancient ancestry, "KEMET The Land of the Blacks"; and absolutely, not those invading yellow Asiatic Arab Islamic Muslims & Coptic Christians of modern day Egyptians, who are "Occupations" of Reptilian racism. Due to dire consequential circumstances, they are facing SPIRITUALIZED summoned curses of justice, judgment and Divinely Decreed Devil Damnation. A finalizing fatal down falling into enslavement...military police state... and not some spring uprising!!!

11a. Furthermore the Grand Mastermind Melanin Messiah African Africoid American Man Mr. Dr. Henrick Clarke, honored Sir: vehemently said that We's & Us's should "never forgive" the "pale face" Asiastic - CaucAsian Arabs who "betrayed our trust". And joined in with western white wicked witchcrafts, European racist of hatred, against the Negroid, Humanoid indigenous inhabitants. Creating slave trades, mass murders and genocides!  To hell with them today, they are intruders, invaders "Occupying" spaces, countries in Love Goddess Mother Aftrica Earth Nature. There's no forgiveness; without true repentance, remorse and regrets and reparations for all demonic damages! And I totally agree 100%+
Dr.Clarke - Islamic / Arab Destruction Of Black People Pt 2
12. So then any White Europeanized or Americanized citizens traveling into these countries, at this time of warfare, are unwise fools, and maybe arrested on sight, accused of being spies, kidnapped, and or imprisioned in their horrifying jail cells, or even shot to death or perhaps; (CIA) assasinated?!  Lean the hard headed way, so be it!
13. These venturing Whites have listened to the very Corporatist Capitalist major mainstream media, which has misinformed them, misled them as to what is truthfully happening in Africa Egypt and other places. And trust in the mass media messages sent out over the press, TV & Radio stations owned and operated by our oppressors. Yet, they eat it all up, happy go lucky, and act on such assumptions that are bias and bigoted; engaged against nonwhites. And this constitutes the invidious, insidious Institutionalized Racism, taught to Euro-Anglo-Americans and Caucasian Caucasoid whites. Conditioned to ignore the facts of reality. Egypt is Africa and invading, intervening, intruding "pale faces" need to tend to their own domestic business at home. Self-centered, they naively pursue these interventions, justifying them to not know any better, butt, also don’t seem to ever want to learn any better! Pretending innocence and playing colorblind and ignorant!
14. Noble missions or good intentions or not; from African Americans perspectives, it's warmongering and hatemongering: So y’all just think when you hear one say: “I’m going to Egypt”; while failing to mention that in fact they are going to Africa Egypt. This is their hateful “Honky Ideology” which prompts the “Black Conscious Community” to call them the children, offspring of their parental forefathers and foremothers who were and are racist white whip “Crackers”!!! Because they keep on popping their wicked whips of witchcrafts, undermining, degrading, ignoring, marginalizing Africans in America + Africoid Africa!!!

15. Nevertheless, no positive, productive, progressive success can come into being. At least, not until they True-Up U-Turn..., get smart and aptly astute. It's a mandated must do, that these “Occupy Wall Street” movement white youngsters, learn their truest history lessons well and wisely, during the General Assembles, rallies, committee conferences, etc. Turn towards and listen closely to the longstantng experiences of "people of color"; expressly, Black & Brown Americans!!
16. Until they study our truest history "Occupiers" are still sinking aboard the slave ship SYSTEM SATAN. None shall receive the better benefit blessings of Divinely Decreed Protection & Guidance, and insights via THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH!!!  Besides, after the terrifying riot Reptilian police raids, no more tent camps... they need to be trying to focus their concentraton on regrouping, re-organizing herein our own domestic homeland front USA = Study our Optimized Objective OCCUPYNEERING HISTORICITY = period.
Reveale research ref.; The Destruction of Black Civilization, Dr Chancellor Williams - Part 1
The African Origins of Science and Metaphyscis - Part 1: Anthony Browder
17. COOPERATIVE CONSENSUS CODE OF CONDUCT: Means a strict self-disciplining decision made willingly, intentionally, purposely and deliberately by each and everybody. However, let us be more meaningfully tolerant, patient and long suffering; due to disruptive behaviors. Different temperaments, personalities and contents of characters. May every one act as adults, understanding, and completely comprehend that conflicting points of views can and will and are occurring, And it’s not always a comfortable setting suitable for very sensitive feelings of some individuals. Howsoever, there has to be some sanely sensible guidelines, on how to talk in a kindhearted, courteous, polite manner. Self-respecting responses that are soft spoken, gentle based on common courteousy. Words like excuse me pretty please, may I have more time to express myself please. Avoiding being abrupt, interruptive, rude, impolite, discourteous, hostile and upset!

18. No profanity used or directed at brothers and sisters, family members, other participating Occupyneers. Let go of the cursing each other out, and making sarcastic remarks, hateful heckling, launching obscenities at one another when we disagree with them and their opinions. No personal negative name calling, racial slurs, dark humor, silly jokes that are degrading-denigrating of those who might look somewhat different than ourselves. Overall, and in general, these are the original principles practiced as a policy, in Ancient Ancestral Africoid Africa = MAAT. Equals historiography!
19. YES, Interestingly enough, the Toronto, Canadian Capitalist  Corrupt Corporations decided, to rudely interrupt the “Occupy Toronto” General Assembly, on or about Saturday, November 27, 2011...8:17 pm San Antonio, Texas time line. And they must have spent much money on these exploding fireworks, bombs blasting the ear drums out of the speakers trying to talk and be heard. Sending sound effects and sparks from a stately building. Shooting flames up in the airways in a colorful sight and noisy, yet pretty. This tactic was quite funny, laughable, and showed a keen sense of happy healing humor, that was healthy in a holistic way, to poke fun at “Occupy”! And therefore We’s & Us’s are going to learn how to get more creative, imaginative and original too!!! So yawls, smile’n lovin’ faith always humored! Butt, do you believe in Santa Claus, well, Merry Christmas anyway.  Livestream - Ustream:
1a. “Washington (CNN) -- Dozens of protesters staged sit-ins in front of lawmakers' offices Tuesday. (December 6, 2011), and several hundred more camped out on the National Mall as part of a new movement calling itself Take Back the Capitol.”
The Destruction of Black Civilization, Dr Chancellor Williams - Part 1


1. DIVINELY DECREED DELIBERATED DECLARATION DIVERANCE DAY OF JUDGMENT + JUSTICE: Massive members must make mandatory demands, to know all about the alleged and assumed “HIV/AIDS”. Intelligent intellectual, self-respecting and self-loving Americans, are insisting on correct answers from each and every one of the Elected Officials, voted for by citizens and or appointed. Charged & Indicted!!
2. Definitively December 1, 2011...12:00 am, Sowing of seeds, silently and solemnly sets the strategic stage for January 1, 2011, 12:00am, time period, that officially marks the grandly great genesis genius in "We's & Us's, conceptual birth beginning of our actualized, realized revolutionary, energized evolutionary, SPIRITUAL RENAISSANCE MOVEMENT; Coming currently cultured clean for self-empowerment improvement!!! Preparations for self-governnance, self-sustainability and self-sufficiency. Thus to come into being, born again better beneficially blessed; Spiritiously vs Religiously, reveals Avenger AmeriAfrindian ArtistCHD A+Son of SUNGOD!!!
.... Guided by our gallantly gifted, loving, leading LOVE LIFE LIGHT LOCKS!!!
3. YES: Lets lock lists of things together, twisting, twinning, tuning, turning them tightly into long everlasting leaderships, in and of themselves and forevermore ourselves as Mastermind Melanin Messiah Mental Models. Combating and fighting against wickedness stationed in heavenly high places of unholy hell. Prehistoric monsters mindsets, menacing membranes, savage beast behaving barbarians, as manifested, material matter: Capitalist Corporatist Criminality & Corruption!!
4. Questions in specifics; Why has the local news reports, papers, presses, and major mainstream media, not broadcast publicly both sides of the stories? Why have they fail to report the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth; so help humanity our Cosmic CREATOR?  Why has the supposed Establishment & Medical Orthodixy, Scientific Community Consensus; not yet informed the public people, that there has never been nor is a legitimate test for the alleged "HIV" infection?
4a. Why are some citizens, individual persons still unwisely taking AZT cancer causing chemical cocktail concoctions, that attack and assault Mother Nature's earthly anti-bodies which serves to protect and defend the human beings immune systems? Why are so called “HIV Positive” tested people accepting U.S. Federal Government’s artless forms of Social Security monies as bribes, instead of learning the truth about these alleged clinical cures, medical treatments and vaccinations? Is it not them or they who are willingly, wantonly supporting the sinister satanic System, just to receive a check in the mail, or additional income, due to their own selfish gluttonous greed?
4b. And ask yourselves these key questions of paramount importance: do the giant pharmaceutical companies that manufacture the dangerous drugs, and warn the public about how toxic they are and what damages they can and will and do cause to the wholesome health of humans who take them? Do these corporatists corporations not post in small print, in open display, their stated DISCLAIMERS? Do this mean that they decline to be lawfully liable, legally held responsible or morally accountable for the deaths and destructions they cause or generate? Who is killing who? Who’s committing clinical homicides, suicides and genocides? Who’s hating on themselves vs TO LOVE THY SELF?
5. Moreover, and this is what Healthy Holistic Humanity looks like, as We's & Us's are creating our optimal world we wish and want or desire to live in, not only as a dream, butt, a Systreaming  REAL-LIVE-VISION!!!
5a. One in which leads humanity back into humane sanity and that is specifically MOTHER MATRIARCH MADAM MAAT. She says so solemnly because Her holistic human health is the most valued wealth. And this loving Lady & Female  Feminine Energy, is backed up by and boldly-bravely buttressed by: our Solar Sexus Souls SUNGOD Holy Heavens Hot Heated Hades Hell Fires!!!
6. Yes, going all the way back into our ancient ancestral Africoid Africa's historiography, where realistic civilization started, were initiated and blessedly born. And that magnificent MASTER1 Melanin Media Messiah Mental Models, means returning to the Nile Valley Civilized Nations! Studying and learning exactly what we were doing in those time periods, before, being blatantly interrupted, invaded, intruded, intervened by European so call CaucAsian Caucasoid Whites!!! Plus+ just as imperative and important, is what the hell on planet earth causes our cell membranes to mustate; into various vicious viruses? Thus turn into the unhealthful conditions that led to contagious diseases, notoriously known to as being: legprosy, albinism, and other similar symptoms and sickness syndromes? What did Africa's Africoid ascendants do righteously or wrongly to produce Melanin Pyschosis and or color of skin hatred as Melanin deficiency pathology?! What actually caused so called CaucAsian Caucasoid caucasus cave dwellers, to come crawling out so viciously violent, uncivilized psychopaths and sociopathic people? Why are they so senselessly racist? Are there any reconcilible remedies, healthful healings, civilized cultural caring cures?  
6a. And this is precisely why Euro-Anglo-Americans, as a mandatory must do, follow with our Africoid African Americas leaderships, who are most qualified to guide them on scenic tours of Washington DC's architectural buildings, which are copycat constructions of Ancient Africa Egypt = KEMET, Ethiopia, Nubia and many more monumental Pyramidal Panorama Phenomena Diaspora!!!

Revealing Research: Return To The Nile Valley - "Like It Is" Part 1
7. TOP PRIORITY: Why has the U.S. Government spent so many millions and billions of hard earned tax dollars, on fighting against a non-existent fabricated “HIV” = Human Immondeficiency Virus? Why are the Federal Treasury-Reserve and or whatsoever, Agency, keep printing paper money in multimillions of dollars, yet don’t have any collateral; or security in gold standards, to back them up? Why do elected politicians persist to spend money that the citizens earned on their jobs of gainful employment? Why are they forcing the public sectors, to pay the huge price tag taxes for what wealthy weirdoes do?
8. SURELY SO SHALL SOCIETIES: Promptly organize and galvanize to march many multitudes in the mass millions, traveling into Washington DC, to arrive on or before December 1, 2011...12:00 am. The basic build-up of enhanced energy entities. The planting of the potent seeds, upon the grassroots grounds of SOULIDARITY. Also y'all dutifully NOTE, that this is a Creative Evolutionary Revolution, that continues on in movements, locomotions. And We's & Us's are positively promoting = Promocracyeering, our Opitimized Objective Optional OCCUPYNEERING, all through December into January of New Years Day and beyond. Demanding that this be directly addressed: 1. Pharmaceutical Industrial Complex, 2. The Prision Industrial Complex, 3. Military Industrial Complex in consegative organizational order of today + ... also aimed straight at Washington DC on 1-14-2011 Dr. Min. Mr Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Generating great energies!!!

9. Clarifying Clause: Come currently cultured clean, all that may on Official Justice Judgment Day of Divinely Decreed Deliverance Declaration! The germination, sprouting outwards and springing upwards to positive productive profits of our Labor; and of wholesome fruit of THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH thereof, herein. January 1, 2012 at 12:00 am. The initial sowing of seed on December 1, 2011 at 12:00 am, shall surface into an actualized Real-Live-Vision. Green plants, colorful crops growing by the financial free gifts of grace, upon planet Mother Earths' VegePlanTerRain; fresh and raw, well and live!!!
'Behold beauty, aesthetic artistry, as I make all things new world creative arts, globally, eye-witness,  look and see this Real-Live-Vision, because old things has passed away, and I can see crystal clear, a healthy holy heavens and a newly born birthplace upon planetary sphere earth!'
DIGNITY DIGITAL DIVINITY'S DECLARATION: Death penalty of dictators "demonocracy" democracy, doom and gloom! Thus to concisely coincide with the Horus-Christ-Mass holidays of cheers and joyful seasons greetings, member meetings and a holistic humane happy New Years celebration. Summoning everybody to come ready rolled; with backpacks, campground gear; small sleeping tents-tarps, first aid clinical-medical supplies, and other media equipment, light weight personal items.
Truly this talented test is the diluvium of inundation of evolutionary creation. All aboard buses, trains, commercial airline-jet planes, vehicles, cars, vans, trucks. Chartered transportation too! Everybody capable, willing and ready to calmly converse among other Occupyneers marching upon the fronteers as 21st Century CyberSpaceAge pioneers. Talking, teaching, lecturing, discussing worthy things, exchanging and sharing creative concepts and unique ideas. Hurry; run, race, jog, cycle, expressly our youthful teenagers, and those in their 20s - 30s, who are flexible, more mobile, shifty smart minded, and sure about their lives. Prepared purposely demanding + commanding Dignity Digital DivinityTo Love Thy Self, fearlessly for financial freedoms fight upon THE BATTLEGROUND OF CALVARY!!!
This is an interesting lecture on Africans-Africoid being in the America’s. “The Destruction of Documents” by the hundreds of thousands by DEVIL WHITES!!! “Columbus Never Touched The American Continent!” “All of this Columbus period is built upon a fraud!!!” Vehemently proclaims Dr. Ivan Van Sertima. “There remains a great deal to be done…But as I come to a close I want you to bear this in mind, the history of the world is not written, the history of Europe perhaps…a whole new set of things are emerging…(new discoveries)..this is no finished chapter, this is no closed chapter, this last chapter has been written with a certain eye, which has been blind to the genius of the African. Therefore, it is only by opening another eye, by having a different kind of illumination, a different kind of vision that the history of the America‘s and the history of Africa, can be truly written…thank you.”
Dr. Ivan Van Sertima, 74, Dies; Academic and Author of “They Came Before Columbus”
AN HONORABLE SALUTE = Dr. Ivan Van Sertima, Dr. Ben J. + Dr. Hendrick Clarke, Dr. Anta Diop via COLOR KINGDOM NWCA by AmeriAfrindian ArtistCHD Ascend Ancient Ancestral Africa's Egypt + Kemet+Nubia+Nile Valley Civilization =To Love Thy Self+"Know Thy Self+ Negroid-Africoid Original Olmecs + Afro-Asiatic Aztecs!!!
Posted At: Alberta Reappraising AIDS society, 12-6-2011
African American Black female talks out about HIV vs. AIDS:
1. YES: The American - Asian - African "AIDS HOAX"; "HIV" + "HIV/AIDS", epidemic-pandemic; fraud in fact lies of leading liars, are the strongest evidential proofs, to be used back against the U.S. Federal Government. A humanity hater! It is the most powerful weapon of THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH; to bring back down to its decisive demise, reduce them to the grassroots ground level zero % of economic naught = monetary nothing. Defeat and destroy the dangerous terrorist threats; the medical orthodoxy, the criminal corporate capitalist conglomerates. Inclusively, the whole entire establishment, expressly the FDA, CDC, NIH, WHO and all other trashy science sellouts on societies. These inhumane beings are official thuggish thieves, crooked corrupt criminals, and the major mad mass mainstream media monsters of the racist Reptilian religion = Capitalism. To be replaced by SPIRITISM x SOULISM + Occupyneerism + ColorKingdomism. The primary principal problem solving solutions via COLOR KINGDOM NWCA.
2. HIV vs AIDS!! The truest correct answers actionalized! Later on read: Plus+ listen to my musical sound tracks theme songs MP3:  = Wealthy words of worldly warfare weaponized wrathful wisdom! Humanity is under attacks and assaults by media man made mentalities, manufactured myths = MENTAL VIRONS = "Mind Viruses" x pathogens + psychogons by Supremacy Superiority Superpower Sickness Syndromes. Traveling silently through the terrorist reptile religious political snake serpents of the sorcerers sick sinister satanic SYSTEM SATAN. So sanely, sensibly, safely and securely arm your selves with this truest knowledge!!!
3. RIGHTEOUS REVELATIONS: Because these elitist filthy rich reptilian rulers, are wasting wealthy resource energies, spending billions of public people's hard earned tax dollars, unjustly, to destroy decency common to all earthly humanity. Ruining living art forms hereon the planet! Y'all remember to dutifully not Vote, butt do indeed NOTE: That these three enemy entities are inseparably connected and permanently related and associated: The Military + Prison + Pharmaceutical Industrial Complexes!!! Ref/
 4. They are Sorcerers Sinister Snake Serpents serving SATAN'S Supremacy Superiority Superpower Sickness Syndromes. Silently = Systematically - systemically killing off oppositions to oppression, assassinating activists, mass murdering multi-millions of human beings, nationally and internationally. And the Occupyneers are to explore these revealed truths expeditiously; exercise full financed Freedom of Expressed Artistries. In addition to these guiding directives, each and every one, group thereof; "Facilitators", Organizers, Consensus Committees, are to promptly place them openly, at the very Top Priority = pinnacle peak platform, perfected pyramidal plateau, of their protest demonstration agendas. Because, it is of paramount importance, to take complete controls of the giant Pharmaceutical Industrial Complex!!! NUMBER ONE OPTIMIZED OCCUPYNEERS OBJECTIVES!
5. CK-NWCA’s proclamation is suddenly cease propping a dying and partially already dead satanist System up, as if it is still healthily alive and well. Let it go down hard and heavy. Move out of its way, get the hell back, refuse to comply to mandatory testing for viruses in the city and county jails, and state prisons, that justify injecting experimental cancerous chemical concoctions as medicinal treatments and vaccinations that are contaminated with toxic poisons. Detrimental to humanity's holistic health.  Our truest test is to honestly bring together the whole wide world web of wealthy wisdom, into a compatible, cohesively coherent composition. Collective citizenries across countries, counties, cities, combining clean cultured causes, into a calm composure of common clinical coalitions. Those that are comparable and can coalesce compassionately without internalized interferences, intrusions, interventions and invading infiltrators. “Agents” adverse antagonistic actions, distracters negative enemy energy entities! My Main Web Site Domain:

6. GALVANIZE Gallant Gifted Genesis Geniuses: Attract as a magnet multi-million members of the national, international and worldwide family community of being humans. How are We’s & Us’s able to do this, make these things happen, cause them to occur? Well I honestly tell y’all, that this truthful spearhead arrow point is in factual reality; The Sharp Two-edged Sword!

7. Moreover, as it is aimed directly at the center carbon core hearts, brains, minds and bodies of the asinine ass Arch Angel Alien Agent Adversary; it has no other options butt to be mortally wounded. And bold brave warriors and victors are to persistently shoot these facts of truth as ammo, bullets, missiles and rockets at this barbaric behaving beast, and hit it hard and heavy with healthy Holy Heavens Hades Hell Fires!!!

8. OK now yawls, the Avenger AmeriAfrindian ArtistCHD, is breaking back down into plain-o-simple English language words, what is meant, basically, elementally and fundamentally. Everybody who are truly concerned with dismantling, demolishing, destroying the present political powers, the system’s establishment and structures, join in righteously now today with our SPIRITUAL RENAISSANCE MOVEMENT. This common cause is absolutely nonreligious, nonpolitical, and strictly and specifically dealing with the human being elements, concerned solely with people populations as a Holistic HUMANITY! Equal HUEMAINKIND "RACE" under One HUEMAINLAW!!!

9. YES: these are who or what we have recognized as being “leaders”; already actualized in realities, as individual persons, who have artfully formed themselves into what is termed: “Dissidents”. They are the most qualified, experienced, and expertly educated and well informed as to the finest details of these clinical tissues and medical issues. Let us make no mistakes about anointed, appointed activated ACTIONEERS. And I have named them to be: Our Optimal Occupyneering: Decent Good GREAT WHITE HOPE ABOLITIONIST Minded Men & Women, of wealthy wisdom + healthy Humaneering. The Spiritious Rare Rich Royal 10% to 12% of our 21st Century CyberSpaceAge!

10. KNOWLEDGE = Know How To Crack The Crooked Cops Case; Absolutely all legal and lawful as a Civil + Constitutional + Human Right! And cause cracks and divisions between their ranks and flanks. By knowing about these totally told truths: HIV vs. AIDS, where they falsely accused an innocent “by-stander”; yet invisible and unseen alleged Human Immodificiency Virus. Unjustly claiming that it killed infected individuals and mass murdered millions of members; by attacking and violently assaulting cell membranes, of living human body organisms. This mass media manufactured mythodology is a fraud in fact lie of leading liars!
11. HUMANIZING: Furthermore, once the Police patrols, county and city cops, find out about the true stories involving these local and major mainstream media’s mass man made, manufactured myths, they are going to be highly pissed off. I’m talking about a deep down in-depth divide and self-sustaining conquest to destroy all those high ranking officials who fragrantly lied to them, for 10 to 20 years straight. Multitudes shall break the ranks and crossover or simply become neutralized. No longer eager beavers about assumed violators disobeying law enforcement officers orders, out in the city streets. Police passivity is our Objective Optimized Occupneerism!

12. And also, let us remember to Dutifully Cast Capital Cash NOTES; That “The Occupy Wall Street” protesting Marchereers, were or are calling the police officers, members of the 99% too! Proclaiming that: “y’all are only puns of the 1%”! “You don’t have to follow your orders”! Likewise, as I gathered, that the Atlanta, Georgia so
called “Black” or African American Mayor, claiming to be a part of the 99% also. And that it was his job, responsibility, to keep the city parks and streets open, clean, safe, secure and sanitary!!! Free of health threats, as humanized factors.
13. YES SPOOKS: These are statements of truth, in factually realities, regardless if they choose or decide not to participate in “Occupy”. Therefore, since these wiser leadership heads of the Mayors City Council - Hall, has artfully formed parallels, then so be it. Fine and dandy! Butt, better still many of them are Black Jackass Uncle Tom Sambos, mumbo jumbo solo logo ya so know who needs to step down, move aside fast and not slow on the go!!! Equals = UNCLETOMISM + SELFHATISM + SAMBOISM = Invidious Insidious INSTITUTIONALIZED RACISM!!!
14. Moreover, after the Original OCCUPYNEERS, of “Occupy Wall Street”; come into the realization of the revealed “HIV/AIDS” fraud in fact lies of leading liars; positive positional Shifts starts suddenly, sanely and sensibly, soundly saturated and situated. City cops defecting. Many multitudes are envisioned, in foresight, turning against their assumed Superiors. Become disgruntled, angry and insanely mad about how some of their dearly beloved family members, brothers and sisters, relatives, cousins, friends, were actually killed by the deadly chemical concoctions + AZT. Along with other careless, creepy clinical concocted cancerous agents of sinister scientists. And proved to had been medically murdered by the Medical Orthodoxy, The trash Scientific Community who has soldout on true science, bought by the bogus brainwashing bandits! Read full blog:
15. Societal System Slaves: Wrongly thinking and believing they have freedom, inside a free marketplace. Butt by and large citizens are held hostage, and are forced by compelling circumstances to participate in their own enslavement. Just to keep their gainful paychecks, jobs, profitable professional careers, low or high end economic employment. Or else attempt to escape and get deeper into debt slavery, sinister servitude for refusing to be submissively subjected victims!
16. FORTUNATELY FOUNDED: CK-NWCA causes cracks, crevices, canyons and canals between these “Axis of Evil” Co-conspirators, coalition criminals of corporate capitalism’s corruption. Generating earthquakes, shifting sensibilities, massively moving plates, fault-lines... and tsunami tidal waves, of cataclysmic catastrophic, calamitous, currency climatic charged changes!!! Creating clean cultured capital cash currencies, culminating commission calling causes = COLORKINGDOMISM!!!
17. A NEGATIVE NO VOTE = A POSITIVE YES NOTE: Leverage = leading Love Life Light Locks. Means closing the doors and gates of hell on those trapped inside the bloody vampire empire with a blazing burning desire of financial flaming fire!!!
18, The truest tools, crowbars, wrenches, by-which to be used as a leveraging leadership’s long arms. Able to move around extremely huge, heavy objectives or obstinate obstacles of opposition, weighing down our Optimized OCCUPYNEERS.
19. LOVING LEVER: Lifting upwards elements by elevation of Eco-Electron Entity Energies. Overturning capitalist criminal corporatist congested, constipating combustible crazy craps. And what I AM referring to righteously, is launching citizens consensus CAUSES OF ACTION, against greedy gluttonous giants, menacing mad media monsters, Corporation capitalizing creatures causing civil conflicts. Engaging lawsuits, that are bringing into a criminal court of justice and honesty under THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH, each and every one of these tissue terrorists. Who are absolutely responsible for killing people, in the multi-millions, with bad medications, chemical concoctions causing cancers, thus generating what is commonly called AIDS. Which is not a disease in and of itself, butt, a fabricated combination of about 27 - 30 well known diseases, medically attached to an: Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome.
1. CRUCIAL CRITICAL CAUSE OF ACTION: Is mandated by the Powerful Forces of the Ether that Be! And this strictly means that absolutely no body's movement, rich or poor, black or white, lower-middle-upper class citizenries, are going to be positively productive, progressive and efficiently effective. As long as the over-populating people keep on, persist to, decide on, choose to try and ignore these lasting final calls of action. A finalizing fatality is decided by what we elect or select to do or don't do righteously now today. Equals HIV vs AIDS. Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, infecting, afflicting the entire GlobalWorldNations. As media monsters man made manufactured myths: brainwashing, bribing, duping, buying in and selling out healthy socieities in every conceivable channels, pathways, manners, means and methods. Every one is a suspect of a Culpable Mental State of fault-blame-guilt!!!
2. And by ignoring or disreqarding these Admonishments-Cauctions-Warnings, warrants wrathful winter weather + spring + summer + fall-en financial fatalities$$$ Reveals Avenger A+ Son of SUNGOD AmeriAfrindian ArtistCHD!!!
3. Therefore, it is We The Public People Power Plan + Positive Population Protests; sole responsibility and accountability, to change our own wicked ways, also today, no material matter whatsoever, as crooked corporate corrupt capitalists, citizens, civilians, criminal cops or not. No respects for persons, baring none or excusing nobody. Promptly repent with moral remorse and regrets for the historical wrong doings of our ancestors, great grandparents, present parents, forefathers and foremothers "axis of evil" co-conspiracies committed against EVOLUTIIONARY CREATION + CREATIVE EVOLUTION of HUEMAINKIND "RACE"!!!

4. And y’all pretty please take very carefully cast NOTES: That by dictionary definitions, a syndrome, is not a possible disease! Only clinical conditions indicating some sickness symptoms. And no doubt, in my mind’s soundly sane thinking rational reasoning Bright Brilliant Brain, do not in the least, whatsoever, warrants nor requires the toxic medications. Particularly poisonous and polluted vaccines, injection shots or chemical drugs which, actually attacks the human immune system, inclusively, assaults cell membranes, which in turn, kills living tissues, leading directly to death and destruction, of the healthy human body organism!

5. YES, for certain, these are terrifying tactics, medicinal maneuvers, to systematically, systemically de-populate planetary sphere earth. Through the pharmacuetical patent pathways, political patterns paving the platforms of mass Medical Murders, Clinical Slavery, Committing Clinical Crimes, homicides and genocides against humanity' s sanity, inclusively, poisoning our MultiplexRacialBody... attempting to destroy healthy HUEMAINKIND!!!

6. BASICALLY BETTER BENEFICIALLY BLESSED: Are those who will wish or want to use these reports, revelations, a legalized lawful weapons of warfare, in operational order, to tear the hateful hearts out of the serial killers and mass member murderers. Break their big bank accounts, Stock Market madness, bogus Bonds, crooked - corrupt cash currencies, bankrupting these elitist filthy rich renegade rouge racist REPTILIANS!
7. YES: I AM personally and privately suspecting that these tissue terrorists, pill pushing physicians of polluted, poisonous Pharmaceutical Industrial Complex, has just recently murdered my First Cousin. And I base this on the brief statements that my dearly beloved oldest sister Dot, informed me about Fred Davis’s death, at 56 years old; in our hometown Bryan, Texas, during the month of November 2011. She mentioned the wording, as a possibility: AIDS?.
8. However, I AM investigating this true or false suggestion, by all means necessary! What medications did his doctors prescribe to Mr. Davis, when, where, who and or what medical hospital or clinic. Because, sooner than later, all of the subjected victims of these prescribed killer drugs, given to sick patients in the falsified name of treating a non-existent; “HIV/AIDS”; fraudulent diagnosis, can and will and shall and are going to receive millions of dollars in compensation and punitive damages for their untimely deaths. Inclusively, restitution for severe pain and suffering side effects of capitalist corporations combination cocktail chemical concoctions. Wrongly ill willed and criminally called clinical medications!
9. As A Direct And Proximate Results: Of murder and or manslaughter of the first or second degree; our Class Action Lawsuit. Their surviving children, grand kids, spouses, heirs of inheritance pay, are going to be better beneficially blessed, monetarily, financially and economically. Ultimately awarded and rewarded with, SPIRITUALLY saved Solar Sexus Souls.
10. INDUBITABLY: And there is no rational reason to doubt, that We’s & Us’s as I’ve envisioned; are receiving legal and lawful settlements from these sued drug companies, chemical corporations, and their co-conspiring companions, physicians, sinister scientists, hospitals and United State Federal Government!!!

World “HIV Fraud Liberation Day” December 1, 2011 on The Robert Scott Bell Show
BILLIONS of tax dollars $$$ expended--extorted --unwisely wasted on this mental terrorism! Later on read related posted blogs:
Smile in lovin' faith always having a healthy, happy, healing good sense of holistic humor....thank yawls very much says Kindhearted Kinky KING AmeriAfrindian ArtistCHD. Written, revealed-reported today: Friday, November 18, 2011... 4:14 pm.

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