Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Genoblests vs Globalists + Global-World-Nations vs Globalization = COLOR KINGDOM New World Creative Arts vs The New World Order - THE STATE OF TEXAS vs U.S. FEDERAL GOVERNMENT + AmeriAfrindian ArtistCHD Avatar Avenger, Occupyneer Son of SUNGODD DEITY Ankh Arthiest Atom Amen-Ra = Z-Blac-Keyz Z-BlackRayz pt1

 YES: CAROUSEL COLOR KINGDOM New World Creative Arts: Love Life Light Locks, reveals: Genoblests vs. Globalists, means my mastermind melanin mental models. I’m talking about our original organic organisms, grandly great Genesis Genius. Generations of gifted genes! Geography + Geometry = Solar SUNGODD - Sung-odd = uniquely creative, original co-creator indwelling, innate, intrinsic, inborn better benefit bestowed blessings. Our originating optimized objective, Official Occupyneers as EARTORS of planetary sphere earth! Reveals + Portrays picturesquely by: The Original Creative ArtistCHD AmeriAfrindian Avatar Avenger x Arch Angel Ark Ankh Arthiest Atom Amen-RA of Z-Blac-Keyz and of Z-BlackRayz!!!
Familiarizing ourselves about the Spirit Source Science System’s Sovereign Systream. Getting use to thinking thoughts, that turns into things, actions, realities. Sovereign Solar Sexus Souls! Equals = Spiritual or Spiritious Sovereignty-Serenity. http://www.last.fm/music/ArtistCHD/GlobalWorldNations%21%21%21
Organically - Chemically - Physically + Biologically, Genetically Modified Molecules, Melanin members, manmade membranes, manufactured mentalities - mechanized mindsets. Altered attributes, arrogantly arranged activities, actions, acids, antibodies.= Anti-Africa!
DIVINE DECREED DELIBERATION DECLARATION DEPENDENCE: as Actionary Americanized Africoidians of Africa’s ascendance! Yes dependent on self sufficiency. The outcomes or results that We’s & Us’s get, receive, is being determined, depending upon how our resources are used. How the income is artfully applied, in which depends on self-determination. Dependable - Dependability!
 Buttressing this precept and perception is replacing the usual or regular concept of “The Declaration of Independence”! Basically because Africans in the Americas, AmeriAfrindians, Afrindians, are not seeking what is commonly called Independence, bogusly based upon faulty foundations, fraudulent "founding fathers".  Butt, better beneficially bestowed blessed, not attempting to simply just break away, secessionists, freed from “The Union” and U.S. Federal Government. http://www.colorkingdomnwca.com/color_kingdom_blogs-music_art.htm
'Don't You Mess With Texas'?!
Presidents Barack Hussein Obama Abraham Lincoln; dis-United States of America-Anglo Al Qaeda. A nation-country decisively divided, in which continental lands, can not "secede" from Humanity, shall stand never again against Africa & Africoidians - Afrindian + AmeriAfrindian Artist CHD.
BUTT: The terrorist Supremacist State of Texas started the 1990's privatized, politicized Prison Industrial Complex. And in 1992, the advent of the 70th Legislature, suddenly shifted..., changed the Sentencing laws. Expressly, "Controllled Substances" cases concerning CIA Sponsored Crack Rock Cocaine. Glibly doing so, shortly after these thug terrorist Texans, as redneck racists, radicalized religious rouge renegade Reptilian Religion Race, flooded the lower socio-economic classification of citizens; inner-city communities of colorful complexions, and, urban ghetto neighborhoods. With WhitTie whip Crackers wicked witchcrafts = dangerous, deadly, destrimental, destructive drugs. Thus forming an evil conspiracy to criminalize, incarcerate, imprison; as many melanin members, that they could-covertly. And as African Americans, black-red-brown-yellow Afro-Mexicans, Afri-Latinos, dark skinned people of coloration-complexions. To build and develope their satanic State of Texas gateway, Mondern Day Underground Legaliized Slave Trade Market & Jail House Prisoner Corruption Racket!

Fortunately & Unfortunately: now today these two Evil Enemy Energy Entities enters extinction-extermination-elimination. Those specifically, who willingly and wantonly forsook U.S. President Abraham Lincoln's 13th Amendment; inclusively, The Emancipation Proclamation. Are facing finalizing fatal death and demise and destruction!!!
YES; on the sly fox cool, these 'WhitTie terrorist dominators'; stereotypically selected several under-classed CaucAsians, perceived "poor white trash'; impoverished pickerwoods, the poorest patties, hicktown Honkies; to arrest, incarcerate, imprison. To add them to the subclass Negras - N...words.
Howsoever y'all want to flip it around black and white pitted-pitched against each other. After these self-haters got into their new police uniforms, wearing badges, loaded handguns, getting paid a petty salary; they increased their internalized hatred of themselves, by charging those who look just like them; poorly down and out, lower classed, etc., with felony crimes committed against the lawless leaders. Inceasing "Uncle Tom's Cabin", Uncletomism-Samboism-Selfhatism.  THE STATE! Inclusively TEXAS!
The hateful humans and or inhumane haters, have violated the very foundational freedoms of HueMainKind. Yet they talk about restoring "The Constitution"; "The Republic"; "The Confederacy"; and contradictory things of this unholy nature. And I personally testify against these racists, and their invidious, insidious Institutionalized RACISM!
"Chapter I: Introduction: A. The San Jose Mercury News Articles: On August 18, 1996, the San Jose Mercury News published the first installment of a three-part series of articles concerning crack cocaine, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), and the Nicaraguan Contra army. The introduction to the first installment of the series read: For the better part of a decade, a San Francisco Bay Area drug ring sold tons of cocaine to the Crips and Bloods street gangs of Los Angeles and funneled millions in drug profits to a Latin American guerrilla army run by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency, a Mercury News investigation has found. This drug network opened the first pipeline between Colombia's cocaine cartels and the black neighborhoods of Los Angeles, a city now known as the "crack" capital of the world. The cocaine that flooded in helped spark a crack explosion in urban America . . . and provided the cash and connections needed for L.A.'s gangs to buy automatic weapons."
SATAN started His hatemongers hell hole in Houston, Texa, Harris County, corrupt Sheriffs & Police Chiefs. (1990) Therefore, it is MY PEOPLE of MELANIN MEDIA vs THE STATE OF TEXAS, CAUSE of ACTION NO. 0000.

'Don't Mess With Texas'...eh?
Drought robs Texas ag industry Damage, lost income worst ever. By William Pack wpack@express-news.net Updated 12:43 a.m., Thursday, August 18, 2011 Read more: http://www.mysanantonio.com/news/local_news/article/Droughtrobs-Texasag-industry-2082723.php#ixzz1VaYA40sw
"Already declared the state’s worst drought in meteorological terms, the drought of 2011 claimed a new distinction Wednesday as the most punishing drought on record financially for Texas’ farmers and ranchers. Texas AgriLife Extension Service economists said the drought has cost the state’s agriculture $5.2 billion in either additional production costs or potential income not received."
YES: ancient Africa's ancestry + activated artistry, is speeding up the vibration frequences, fast forwards. Counter-combating cancerous causes, corrosive conditions, before they have adverse impact upon the body bio-being. Thus, it do not necessarily materially matter what types of foods one chooses to eat, meats-fruits-vegetables-grains, etc. Basically because, a better blessed beginning initiates itself through the Spiritual Realms of the Ethereal Thoughts That Be. Our first line of divine defense and offense. Knowledge = know how to artfully apprehend actualities. And this is happening through our Occupyneers SPIRITIOUS SCIENCES!
Genetic Gearing: consequently, slower moving members, membranes, brains, bodies and minds, are being attacked, assualted in retaliation and revenge and retribution. Certain citizenries are paying the price tags for their involvement, with criminal corruptions; big or small, more or less lack of clean cultured civilizations!
“Don You Mess With Texas” …eh? 
YES Son of SUNGOD News Report Revelations Texas Wildfires updated 9/1/2011 12:27:51 PM ET 2011-09-01T16:27:51
POSSUM KINGDOM LAKE, Texas— Officials were hopeful Thursday that beleaguered North Texas firefighters could gain the upper hand on a wind-whipped blaze that destroyed more than three dozen cliff-top homes in the latest outbreak of a seemingly endless wildfire season.” http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/44335545/ns/weather/
ENVISIONED: The Texas Department of Criminal Justice Diagnostics, Huntsville, Texas, is being blockaded. Nobody receives a sacred security Pass, nor automatic regular, ritual right of passage!
Predatory parasites, petty police patrols, prison guards, staff, secretaries, superiors, inclusively, The Wardens, are put in confinement cells, replacing the inmates held hostage, unlawfully, illegally by the illegitimate Government, of the State of Texas. Along with their corrupt Parole Officers, taking money bribes to send out bogus Blue Warrants to re-arrest parolees, on more trumped up felony charges. False positive drug and alcohol test tube and laboratory results. Pseudo science! 
Opportunists: They are the torturers, tormentors of, enslaved-entrapped persons imprisoned. And the blood suching leeches, learned how to terrorize their subjected victims. These are evil enemy entities, alien agents; monster mentalities, who acted inhumanely towards other humans held hostage inside their hell holes of hatred. So then, I pray tell y’all, that what went around has come back around, meaning that the historical slave masters, workers of iniquity, evil doers are receiving their just awards. And these true crazy criminals, policing predators, parasites, are to be kept closed off from decent citizens-civilizations, no longer permitted to leave these prison compounds that they built to terrorize others, quarantined for as long as the investigations, interrogations goes on. Indefinitely perhaps?
I have many Counts, Cause of Actions aimed at all adversaries who willingly, wantonly violated the HueMainRights, of MY PEOPLE as opposed to the silly senseless saying: "We The People"! What on planet earth does that expression mean? Absolutely nothing at all to Wexz & Usxz!
"The petition to "Peacefully grant the State of Texas to withdraw from the United States of America and create its own NEW government," was submitted on Friday of last week. Just three days later, it zoomed past the 25,000 mark at 3:22 p.m. today and kept going." http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/texas-petition-secede-reaches-threshold-obama-comment/story?id=17701519
YES, The Long Star State of Texas, their local and mainstay media news paper reports, press, TV-radio, all formed their Evil Conspiracy to try and normalize and desensitize Africans in America, and make these tissue terrorized things, seem quite moral, just, fair, honest and sincerely sane. Superficially seeming to be a good operation, wholesome happening, and normal day life herein, the dis-United States of angry Anglo-America Al Qaeda!
My Mastermind Melanin memory, mind and material matter, envisions evil enemy entities, being brought down to ground level zero - naught. And all of the criminalized African Americans, z-Blackxz & z-Brownxz, brave-bold brothers; X-convicts, jail birds set free, are joining THE UNION ARMY. Spiritiously now today being recruited in THE UNIFIED ARMED FORCES = FREEDERATION!!!

Corrupt Coon Ass Spooked Out High Water Walking Steppin' Fletchers?!
Howsoever, can or could these Reptilian Race mean mentalities, pull these terrorist things off all by themselves? Hell No! Bascically because, the negative nasty nose Negroes, accepted bribes that caused them to succumb-give into brainwashing, thus turning themselves into dumb down dupes of demonic deceptions, deliberately devised. Self-destruction, Devil's damnation = Uncletomism - Samboism - Selfhatism!!!
While still in the surreptitious midst of so said Civil Rights Organiztions, serving as distractions, deflecting our immediate attention. Purposely, publicly pushing political propaganda, about integration, assemination into the "White" mainstream society. Acting as if everything is Honky dory, alright, fine and dandy. Butt, believe my informing you that their tactics are only treacherous tricks. "Boule Blacks": "Skull & Bones"; black jackass uncle toms; according Bro. Steve Cokely transitioned 2012.

Corporatist Communications Commands: Their negative news stories severely, supresses soundness, sensibilities, sanity; and supporting satanist psychotic politics. Journalists, columnists, reporters have bootlicked, kiss butt, suck-up to Big Brother BOSS... to keep their jobs. Pre-programmed psycopathy. Thinking that they are godly, holy, righteous Christians; "White People"; as they call themselves. Butt, they are collectively crazed citizens, caught inside oncoming cash currency collapse. across a corrupt country-contined. Due to them feeding upon toxic chemicals, criminalizing Caucasian Caucasoid capitalized corporations. A conditon that is culminating into Capital Cash Currency captivities, deep indebted middle-upper class citizenry, ending up economically entrapped, down and out. Forced to live with and among welfare recepients, who have a beef with those who benefitted, given the advantages, personalized properties, private prilvileges. So be it, they are themselves slaves, endentured servants of Satan's system; better still enslaved satanic societies of the lost losers, lazy Lilly Whites!
BUTT: What was hidden underground, in the deep dark, has now today been made manifest to Solar SUNGODD'S Deified Love Life Light Locks. Retaliations and retributions. Now it is a devilish dope deal gone bad, a chemical conspiracy that has soured in their racist stomachs. Yet it seemed sweet to their terrorist thug tastes. Has become bitter black bullets backfiring in their pitiful 'pale faces'. Killer karmic reactions! Combustible chemistries concurring. Causing them to be at Civil War with each other! Heads up, collision and capital cash currency collapse. Which is a better benefit blessing bestowed by our Occupyneers bright brilliant brains. Look: http://love1sex2romance3.wordpress.com
"It’s beginning to feel a lot like the 1860s — and not just because Steven Spielberg’s Lincoln opened nationwide this past weekend. There is a secessionist movement afoot: hundreds of thousands of Americans from all 50 states have signed petitions to secede. Texas is in the lead — no great surprise, perhaps — with ABC reporting last week that the Lone Star State’s petition was the first to get more than 25,000 signatures. It now has more than 100,000." Read more: http://ideas.time.com/2012/11/19/can-texas-really-secede-from-the-union-not-legally/#ixzz2DD7k8lQg

FEARLESSLY Force these terrorist Texan thugs: To Stop Point Blank Period:  Although, these very same inhumane and insane citizens calling themselves "We The People"; seceding from the Union, have for the last past 23 years to date, viciously violated Equal Protection Under Law, Due Process of Law. Making millions of unconstitutional arrests, Illegal searches and seizures of personal bodily beings, belongings, private possessions. Crooked Caucasian Cops concocted criminal charges and felony cases. False Failure To Appear Traffic Warrants, to justify stopping a citizen driving their vehicles down the roads and up the streets lawfully. Knowing how that by having a police record, felony chrages or convictions, keeps the subjected victims of color from gainful employment. Decent paying jobs, social services are sometimes cut off or not even allowed. And at the very same time exploiting-expediently Negroidian mean matriarch mentalities, mothers as heads of households playing as male fathers. SheHe!
Plus+ propped-up House Negra females, as judges seated upon misdemeanor court benches hideously hating on African American male accused suspects. They're black bitchcraft bastards, crooked cops, sellouts, stooge suckers to help defeat, the U.S. Federal Government's Affirmative Action Plan!
A Legislated Act that they failed to uphold, reinforce against Anglo-American States across country and continent. Which highlights the factual reality of truth, that Africoidians are ruled, governed, oppressed-repressed-depressed, by an illegitimate Governance. A pychotic police state of stupid employees, ignorant uncultured-unclean cops. The most dumb dopes and demonic dupes that can be hired henchmen-women. A sinister supremacy superiority society. One that is illy imposed upon melaninated people of color. These are rational reasons to seek totally Declared Declaration Dependence Days! 
Play Close Attention, Listen & Look Up: Y'all see how that they systematically, systemically take away all of our civic protections, civilian defenses, and literally disarm We's & Us's to create conditions of vulnerability, susceptibility to their ill-will, wicked whims and Racism's resulting realities!
Blatantly Buttressed by bogus beliefs, lying petty police patrols of prejudice people; with 'pale faces'. Rubber stamp indictments, excessive bails and or no bail set for the entrapped accused - assumed suspect. Insanely shotgunning and railroading "Minority" melanin members into captivity and systemic slavery. These Texans of the Long Star State, sentenced non-whites to long term prison terms, after they enhanced, rigged up their Criminalizing Injustice System SATAN!
San Antonio, Texas, our beauteous tourist city: as I’ve envisioned, imagined, is the strategic stage station, sanitized satellite. The neutron-neutralized zone zero. The  USAA+FREEDERATION boldly, bravely brought in the heavy artilleries, armored vehicles - military machine might, tanks - trucks, helicopters, air force fighter jets, landed in Lac-land?, Sam Houston base, Kelly Air Force Base, so forth and so on. Prepared for the finally, inevitable CaucAsian Caucasoid creatures clashes, crashes, collisions = calamitous civic combustion!
Efficient - Effectual Equal Efforts, open opportunities, fair chances, to decisively DIVIDE. Split, separate into sections, segments, single societies. Effectively escape enemy entities; incompatible parties, overcrowded living conditions, prison plantations. Liberated from influences of The Nation of Islam, Muhammadan Muslim mindset madness, radical religious reptilian racism = freedom from religiosity, to enter our originating Spiritiosity. Those who want to hate ham-hocks, swine-pork-pigs, red meat, animal flesh for fresh food to eat, can go their own way. Git the Hades hell fires out of Dodge! As Europeanized Vegans & Westernized Vegetarians, while We’s & Us’s choose our original diets, culinary cooking crafts; of ancient ancestral Africa + Her Healthy-Healing-Holistic: VegePlanTerRain. http://artistchd.wordpress.com

Problem Solving Solutions: Women teach women, men teach other men, females educate females, girls be girls and boys be boys. Specific subjects, strictly stated; UNIFIED STATUTES; in schools, colleges, learning institutions. No more military men mixed with women, mating-dating-marrying, having sexual intercourse on and off duty. Dropping new born babies, causing arguments, disputes, fussing, fighting between each other. A dangerous distraction. A Homeland Security Risk & Terroristic Threat. And they are to be self-Dependent & Divided. All ladies leaderships, companies, etc. Basically because the imposition upon one another, is antagonistic, adversarial and alien agencies. Masculine & Feminine energies, are actually different! And can come compatibly together; at free will, voluntary, in Love Peace & Harmony vs Hate Hegemony!! http://www.last.fm/music/ArtistCHD/Love+Peace+&+Harmony
CONCEDE vs SECEDE: Moreover, the conventional, traditional family structure has successfully been dismantled, diminished in values and worth. The living dead, soulless zombies. Separations and divorces are actualizing to quicken the processess of population controls. Would be beautiful, lovely looking ladies, fine fit females acting manly-macho-muscular, seems unlovable. Even on the high rise are feminist male haters. So what male in his right mind want to marry one of them, with such an asinine ass attitude? Bad Black Bitchcrafts & Wicked WhitTie witchcrafts!!
Afri-Con-Victors = converted X-convicts, are taking over the slave-masters redneck racist ranches, farmlands, livestock, mansion homes, real-estate properties, food and shelter. What ever is deemed valuable, worthwhile, these Armed avatar avengers, army arrivals, are taking by force of arms. Instead of "forty acres and a mule"; Wexz & Usxz are commanding complete controls of countrysides. Claimng 4 acres and one Jone Deer tracker. Joking with yawls, so smile with happy humor. Paralleling para-dem-on-stration, commonly called paradigm, authorized, anointed, appointed AFRICON vs. Africom of Anglo-America Al Qaeda!!
FREEDERALIZED Fearless fighters, fortune finders, founded from Fortress Africonvictor. Actualized Africonvictions of innocent Africans in America. Criminalized citizens; caught and kept inside unclean contagious cages, concentration camps commonly called correctional centers. I have a Universal IniVersal RealiVision + Real Live Vision, of our Africonvictory!
NO No no, Wexz & Usxz will not disarm ourselves, until there is MitiAfrica installed, instituted, incorporated inside our Occupyneers Africanized American communities, inner-city urban neighborhoods. The existing State Laws prohibiting possession of firearms, does not have Africoidians in America, best interests at heart. Regardless of the influx of arms inside impoverished-poor neighborhoods. Designed destruction, engineered homicides, murders, bloody killings = “Black on Black Crime & Violence”. Due to invidious- insidious Institutionalized Racism!
Nevertheless, nobody in their right melaninated minds can afford to trust the Ku Klux Klan mentalities, menacing mean mindsets; often in local city-county cops, petty police patrols, law enforcement uniforms and strapped plain cloths, undercover racists, wicked witchcraft WhitTie Sociopath Supremacist Sheriffs & Corrupt Chiefs!!
Howsoever, I Am not an advocate of packing handguns, open-concealed weapons, legally or illegally. Not for the community cops nor for the citizens. Everybody is to be disarmed of pistols gunpowder firearms, all together; baring none!
Only Officially Ordained Military Men; Weaponized & Authorized Actionaries; of The FREEDERATION. Instead of The Federation Unionists U.S. Government. Which has earned an adversarial, antagonist reputation, record of oppression - repression - depression, of Civil Rights & HueMainRights!
Riffles, assault semi-automatic and automatic are strictly, and specifically permitted - possessed by the above stated strategic STATUTES, military machine might. Every district, zone, ethnic-racial community, has its own Occupyneering military police force, reflecting their individual skin coloration, common complexions. As an aggregate whole!
Moreover, the general overall citizenries can buy, keep, have at home in their private possessions, air guns, standard sizes such specifics as bb = pellet pistols of this caliber. Enough to ward off an attacker without excessive force, unnecessarily overpowering an intruder - trespasser - transgressor. No so called rubber bullets operated by gunpowder!
YES: It is good riddance that the middle class and upper class are being “taxed into oblivion”! Basically because, they, collectively, are irresponsible, in that the impoverished poor down trodden mass members are actually oppressed-repressed-depressed, by them, prejudiced people, Held hostages in Hades hell fires of financial confinement, controls without enough capital cash currency = ‘phased out value of dollar bills‘ = virtually worthless = $$$!
News Report Yahoo: Racist White males roaming around carrying concealed weapons - handguns, while being intolerant of Black youths and African American males in general. These hatemonger Devil White Supremacists,  intend to start Urban Race Riots & Civil War; America At Guerrilla War. They are undercover Ku Klux Klan mentalities, mean mindsets, who want to legalize their murders of people of coloration complexions, non-Euro-Anglo-Americans. And so in this strict sense, these wicked witchcraft WhitTie whip Cracker Criminal Caucasian Caucasoid creatures, are being disarmed. Entire middle class citizenry wiped out and off of the geographical map. Good riddance! As I've envisioned, in the present processes by United States President Barack Hussein Obama Abraham Lincoln. His Divinely Decreed Declaration Promocration paralleling, The Emacipation Proclamation!!! Reveals Avatar Avenger AmeriAfrindian ArtistCHD via COLOR KINGDOM NWCA.
JACKSONVILLE, Florida (Reuters) - Now that the father of 17-year-old Jordan Davis has buried his son, he is turning his grief and anger over the high school student's shooting death into a crusade against guns and Florida's controversial Stand Your Ground law.
"The first goal is to get Stand Your Ground repealed because that law emboldens people to carry firearms and to use them if somebody looks at them sideways," Ron Davis said.
His son, an unarmed black teenager whose story has parallels with that of Trayvon Martin, another Florida teenager shot and killed by a man arguing self-defense, was gunned down on November 23 by a white man when a dispute over rap music in the parking lot of a Jacksonville gas station turned deadly.
"I shouldn't be able to end your life, end the life of your children, end the life of your family members, just because I misinterpret your actions," said Davis, a Jacksonville resident and retiree from Delta Airlines.
Yahoo! Search: The Alex Jones Show:

PART 2 nest  >>>>

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