Friday, October 28, 2011

OCCUPYNEERS CyberSpaceAge 21st Century COLORKINGDOM NWCA records-reveals-reports "Occupy" Forced Evictions, Hateful, Violent Raider Racist Renegade Rouge Riot REPTILIAN police forces-cruel city cops cracking down on all camp sites, parks, plazas across USA.


DIVINELY DECREED + DELIBERATED DECLARATION DAY of HUEMAINLAW: Officially Constituted concisely on New Year’s Day, January 1, 2012 at 12:00 am. Yes I solemnly and spiritually summons The Eternal Universal Powers + Forces of the Ether that Be, to install, instate, institute this respectful request. And AmeriAfrindain ArtistCHD, the Inspirited Solar Sexus Soul presiding over and residing inside my living human body organism, now Know instinctively, intuitively for a surety, and confidently so, that this decision as a declared decree by divine !deliberation!!!
MOTHER MATRIARCH MAAT HUEMAINLAW + HueMainKind Legislation: By creative conception meaning by definition, things that belong as native or natural to all human beings, worldwide. Essential elements, substances, material matter such as nourishing - nutritional, healthy food, fresh water to drink freely, secure shelter, clean clinical aid and safe medications. This law governs so named civil rights and human rights. With HueMainLaw being an all and in all encompassing principality. The dominate domain that completely covers citizens causes, consummately, thus those that are fundamental needs, requirements, as opposed to being only wants, wishes or desires!
Latest Update Today Tuesday, January 11, 2012 ....10:41 pm
1. YES: Anyone of African Africoid Ascent, can certainly suspect or expect that when try to work with most Whites as European American Caucasian Caucasoid citizens, they try to systematically dominate and control people of color.

2. Lets say for examples: The “Occupy Wall Street” New York City Zuccotti Park evicted tent campers, in a major way, have south shelter under the auspices, roof of a Christian Church, perhaps Catholic. Which has their own rules and regulation and religious rituals, beliefs and worshipping practices of some fictitious, fraudulent white male person being “God” and as their alleged “Lord and Savior Jesus” who suppose to be The CHRIST = HORUS!

3. OK Y’all there’s nothing wrong with the buildings or architecture, in and of themselves, because they are only inanimate objects of material matter. Butt, believe my telling the total truth, they these treacherous White males, and some females, can’t ever be trusted. And everything has to be transparent, open and in full discussion among all member-participants called “Occupyiers”

4. Nevertheless, what is continuing to happen under these religious roofs, assumed free spaces, is that African American Blacks & Browns, Melaninated people of cultural colorations, are having their innate, intrinsic, inborn Spirituality sucked out of them. By the false Christian clergy via the Vatican Popes, Priests, Bishops; and Protestant Baptist Preachers, Pastors and Deacons!!!

5. Furthermore, base on what I gathering from Livestream, Ustream mobile media man and woman, boys and girls, is that there are being bogus proposals brought before their General Assembles, indoors. Prompting people to “Block” vote in efforts to stop them from passing. These “dissidents” are being “stigmatized”; eliminated by these domineering White Anglo-Americans. So said a dark brown skinned sister, on Wednesday, January 11, 2012.…about 8:30 pm San Antonio, Texas time line.

6. Moreover, this highly intelligent young African American female, pretty look lady too, spoke softly, with diplomacy and tact; butt, believe me, these hard headed Euro-Americans, hear her, yet didn’t truly listen to learn lessons. As usual! She cautiously admonished the listen audience, that what they want to do is make sure other people what were not presents, no longer welcomed inside the Church, are loosing their “interests” and other might become not so “inspired” also. And this bright minded African American lady, said that perhaps, they should talk about these disputed or questionable proposal for another two weeks, and in the company of those outside somewhere?! Still these always “white is right” Euro-Anglo-Americans went ahead on passing proposal to spend the money, financial funds, in the manners that they collectively see fit.
7. She came back later in the “Spokes Council” meeting discussions, again, smartly trying to tell the others, to ‘remember what we started off being all about’; which is inclusiveness, transparency, and working together for positive progress, etc.
8. Although, what this beautiful Black woman is seeing and experiencing, are deliberate divisiveness, subversive secrecy engaged by faker facilitators, Committee organizers, systemically. Banning those what have been told to leave the Church premises by the Ministers, religious clergy, as “third parties” dictating who can come inside and who stays outside. Labeling outspoken Black females and males, Mexicans and Latinos; for the most part. Calling them “provocateurs”; “interrupters” ‘blockers’ ; ‘trouble makers, and such stigmatizing negative name calling and personal attacks, on the sly fox cool. And while still in the surreptitious midst of recruiting, acting all Honky Dory, everything is race neutral and colorblind, by propping up front 1-2 or 3 token African American Black females and males. Easy going, nice, kind and friendly and submissively docile toward Caucasoid Caucasians. The very beginning to creating the colonializing captilist, corporatist concoction of Uncletomism, Selfhatism, Samboism, by-products invidious, insidious INSTITUTIONALIZED RACISM!!!
10. And this is exactly why these treacherous traitors, as deceitful Whites, of course those that are, wanted to seek shelter under their religious roofs. So that they could cloak and cover themselves up with those in charge of the allowed building space. Let them do their dirty works, while they act all innocent of the charges being prejudice, bias bigots and white religious racists!!!

11. Other common sense White males of goodness, also, warned that certain passed proposals were “harming the movement”; ‘hurting and “destroying” its “moral character”; original intents, compromising their “principles”; etc. All and in all, it is a sad day to see such a large civil collection bright brilliant brains; go down into the dirty sewage drains!!! Meaning that “Occupy” is stuck dead in to waters of their own internal wicked white westernized witchcrafts. Has hit the hard headed knocks and rocks of self-destruction!
12. FORTUNATELY: Our Optimized Objective OCCUPYEERS, of the 21ar Century CyberSpaceAge; is thriving truthfully online, Internet’s World Wide Web. Operations Organization Orderly Communication via Dignity Digital Divinity. No arguments, disputes, fusing and fights, hecklers, Christianized clergy, alcoholics, drug addicts, cigarette tobacco - weed-grass-marijuana smokers. No loud temper outbursts, bogus banning, blocking, no negative nasty nose name calling, cursing, profanity, obscenities aimed at other personal people and participating brothers and sisters. Everybody is most assuredly welcomed and invited to a currently clean cultured consensus cause of Unification of our MultiplexRacialbody of cultural color complexions: black-brown-red, tan, yellow, white-pink pigmented people’s populations. Period.

“Occupy Wall Street” NYC, Euro-Anglo-American facilitators, organizers, co-opted, sold out on themselves and movement, And again deviated from a neutral to an active religious politicized entity of the white supremacy Catholic & Protestant Christian Churches. Which are the inventors of racism, hatred of native indigenous inhabitants of Melaninated skin colorations, worldwide. History reveals how these pedophile popes, priests, pastors, preachers robe and rape our young boys of their maleness and manhood. And also enslaved the Africans in America, while imposing their version of some White European Lord & Savior “Jesus” as a Caucasian Caucasoid “God”.
Although, their donations are dwindling drastically and there are ambitiously spending more money meaninglessly. Some participations at their December 15th General Assembly, detest begging, asking for finances at Web sites or moral and ethical reasons. While a few others insist on soliciting economics from the public to support themselves. And some seeming to be African American Black female with a Jamaican accent, has issues with her being blocked out of the Christian Church sanctuary, premises and or building itself. She wants to know why? And a white male gives her some bull craps replay that did not at all answer her intelligent question. He went on ranting and raving about some “Occupiers’ violated their strict rules and laws about no alcoholic drinking and drugs, as he claims some people did so anyway. And another smart white male said that the reason why their donation funds are no longer coming in at a high rate like initially while camped out in parks and plazas, is because "people think that occupy is dead"!
Albeit, I know that these White youngsters, specific individuals in particular, who wish to uphold their Satanic System of Religion = Capitalism = Catholic corporatist colonialist concoction are of Culpable Mental States of guilt, fault and blame for financial failures. Unfortunately those who chose to seek shelter under these unholy, ungodly roofs, are divinely decreed doomed damned. Drained of any potential or possible degree or amount of innate-inborn SPIRITUALITY. Due to their own devilishness, deceit and betrayal of the original cause and forsaking the real purposes of “Occupy”. Smile 'n lovin' faith always.
Lets see how the contagions corrupt and contaminate the entire movement of "Occupation". With it having a longstanding negative connotation and even adverse meaning to mass members of many multimillion "Minorities" as people of color, who have learned not to ever trust Whites again. This is expressly why I chose early on, optionally, objectively, use the artful expression; OCCUPYNEER. And y’all keep on reading with long winded breaths, as more of these truths are revealed herein my True-Up U-turn Story Book Bible Blogs.
Documented Reports-Revealing Information, Collected Data!
OCCUPYNEER CK-NWCA reports-reveals: “Occypy Albany” the police are now taking the tent from the protesters; who came back into the park, holding a General Assembly. Pulling and snatching, shoving is going on as the “Occupiers” yell: “Shame on you”! “We are people you are not”! An “Officer on the white horse pepper sprayed” resisters scuffing over the last large information tent. It’s 4:51pm today Thursday 22nd. And somebody is being arrested for not letting go of the tent. I hear the F…word being used, cursing the criminal city cops, people are mad, upset, disappointed and understandably so. As they had a good gathering during “stack”, with everyone saying what they thought about the Satanist System of capitalist corporate corruption and crimes committed against HUMANITY’S SANITY!!!....
YES: “Occupy Albany” went down in defeat, eviction evacuation of the tent tenement camp in the park area across the streets from City Hall. A basically civilized cop presence, non-violent police patrols, and leaderships talking intelligently to those forming a human chain around the last standing information tent. This seemed to had been an unexpected police raid and or intervention, on very short notice to remove the encampment, personal items and such valuables. And many members did indeed pack up and stored their belongings, tents on flat beds, vehicles of sorts. While others refused in “civil disobedience”. Although the City General Cleaners or Sanitary garbage truck workers and park maintainers, sensibly broke down the large tents, folded them up nicely, so that they might be reclaimed in about “ten days”; according to Sweet Potato Tim Cast mobile media man Livestream.

After which eviction from the park, no arrests made, some of the mentally wounded “Occupiers” picked up the last large information tent and paraded it across the streets in front of City Hall, then about 150 protesters started marching down the middle of the city streets; carrying it. And no cops tried to stop them from walking in the roadways blocking some traffic. The law enforcement officers basically ignored them, letting them blow off some steam, get tired and eventually give up. The sudden notice to evict began about 2:00 pm San Antonio, Texas time line, on today, Thursday, December 22, 2011. Documented herein CK-NWCA OCCUPYNEER.
1. OCCUPYNEER CyberSpaceAge Century 21st reports - reveals: That “The Occupy Wall Street” had a “Spokes Council” meeting with members of the groups on Monday, December 19, 2011 about 9:00 am San Antonio, Texas time line. And there was nothing other than a lots of confusion, chaos and internal conflicts. However, mobile media man Livestream, showed some better racial balance in the discussions and people talking on stage or stacks. I saw several appearing African American males, females of the blacks and browns. Butt, there was some type of proposal made, and it was so constantly interrupted in disagreements, yelling, noisy disputes until I couldn’t hear clearly what they were talking about? They tended to forget that “the whole world was watching”!
2. Moreover, there was about 8 initial blocks by mostly Black females and the one in particular, has opposed several other things proposed before. As she is the one who is the articulate talking, analytical and mature lady. Outspoken and assertive as I’ve reported on her before, as being a possible infiltrating, penetrating Agent?! Subversive activity expert?!
3. Nevertheless, some other Black male looking guy with locks, disagreed with her accusations and said that they were not right, etc. Yet the heated temper outbursts persisted to interfere with the “Spokes Council”. About 3 let go of their blocks, and about 4 were counted still staunchly keeping their blocks. And a head count or (political type vote) was taken, and about 36 said yes to the proposal which they claimed was 90% majority over a 10% minority.

4. OK y’all, here we go again with their White Supremacy Superiority Superpower Sickness Syndromes. Refusing to learn from the general problems of the Anglo-American White owned and operated and ran Satanic System. Where it constantly creates an imbalance of a majority over a minority. Concocted circumstances or created conditions that makes racial equality impossible. And this is exactly where their Institutionalized Racism is being formally practiced and as a condition and as a political policy. Because as one young female of color said for the reason of her block, was that all agreements, and decisions were to be made, not in these secret undisclosed committee meetings, butt, openly transparent, with everybody, racial group participating as equals, she said in so many words. And the other young lady of color, perhaps, African American, said on moral and ethical ground she is holding on to her block. Because, something was wrong with the process, it was not fair and equable, etc.

5. Here again, I place strong emphasis, on the fact that these eager beaver, over-ambitious, arrogant and egoist whites, esp. the single lopsided left brain thinking white males, went ahead on making plans among themselves, discussing issues, and then attempting to dictate democratic decisions. Those based predominantly on what or how White Americans feel, believe, and think! That’s totally wrong! It's unacceptible!
6. And like I’ve written herein these blog posts before, just because Whites have the larger numbers constituting a majority, does not give them any humane rights to institute policy, legislate laws, rules and regulations. Imposing them on others who are the lesser numbers as nonwhites! That’s the primary problem here in the dis-United States of America!!!
7. Therefore ban the Europeanized voting and election political processes all together. To hot heated Holy Heavens Hades Hell Fires with their prejudiced political policies and practices once and for all humanity. And let We’s & Us’s relearn our Ancient Ancestral Africoid Africa’ historicity; on how to use our Occupyneering Constructive Creative imaginations. Create and invent a better beneficially blessed begining for our own selves that serves those valued interests. Expressly Love Goddess Mother Matriarch Madam MAAT. And all our truest White friends, love ones, allies, who desire or choose to come along with us and our commission calling causes of real revolutionary Liberty, Freedom and Justice rendered for all HueMainKind, under one HUEMAINLAW; they are most kindly welcomed. And respectfully invited to join our SPIRITUAL RENAISSANCE MOVEMENT


"Occupy" Close Down West Coast Ports, Trucking-Shipping Lanes, Docks, Terminals, Piers. Marchers demonstrating, protesting!!!
YES: AmeriAfrindian ArtistCHD, can clearly see that the ports truckers, shipping lanes, piers, docks, terminals are still open, operating and running smoothly. And all of the “Occupiers” attempting to close or block the roadways, streets traffic passage ways are repelled, rebuked and rebuffed. However, I believe that the efforts across the West Coast, are worthwhile, in the sense that it affords a valuable learning lesson, taught the hard headed way, as need be, perhaps?!.

Sooner than later everybody involved, shall surely see and know what does not work well and that which do work well for the “Occupy Wall Street” movements, whatsoever, they might be calling themselves. Meanwhile “big wheels keep on turning, primary keeps on burning, rolling down the river” roads righteously. Today, Monday, December 12, 2011... 2:41 pm San Antonio, Texas time line via CK-NWCA OCCUPYNEER.

YES: The notoriously known F..WORD, is being proclaimed vociferously by mobile media “white girl”; She’s pissed off too. Along with wild witchcraft wickedness word “F..Off” by her and other loud mouth protesters, shouting profanities, and obscene curse words, perhaps, unwisely so. Basically because this is what an uncultured crowd looks like, and the whole world wide web is listening and looking. Which in reactions, turns off parents, families, who block their young kids from tuning into these hostile and upset marchers. Some who are very educated as to what is really going on herein the USA. Destroying the planetary sphere Mother Earth’s healthy humanity. And they are trying to “wake up” the living yet sleeping dead American citizens. Yelling hellish epithets, negative name calling aimed at the criminal city cops who are defending the corrupt corporation capitalist psychopaths!
Howsoever, I understand why they are so frustrated, angry and mad at the local and mainstream news media, journalists, reporters who support SATAN’S SYSTEM instead of Livestream, Ustream, and CK-NWCA’S SYSTREAM!!

HOUSTON POLICE DEPT: "Port of Houston Authority" arrested about 15 marchers. The terrorist tormentors, torturers brought out a large military styles red tents, and placed it around about 8 or so demonstrators lying down out in the middle of the road, block trucking traffic and vehicles. These crooked coppers didn’t want for anybody, to see what they were doing to the resisting “Occupiers”. A clandestine operation, in secrecy vs. transparency!! Typical of the Racist, Riotous Renegade Rouge REPTILIAN RACE vs. our HUEMAINKIND RACE!!! Today, Monday, December 12, 2011..San Antonio, Texas time line 3:49 pm.

NEXT: 'I’m a proud Chicano, a proud queer, revolutionary, radical and anarchist’ proclaims a male upon the talking stage and platform. He’s reminding people; with all due respect to the key contributions make by Dr. Min. Mr. Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. Sir;  about how it was the 1960s race riots, rebellious revolutions. Which made positive changes by force and radicalism.. The courageous “Black Liberation Army”; black and brown people pissed off at the M…F…ing white system of racism.
He's a college educated student in financial debt slavery. He’s using some heavy duty curse words, and says he refuse to be “de-radicalized”; by the media, by the cops and police forces. Very determined to keep on keeping own fighting back bravely, in spite of temporary setbacks, preliminary defeats and personal shortcomings! This man is advocating defensive physical violence against offensive violence directed at “people of color” daily by the Anglo-Americans in political power positions. And ‘it don’t even matter what colored skin person get voted for or elected to public offices, Mayors, City Councils, and also a use to be Black Panther, who changed his morals, values, etc. once in office. Hired even more police to “Occupy” the “Minority” communities. Oppressing, repressing, depressing the Melaninated pigmented people of color complexions! And regardless of his profanity, outrage, I totally agree with him and his suggestive actions 100%+ = Self-protection of our OCCUYNEERS HUEMAINLAW RIGHTS. Documented today, Monday, December 12, 2011...5:59 pm San Antonio, Time line.

“Occupy” Close Down West Coast Ports Oaland, Califonia
on today Monday, December 12, 2011...9:44 am San Antonio, Texas time line.
1. “FEMINIST"; gay and "Queer” Large banner leads marching demonstrators out front, very obvious and loudly heard! Given audio-media coverage by the “Autonomous Guerrilla” Spencer Mills mobile media man.
2. Albeit, I believe, think and SPIRITUALLY KNOW, all of the “Occupy Wall Street” movement marches as a mandatory must, be based on human rights, an all and in all humanity’s sanity. And absolutely not a gay, lesbian, queer, sexist or homo--sexual demonstration. Which causes conflicting currencies, negative and positive charged electrons of energy emotions. That never shall receive Divinely Decreed Better Benefit Blessings; Butt, more or less receive summoned curses and devil damnations!!!
3. Furthermore, I’ve written already about how the so called “Feminist Movement”; “Sexual Liberation”; 'Women's Lib'... "women and minorities"....bogus crap of females for the last past 35 years, throughout the 1970s - 90s - 2000 - 2011 presently today, has helped greatly to divide the American citizenries. Aided and abetted corporate capitalist gluttonous greed, maybe unintentionally? Assists in breaking down the family structure, stability, and soundness of social-economic lifestyles. Pitting and pitching the sex genders against each other. Interrupting, impeding, interfering with men and women, boys and girls, males and females, working together for positive productive progress. Yet too many feminists are man haters, and some lesbians are actually anti-males!

4. AmeriAfrindian ArtistCHD, has repeatedly revealed and reported righteously, a person, an individual, or group organization, can be anything, or anybody that the choose to. It’s their freedom of choice to elect their chosen leaderships, according to their liking. Butt, believe my informing y’all, that they can also keep these personal choices to themselves, inside their homes - houses, churches, and private spaces. Because we are only dealing with the necessitated needs of human beings rights; strictly and specifically pertaining to HUEMAINLAW!!!
5. Although, the local and mainstream media news have wrongly associated, affiliated “queers’ or those choosing the same sex partners, called gays and lesbians, with people of color’s human rights and civil rights movements. As if they or we have something in common, which is Institutionalized Racism, in and of itself. Because, one can’t decide to be black, brown skinned, nor can control whether or not they are being marginalized and discriminated against because of the coloration complexions of the skin and Melaninated pigmentation. Which means that any one who insists on adjoining our causes with something other than what our original intentions were/are, unknowingly, unwittingly perhaps, does us Africoid Afrians in America, Afrindians, Mexicans - Latinos, Asians, Native-Indians, Eskimos... a travesty of justice = gross injustice!

6. Therefore, realizing and knowing these truer facts of existing realities, they are and have contaminated the movements with their politicized pollution poisons. The very same way that politicians and various political parties would do if they come out and join marchers carrying their signs, slogans, sexual preferences, whether they are democrats or republicans. Also, religious groups publicizing their faiths, Christian Churches-congregations, Islamic Muslims - mosques, or Judaism Jews - synagogues worshiping religion. All of these entities, are well documented, parts and parcels to the problems and can never be partners in the problem solving solutions!!!

7. Nevertheless, as AmeriAfrindian ArtistCHD, has repeatedly reveals and reported righteously, a person, an individual, or group organization, can be anything, or anybody that the choose to. It’s their freedom of choice to elect their chosen leaderships, according to their liking. Butt, believe my informing y’all, that they can also keep these personal choices to themselves, inside their homes - houses, churches, and private spaces. Because we are only dealing with the necessitated needs of human beings rights; strictly and specifically pertaining to HUEMAINLAW!!!AN HONORABLE SALUTE!
8. YES: Some seriously concerned mature White women, has a picket signs saying support the “Palestinians”. And this I know is the right thing to do. She has studies these issues and crucially critical tissues, about how many multimillion dollars the US Government, spends in monetary aids to The State of Israelis. Just to concoct their “Apartheid” concentration camps for the nonwhite, Melanated skinned people of color; being brutalized, battered, mass murdered by European Caucasian Whites. Call them Jews, Semitics, Zionists or whatsoever, y’all choose, they are racist, devilish and hateful psychopaths and insane serial killers!!! I give this particular White woman
“Occupy” Close Down West Coast Ports Long Beach California. March, Pickets, Protests, Demonstrations, Rallies!!! Reported by “Punkboy” or “Tim” mobile media man “Tim“ cast. Documented today Monday, December 12, 2011...11:20 am San Antonio, Texas time line. Via COLOR KINGDOM NWCA.

CK-NWCA OCCUPYNEER reveals-reports Long Beach police are being supported, backed up by the Los Angeles police department. And they are being tactical, telling people that they can’t go back and get inside of their cars parked a distance away. They say: come back tomorrow”. “If you are not verified press, you will be arrested!” SA Texas time line 11:51am Monday 12th.
YES: The police are warning marchers trying to shut down the ports, that if they refuse to stop and back off…. That the will use powerful forces, dogs to bite them, guns, tear gas, pepper spray, chemical agents, impact weapons and other means to defeat them. Butt, the “Occupiers” are being defiant, dissident with “civil disobedience.
The criminal city cops came clashing in with full forces, backing up the protest marchers, who turned around on their heels, heading for cover, getting the hell out of Dodge, so to speak, Wisely going back to the park to regroup and reorganize their movement. The petty police patrols are regulating the number of people who can return, or go back down the streets in the opposite direction. Only about 1 or 2 or a few at a time, for containment controls of citizens, corralled and caged under the commands of capitalist corporations. “Police assembly, please go home, or else you will be arrested” shouts a defiant dissident of disobedience!



1. “Occupy Wall Street”: Justin, Lorenzo and Nick. All got arrested by the New York Police Dept. on today, Monday, December 12, 2011, 12:43 pm San Antonio, Texas time line, reported by mobile media man Livestream, Ustream. Who proclaims that they will grow more media live so that the criminal city cops can’t arrest all of them. As they knocked the laptop computer scenes, camera equipment out the their hands, slammed them down hard on the dirty ground and cement. Physical violence for refusing to leave the spaces of corporate capitalist buildings, plaza areas and shopping mall.

2. Albeit, those talking in front the audio/video cameras, are acting as though they are so happy, cheerful and joyful, before the presence of the police forces. Which can be or is perceived as an affront, disrespect for law enforcement personnel on duty following chain command orders from upon high. The superficial dancing and prancing is irritating and agitating and provoking police over-reactions. Conflicting contact currencies causing inflamed feelings and over-excited emotions. Because they know that the rallying cries are presentations; contemptuous and contentious, not genuine, butt, are fakers and phonies smiling, laughing, joking, mocking, taunting and teasing them, in inhumane and uncivilized manners. Any thing butt peaceful. Even the Pro-football Officials, Owners, Commissioners, have banned taunting and teasing other players. Because common sense says that it is NEGATIVE. And not at all POSITIVE!!

3. Rallying in front of the City-County Jaid House: One White guy has a large sign with the lettering: “Merry Christmas..Jesus Christ”, etc. Which show how much he don’t truly know about, with their racist religions of European fraud in fact lies of leading liars. The Caucasian Caucasoid male person being “God”; Lord & Savior “Jesus” as THE CHRIST = HORUS; never truthfully existed, Man made, manifested media mythology. Fact of Reality! period.
“Jesus NEVER Existed says Pastor Ray Hagins “

OCCUPYNEER CyberSpaceAge Century 21st reports - reveals: That “The Occupy Wall Street” had a “Spokes Council” meeting with members of the groups on Monday, December 19, 2011 about 9:00 am San Antonio, Texas time line. And there was nothing other than a lots of confusion, chaos and internal conflicts. However, mobile media man Livestream, showed some better racial balance in the discussions and people talking on stage or stacks. I saw several appearing African American males, females of the blacks and browns. Butt, there was some type of proposal made, and it was so constantly interrupted in disagreements, yelling, noisy disputes until I couldn’t hear clearly what they were talking about? They tended to forget that “the whole world was watching”!
Moreover, there was about 8 initial blocks by mostly Black females and the one in particular, has opposed several other things proposed before. As she is the one who is the articulate talking, analytical and mature lady. Outspoken and assertive as I’ve reported on her before, as being a possible infiltrating, penetrating Agent?! Subversive activity expert?!
Nevertheless, some other Black male looking guy with locks, disagreed with her accusations and said that they were not right, etc. Yet the heated temper outbursts persisted to interfere with the “Spokes Council”. About 3 let go of their blocks, and about 4 were counted still staunchly keeping their blocks. And a head count or (political type vote) was taken, and about 36 said yes to the proposal which they claimed was 90% majority over a 10% minority.

OK y’all, here we go again with their White Supremacy Superiority Superpower Sickness Syndromes. Refusing to learn from the general problems of the Anglo-American White owned and operated and ran Satanic System. Where it constantly creates an imbalance of a majority over a minority. Concocted circumstances or created conditions that racial equality is impossible. And this is exactly where their Institutionalized Racism is being formally practiced and as a condition and as a political policy. Because as one young female of color said for the reason of her block, was that all agreements, and decisions were to be made, not in these secret undisclosed committee meetings, butt, openly transparent, with everybody, racial group participating as equals, she said in so many words. And the other young lady of color, perhaps, African American, said on moral and ethical ground she is holding on to her block. Because, something was wrong with the process, it was not fair and equable, etc.

Here again, I place strong emphasis, on the fact that these eager beaver, over-ambitious, arrogant and egoist whites, esp. the white males, went ahead on making plans among themselves, discussing issues, and then attempting to dictate democratic decisions. Those based predominantly on what or how White Americans feel, believe, and think! That’s totally wrong!
And like I’ve written herein these blog posts before, just because Whites have the larger numbers constituting a majority, does not give them any humane rights to institute policy, legislate laws, rules and regulations. Imposing them on other who are the lesser numbers as nonwhites! That’s the primary problem here in the dis-United States of America!!!
Therefore ban the Europeanized voting and election political processes all together. To hot heated Holy Heavens Hades Hell Fires with their prejudiced political policies and practices once and for all humanity. And let We’s & Us’s relearn our Ancient Ancestral Africoid Africa’ historicity; on how to use our Occupyneering Constructive Creative imaginations. Create and invent a better beneficially blessed begining for our own selves that serves those valuef interests. Expressly Love Goddess Mother Matriarch Madam MAAT. And all our truest White friends, love ones, allies, who desire or choose to come along with us and our commission calling causes of real revolutionary Liberty, Freedom and Justice of all HueMainKind, under one HUEMAINLAW; they are most kindly welcomed. And respectfully invited to join our SPIRITUAL RENAISSANCE MOVEMENT!!!
Beauty Queen Catt Speaks Our Emotionally In Tears!!!
Documented, updated - posted today Saturday, December 10, 2011...8:38pm

YES: “We are not disturbing the peace, but bringing it to the public’s attention that there is no peace”; say “Occupy” San Francisco beauty queen named Catt As she cries emotionally in front of the camera on Live stream - Ustream mobile media audio/video. Tears keep rolling down her eyes because of some much hurt, pain and suffering seeing so many members and minds destroyed by those seated into political power positions. And she is the same young lady who the “Autonomous Guerrilla” Spencer Mills did an interview with, before the forced eviction of the parks being “Occupied” by tenement tents, encamped protesters. And I knew that Catt would end up getting herself hurt, harmed in someway, butt, I had hoped that she was prepared for what was to come, sooner than later. Which reality is self-evident now today, how the criminal city cops came crashing in with reckless abandon, negligent disregards for human beings, their personal belongings and well being. The humanity haters, hostile to We's & Us's courageous CATS; lions-tigers-panthers..., were police forces of the racist raider riotous renegade rouge REPTIIAN RACE. This snart minded, lovely looking lady wears some Africoid African native-natural hair styled SPIRITUAL long leading Love Life Light Locks!!!
“We are all responsible for our own actions” ‘and Catt says that if you as a cop choose to shoot American citizens, then it is your individual choice, and you can’t just say you were only following orders.’ “Ask you self is this order consistent with my values”; you are acting as an independent person. ‘Take some time to think about what you are doing to other human beings’. ‘Start talking to your family”; ‘ask your best friend, priest, “your God”; ask why are you in this position?’ ‘I don’t want for anybody to jeopardize their family’s financial stability, welfare and ability to feed and shelter themselves and keep gainful employment.’ ‘Butt remember the Adolf Hitler Nazis, the followers, officers, police, military men who carried out his unmerciful, ungodly, insanely psychotic commands!! They were certainly wrong too!! Yes, those who harmed this woman or wisdom, are automatically Decreed Divinely Devil Damned & Cursed!!! Her E-mail: ?

“Occupy Boston” Eviction & Evacuated & Desperate-Destitute!!!
Succumbs to Political Pressures & Police Powers
Sells Themselves Out to Europeanized Racist Religions!!!
St. Paul Cathedral Catholic Church
Documented today, Sunday, December 11, 2011... 7:46pm San Antonio, Texas
Bribing - Brainwashing -Duping Dummies: By a Euro-American married couple, female and male of a mature age, 60s or so years old. They say, that at least three rooms that can accommodate about only 20 people. The space has a kitchen , microwave oven, stove for cooking foods. The proposal was offered by this older White Anglo-American couple, man and woman who attends the religious worship of their European White male image of “God”. And the small Boston “Occupy” crowd, welcomes the suggestion of the shelter to hold their general assembly meetings. On week days like Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday; but not on weekends, unless paid for perhaps as rental frees. Very interesting!
Because these two supposed to be Christians, Catholics, were acting as infiltrators, who had penetrated the camp site of "Occupiers". Interfacing with their inner faith falsehoods. Anticipating on the forced eviction by the City Hall Major and police department. And they admits that they left the tent Dewey Plaza encampment, before the cops came, "because we didn't want to get arrested" she says. A snakelike stealthy maneuver to save themselves, and be in a position to offer aid, help, temporary shelter at St. Paul Cathedral. Now while under this roof, those fooled into it all, can easier be recruited as proselytes. And receive communion support of the sinister satanic serpent of white Supremacy Superiority Superpower Sickness Syndromes!!!
Another young White guy asks if some others would want to come with him to a local bar, close around to talk, drink some beers, and discuss what they were going to do next? And I say he made a better choice to lead as many as he could away from Catholicism’s Capitalism. A smarter, yet not perfect decision; is the club or bar or cafe!

Freedom of Choice: These youngsters are being misled right back inside their own racist religious Reptilian synagogues of Satan = THE SYSTEM. As expected by most “Minorities” as people of color. And this is exactly why we are not seeing as many members of the African American Black & Brown conscious communities, fully participating in “Occupy”. History teaches nonwhites not to ever trust White Americans again. Because, they are notoriously known for betraying any cause when they feel it serves their best or better interests. Devious and devilish according to their own historians documenting their history. And can justify anything when they elect or choose to. Deviating decisions right now today. Ignoring the existing facts of historicity that it was and still is their falsified faiths in the Roman Catholic Church Christian religion, which created criminal Capitalism and corporate corruption. Constructed Protestantism and Baptism of Christendom. And concocted its criminality and corruptions across the earth’s geographical VegePlanTerRain.
FALSE CHRISTIANS; They are in truth the actual devilish white Caucasian Caucasoid inventors of vicious racism upon the living body organism of planetary sphere earth!!! Directly responsible for the enslavement of Africa's Africoids & Negroids as humanoid beings, And are the main ones committing crimes against humanity, hateful homicides and genocides of native, Afrindian - Indians- indigenous inhabitants wordwide!
Albeit, don’t even trust or believe me, butt do indeed research these truths herein these blog posts. As I offer y’all the reliable references, so that you may know the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the full proved truth; so help healthy humanity our Cosmic CREATOR. Meanwhile, smile ‘n lovin’ faith always:
“Jesus NEVER Existed says Pastor Ray Hagins “
5.Dr. Walter Williams Euro-Man's Religion

Jesus – The Imaginary Friend Christianity was the ultimate product of Scholars have known all this for religious syncretism in the ancient world. Its emergence owed nothing to a holy carpenter. There were many Jesuses but the fable was a cultural construct. Nazareth did not exist in the 1st century AD – the area was a burial ground of rock-cut tombs. Following a star would lead you in circles. The 12 disciples are as fictitious as their master, invented to legitimise the claims of the early churches. The original Mary was not a virgin. That idea was borrowed from pagan goddesses. more than 200 years but priestcraft is a highly profitable business and finances an industry of deceit to keep the show on the road. "Jesus better documented than any other ancient figure" ? Don't believe a word of it. Unlike the mythical Jesus, a real historical figure like Julius Caesar has a mass of mutually supporting evidence.” Reveal AmeriAfrindian ArtistCHD & COLOR KINGDOM NEW WORLD CREATIVE ARTS…thank y’all.
 AN HONORABLE SALUTE: Righteously earned by Law Enforcer Police Officer Lieutenant Evans Sir, Boston, Massachusetts. Who worked well with the “Occupy Boston” tenement tent campers at Dewey Plaza. Mobile media man …. Livestream - Ustream; deligently doing an excellent job filming the living actions; gallantly gives him honor, credit, recognition for handling the situation peacefully and in a nonviolent managing manner. No rouge renegade riot raiding Reptilians, invading the encamped protesters. Conducting himself, and city cops under his orders, in “a professional” way, no loud yelling, intimidating hate hostiles aimed at or engaged against the crowds of American citizens. Using diplomacy for about two months, applying common sense approaches, by talking calmly to other human beings like himself. Informing the “Occupy Wall Street” Boston branch, that eviction notices are going to be eventually upheld. And for them to start evacuating the site, remove their valuable belongings before the fact of forced eviction. Therefore, most people did indeed leave, quietly, and peacefully. With only a hand full of die hards who willingly and wantonly wished to be arrested and apprehended. So be it, fine and dandy, it’s all good, it is all good gravy!! Update today: Saturday, December 10, 2011,,, 3:38 pm San Antonio, Texas time line.
YES: “Occupy Boston” Massachusetts campers at Dewey Square, are being invaded, raided by city cops; on Saturday, December 10, 2011... 5:03 am San Antonio, Texas time line. Warnings were given out to evacuate the areas immediately or be subject to arrests by the police officers.
“Occupy Boston” Livestream on the grassroots ground mobile media man…named…. is reporting his news as the action happens. Yet trying to not be arrested himself and smartly so. Howsoever, the “Ooccupiers” were basically ready for this delayed eviction evacuation and are holding a general assembly across the streets, while chanting: “this is what democracy looks like”; “Occupy Wall Street”.
“The mainstream press is being told to backup upon the sidewalks”; Some demonstrators are sitting in a small circle holding hands prepared to be arrested in the tent encampments. The dirty dumb trucks are driving up to the site so that they can trash everything left as garbage and junk. City workers, and fire department men and women are being used against other American citizens, to increase the petty police patrols presences, pressure put on resisters. Public Servants supposedly hired or employed to serve the people and communities, butt, are now being exploited expediently to help crooked criminal cops, City Hall Mayors, to oppress, repress, depress revolutionary revolts! “We are all witnesses” yells street sidewalk protesters, vowing “solidarity forever”! Reveals-reports CK-NWCA.

About 4-5 persons are resisting arrest, as police ask them to willingly leave the areas peacefully, or be arrested by force. And they choose to hold and link hands in a little compact group. Because they are diehard loyalists, dedicated to their/our OCCUPYNEERING causes of truth and justice and anti-Racism here in the USA and whole wide world at large. Plus+ these courageous campers are making history, by showing on cameras, mobile media methods, how are the public people’s populations real live triest enemies. Of course revealing how that American citizens are enslaved captives entrapped already by: the neo-new Nazis Gestapo Military Police State. Jailed prisoners inside a continental corral cage!


Several legal observers, advisers along with about two medics were also arrested on camp site. “This is what a police state looks like”. With city cops following orders from up the chain of command, as nobody has personal accountability, and like to use as their defense, that they were only doing their jobs. And so did the murdering Nazis of Germany when following Adolf Hailer’s commanding orders!!! The very same insane case as all the rest of employed citizens, civilians and military service men massacring millions of members of the human family in wicked wars. And there’s no sorry ass excuses and pitiful alibis, for none of them, not a single one involved in dictators tyrannical oppression-depression-repression of public people’s populations. Which ungodly, unholy engagements are being forced to StopPointBlankPeriod.
It is still sort of saddening to see the end of the “Occupy Wall Street” movements methods of camping out inside parks and plazas. The very same scenario kept playing out in disasters, and destruction of developments, tents, personal properties and belongings left in the path of police powers. Yet in this case, “Occupiers” had learned lessons for earlier evictions, evacuating due to police raids wearing riot gear. They wisely saved most of the valued donated items, books, supplies, media equipment, etc.
Nevertheless, it’s a time of celebration and in the sense that the next stages and phases are to be pursued immediately without delays. Because, a movement has to keep circulating, revolving, rotating, orbiting, and creatively evolving in operational order to survive and thrive!!! As predicted, prophecied that a force of compelling circumstances, are directing, guiding, leading all movements toward the all and in all encompassing culminating conclusion:  Equals AmeriAfrindian Artist’s SYSTREAM!
YES: it is 12:00 am Friday, December 9, 2011 San Antonio, Texas time line. “Occupy Boston”, Massachusetts has approached its deadline, ordered by the city cops, City Hall Mayor & Police Chief, to vacate the “Occupied” park area or Dewey Square. And there is a general assembly going on with lawyers, legal defense attorneys giving out advice to those who might be arrested by the petty police patrols. While many others are breaking down their tents, smartly gathering their personal belongings, so that they can’t be trashed, thrown away into the dirty dumpster and garbage cans!
A White jazz band has been playing some New Orleans African American Black styled music, on live instruments, as the large crowd dances and prances in a partying, festive mood, of fun and laughter. However, Livestream - Ustream mobile media man, asks the key question; ‘how many people are going to be dedicated “Occupiers”; rallying demonstrators, when the cops come’?
A few so called “anarchists” have put up some barricades of pallets, in hopes of stopping the invading Amphibians, crooked cop creatures & raider renegade rouge riot REPTILIANS,
Nevertheless, the Law Enforcer Police Peace Officers, will wait patiently until the large crowds of hundreds or thousands of citizens out partying, get tired. Too dunk off of the war pad fire water, and drugged down on alcoholic drinks; beers-wines-liquors, and dope addicts on pot-weed-grass, crack-cocaine, heroin, meth or what ever. The city Official know how rowdy a raucous raging radicalized rebellion and revolutionary revolt can be, when those participating are not in their sober minds. And in a brain altered state of uncooperative behaviors and unruly attitudes. So they secretly wait in sudden surprise as sneaky, stealthy snake serpents of the System SATAN.
YES: the city cops have allegedly, announced officially that they would not raid or invade the “Occupy” camps tonight, for the record. Which is a tactical trick to cause many protestors partying to break up and go home. Disburse on their own accord, and call it quits! Butt, organizers are telling people not to go home yet, to stay here, because a party is going on. A seeming victory tonight if not only temporary, at: 1:16 am Friday, December 9, 2011 SA Texas.

"Occupy Wall Street" New York City
An Earlier Time Line Documented
YES: “Occupy Wall Street” New York City; has found, discovered, embraced an African American Black & Brown brother by the name “Alfredo”. Acting as police liaison, go in between man talking to the owner of the “occupied house” in the hood. So that the criminal city cops don’t raid the home with a small group of “Occupiers” staying inside. He is very articulate, smart, and talks slow, clear English language with clarity. Even though, I heard him use the common curse F….k word twice, butt, not aimed at another member, just used in general for stronger emphasis. Knowing that this is the regular vocabulary of most of the participating “pale faces” he was talking to and conversing with. Brother Alfredo, says that he is a conscious “community organizer”; and has been arrested at various times by the police for his activist ideals and dealings, etc.
He stresses that the white appearing persons, attending their meeting, saying something like this: 'y’all here have to unite, join together with' “my people”; meaning of color complexions as I gathered. And he’s happy and damn proud of them (whites) initiating the "Occupy" movement, which can lead to something we can do together, in order to keep the momentum gong forwards. And he is reaching out to other Africans in America, of the local communities, to join in also, to place people back into their homes of bank foreclosures, and serve those of We’s & Us’s who “feel like outcasts”; totally disenfranchised and left out of the decision making processes of the existing political system. Alfredo speaks with a calm composure, confidently and compassionately. Informing the group, that they are to avoid “agitating the cops”; don’t get in their faces with these ‘bright ass lights and cameras… standing outside the building forming circles holding hands… drawing attention to ourselves….because this will bring the police down upon us…so I want for y’all to keep these things in mind….etc. They will let us know, the police, local-district politicians, and owner of the property what the deal is soon!
OK Y’ALL, Mr. Alredo seems to be a wise Black male, who honestly and sincerely desires that our OCCUPYNEERING Optimized Objectives + Options, are pursued peacefully, not disturbing the quietness of others living in the neighborhoods, unnecessarily. And he reminds them to keep focused on why they are there, what our goals are and what we want to successfully accomplish. And that in my mind is not wanting to get arrested, because, everybody should realize at this point in time, after all of the arrests made, that stage has to come to pass. So that everyone else can move on forward to the next phases to effect positive changes. Equals = CREATIVELY EVOLVE! + REVOLVE!!
Albeit, AmeriAfrindian ArtistCHD, strongly says, that the Finances, monetary donation funds of “Occupy Wall Street” movement, as a mandatory must method, is to place those banked economical supports, in general bank accounts, under several bodies of individuals representing each and every conscious consensus community collectively, representatives as racial-ethnic-cultural groups. With absolutely no one singe so called “race” controlling, dominating these donated goods, items, monies, resources, in their every conceivable art forms.
Because, this is not all about TRUST, butt better beneficially blessed by being issues and tissues about total "Transparency”. Because people of color have a history of being betrayed by whites, used expediently, exploitatively when we are needed, yet deceived after certain objectives of Euro-Anglo-Americans are achieved. So realistically, regardless if this hurt some nonwhites feelings, African Africoids must as a mandate always be in a position to punish and penalize those under-cover racist whites who hide their true faces of hatred. Bogusly breach out aggreements and or contracts. Untrustworthy fakers and phonies, haters who will break every agreement, peace treaty, they think will serve their purposes, whatsoever they might be?! (Ref. Dr. Hendrick Clarke the Great Grand Mastermind African man)
Dr.Clarke - Islamic / Arab Destruction Of Black People Pt 2
Therefore, TO LOVE THY SELF, requiring nonwhites, full financial participation in the operations, communications, organizations of the overall OCCUPYNEERATION!!!! Wrote, documented, revealed today: Thursday, December 8, 2011, 11:30 am. San Antonio, Texas time line.

Several legal observers, advisers along with about two medics were also arrested on camp site. “This is what a police state looks like”. With city cops following orders from up the chain of command, as nobody has personal accountability, and like to use as their defense, that they were only doing their jobs. And so did the murdering Nazis of Germany when following Adolf Hailer’s commanding orders!!! The very same insane case as all the rest of employed citizens, civilians and military service men massacring millions of members of the human family in wicked wars. And there’s no sorry ass excuses and pitiful alibis, for none of them, not a single one involved in dictators tyrannical oppression-depression-repression of public people’s populations. Which ungodly, unholy engagements are being forced to StopPointBlankPeriod. .

“Occupy Wall Street NYC” Vermont House in the hood.
Documented today, Live stream - Ustream mobile media man
Sunday, December 11, 2011...10:05 pm San Antonio, Texas time line.
YES: This seems to be a sort of splitter group away from the other “Occupiers” holding GA meetings in a corporate capitalist building, also, housing big bankers and their CEOs. Bad decisions! However, in this newer case, I see several African Americans, about 4 males, 3 females in camera views. And perhaps 1 Latina, 1Latino or Mexican male, 1 Asian looking lady. And about 10 whites. No arguing, fussing and fighting, and moderate to no self-disrespecting curse words spoken. This is some improvement in cleaning up their own profane, vulgar crap. So far working together in this vacant house in the local community, in complete unity; Love Peace & Harmony. Which in my opinion, artistic perspective, is a good sign of what I call our MultiplexRacialBody; of current cultural color complexions: black-brown-red, tan-yellow-white, pink pigmented people participating as equals in dynamic bio-balance!!
YES: yells…“A Firing Squad” of petty police patrols + raiding racist renegade rouge riot REPTILIANS: arrested one courageous White male who was seated out in the middle of Market Street, San Francisco. During a march and rally at about 2:47 pm, after a 2:00 am by the city cops and City Council Mayor‘ by physical police forces of violence removed the encamped “Occupiers“. Trashing, junking and throwing away into the garbage dumpsters, all left behind personal belongings, items, goods, tents. Showing a total disregards to their potential values and actually monetary worth = $$$.
“They actually rubbed one occupier’s face into the cement”, says a Black lady. “You F….ing” this that or the other I hear angry white male cry in outrage of their “free speech” right being oppressed. And by-standers on sidewalks, even are being apprehended and arrested. “What’s the charge?” “Who did he do?”; supporters asked.

“One man was knocked out by the baton”; “beaten unconscious… slump body”; people “pushed and shoved by excessive force” by hundreds of officers the morning of the eviction and vicious evacuation orders. …
CyberSpaceAge 21st Century OCCUPYNEER Documented, today, Wednesday, December 7, 2011.…5: 52 pm San Antonio, Texas time line. Via mobile media Livestream - Ustream “OccupyTV”.

This Is Not About Trust; Butt Total Transparency = Truth!!!
AS A HUMANE RIGHT WE'S & US'S Want Equal Controls & Commands

Over all Financial Monetary Funds = Collective Conscious Community Consensus Cast

UNFORTUNATELY: “Occupy Toronto“, Canada: Some trustee female named Ms Claudia opened up an unauthorized, “bilateral bank account“, without taking her independent decision before the general assembly. Now she is being flagrantly challenged, to close said bank account, that she says ‘was placed under her none profitable organization’! She apolozies and says she will seek to close the account; tomorrow at a separate financial committee meeting.
Yet other white males are angry at her accusation of being “uncomfortable”, feeling “insecure” with another white man’s “presence”. Butt Claudia refused to clarify what she means. And he then reacts by telling the crowd, that she should “call a spade a spade”, or else stop claiming that a man did something she is afraid of, which is how ‘too many females accuse males” today he proclaims. And in the midst of these internalized disputes over the existing financial committee corruption, or potential theft, non-transparency, some appearing to look like a Blackish skinned male goes off vociferously, disregarding the “point of process” laid down by domineering Whites. So he yells that he is sick and tired of all of “the bickering” and bull shit disagreements, etc. Ms Claudia, beauty queen says now; “I’m ready to go home”, seemingly so tired of being verbally challenged about her honesty and personal integrity, which she herself jeopardized due to secrecy.
There are more doubts about the other signatures on the bank account, who conspired with Claudia. However some other guy speaking tries to advocate or pacify the crowd, for her opening up a “bilateral bank account”, and that she had good intentions, and it wasn’t a “flagrant act” of ill will or corruption. And I hear lots of loud screaming and hollering at each other, “it’s getting confusing” announces a female speaker, because, “voices are not being heard”. Another white skinned girl said that she hoped that Claudia will stick to her words and truly close this bogus bank account. Yet internal conflicts escalates, increased in fussing and disputing among themselves. Another lady says that Glaudia thumbed her finger down at others and shows no respect for members, and some other guy yells that he now has "no respect" for the thief or untrustworthy Glaudia.

The “Occupy Toronto” no camp group now tries to reconcile their differences by forming a circle of holding hands in hopes of keeping things together; peacefully. Even as some others drift away into the background apathetically and indifferently. Nevertheless, they are still trying to survive the police eviction from the Catholic Church grounds properties, who one mad young white guy said at that time a week or so ago: “the church (clergy) betrayed us”!!!

1. YES OCCUPNEERS LIVE ACTION: David of “Occupy” DC, upon a structure's roof, was poked in his stomach, and hit with a police baton/patton on his shoulders, while he clings tightly to a new structure in K-park. They couldn’t pull him loose so they resorted to physical violence and brutal like force. But David is hanging on to another two-by-four, with a rope tied around his body by the cops, on a ladder and in a cherry picker elevation device. They are also using an armored vehicle, yet it has been about 20 minutes, trying to arrest and apprehend one “Occupier” holding on strongly and staunchly. 
2. These are U.S. Federal Police, and not City cops. He has a powerful grip on the A-frame, for dear life literally and life of this movement. However, they finally got him down, he's complying, talking to an officer. The police said that the large wood structure was unsafe, unstable and not permitted, etc. Now the park crowd is cheering courageous David against giant Goliad. Reports Livestream Ustream mobile media man "A.J." on the grassroots ground level. Today, Sunday, December 4, 2011...8:29 pm San Antonio, Texas time line.
3. OCCUPYNEERS INTERESTINGLY FOR SURE: Now the wooden structure has been demolished, broken down and destroyed by city workers hired on the job daily. And somebody returned some salad, and other goods, items left inside the barn like building. Butt, another development is taking place in the surreptitious midst of this all. The metro police are unloading and setting up barricades around the K-park or McPherson Plaza areas. And this to me spells setting stages of a surprise and sudden eviction notice, and official orders to vacate the premises. As a retaliatory reaction to refusing to cooperate with the City Council & Hall Mayor. A penalty for resisting arrests! Severe restrictions imposed on “Occupy DC” and or deliberated death sentence to the tent camp!

4. Certain surrounding tent areas are cordoned off by the criminal cops who claim that they “are a safety concern”; however, the female petty police woman declined to answer the specific question why, what make them unsafe? The homes are wide open and being searched, and the owners are not allowed to cross the barriers and taped off sections. Nor are people permitted to retrieve their personal belongings. So then they will probably find something illegal or unlawful, as a PRETEXT, used to justify a complete close down or forced evacuations and emergency evictions! Due to some of the tong twisted trailer trash  F...words posted in the parks = disrespect to other lovable 99% employees, business men and women working peacefully and quietly in the local areas, etc. And the temperature is dropping dramatically right now toward 32% freezing cold. Which is cruelty, and hatred and hideous hostilities against human beings who need shelter and warmth. Pushed out onto the inner city urban streets of Washington DC tonight. Time line SA Texas 10:23 pm 12-4-2011.
Re: "Occupyaustin" Rowan Price wrote wickedness = "F_CK OFF"?  Ya momma -daddy+ grandparents like your self are vulgar, profane, and trailer trash troll white crap, so you go to hell with your racist hate and F...up! _you curse the cops! smile
Yes this hate speech is exactly why the cops are attacking Austin "Occupy" thugs, some of you whites are racist trailer trash, hateful, and low down dirty bombs, and the whole wide world is watching! So spend your short time trying to survive the police raids fool....Now your whole entire family is divinely decreed cursed and devil damned… so smile ‘n lovin’ faith always
From: Rowan Price <>
Subject: Re: YES OCCUPYNEERS vs. “Occupy“, office space sellouts to capitalist corporatist donors footing the monetary bills, expenses in hidden disguises, and "occupying" a companion bank building space with them, will help conquer and divide the grassroots
Date: Sunday, December 4, 2011, 12:40 PM
True-Up U-Turn Story Book Bible Blog:  
17. COOPERATIVE CONSENSUS CODE OF CONDUCT: Means a strict self-disciplining decision made willingly, intentionally, purposely and deliberately by each and everybody. However, let us be more meaningfully tolerant, patient and long suffering; due to disruptive behaviors. Different temperaments, personalities and contents of characters. May every one act as adults, understanding, and completely comprehend that conflicting points of views can and will and are occurring, And it’s not always a comfortable setting suitable for very sensitive feelings of some individuals. Howsoever, there has to be some sanely sensible guidelines, on how to talk in a kindhearted, courteous, polite manner. Self-respecting responses that are soft spoken, gentle based on common courteousy. Words like excuse me pretty please, may I have more time to express myself please. Avoiding being abrupt, interrupting, rude, impolite, discourteous, hostile and upset!

18. No profanity used or directed at brothers and sisters, family members, other participating Occupyneers. Let go of the cursing each other out, and making sarcastic remarks, hateful heckling, launching obscenities at one another when we disagree with them and their opinions. No personal negative name calling, racial slurs, dark humor, silly jokes that are degrading-denigrating of those who might look somewhat different than ourselves. Overall, and in general, these are the original principles practiced as a policy, in Ancient Ancestral Africoid Africa = MAAT. Equals historiography!
Read full blog:
San Antonio, Texas revealed today, Monday, December 5, 2011... 10:09 am. Thank y'all very kindly. AmeriAfrindian ArtistCHD
YES, On Monday, December 5, 2011. About 10:00 pm, a mobile media man Livestream, Ustream team, tried to audio-video show what was going on at the camp site, City Hall area of “Occupy Austin”, Texas. Now y’all remember to dutifully NOTE; that, he and other grassroots ground level moving media, has always been doing the coverage, daily and nightly. Butt, tonight, he was abrasively told that those camped out in sleeping bags and tents under a large building roof, was “ not a part of “Occupy”! And for him to “go away”. So he did while talking to his listening audience, who have grown to depend on live and active news media from other “Occupiers”. So he proceeded to some type of cafe, restaurant where many other white youngsters were hanging out, talking, drinking and eating food. Asking them did they know that there were groups up at this location…, having a general assembly, discussing issues, yet claimed that they had nothing to do with “Occupy Wall Street”?
However, they listened closely to what he was saying, butt, seemed totally uninterested in being shown before a camera. They tended not to want for their faces to be seen on video, so mobile media took it off of those seated and talking back to him, out of respect. Surely he was frustrated and somewhat disappointed, and a little confused. About why these people having a meeting denied the poor persons method of covering their stories?

Albeit, if y’all would kindly look back up at my blog post, and the massive amounts of E-mail messages I sent out across the USA & Europe, and to various “Occupy” groups, locally in Austin, Texas, news media, TV, news papers and press, it make good sense. Because, they are under extreme pressures to change their wicked ways. Clean up their no-class uncultured, uncivilized acts and profanely dirty demonic deeds. Learn how to ‘bridle their tongs’ and be very careful about who they are over-reacting to, what they are vulgarly saying as curse words. FBI & CIA? Ya never know?

1. Unfortunately Re “Occupy” Portland Shemanski Park is now receiving “by emergency order” proclaimed in a bull horn by an Agent; “to immediately vacate the park, it is now closed“…an hour or so before the City Ordinance closure at 9:30 pm. Yet there are many resisting members, chanting “fascist… police state”; F…k the city ordinance, “this is disorder”; who cares about making noise on beating drums and complaints to the police dept. angry speakers are proclaiming. “This is not order…it is disorder”!!!
2. The city of Portland director of parks are giving these evacuation orders, warning “Occupiers”; that they “will be arrested for criminal trespassing” It’s now 8:31 pm, and somebody came up trying to get in to retrieve their backpack. Apparently he had gone off somewhere and just returned to find out about the emergency eviction notice. “I refuse to let my kids grow up in a country like this?” a maddened person yells in outrage! My time line is tonight: Saturday, December 3, 2011...11:44 pm San Antonio, Texas.
3. REPTILIAN Riot Rouge Renegade police forces are moving in, beating people with their Billy clubs, arresting resisters. And somebody is still boldly and bravely beating on their war drums while the physical action and cowardice criminal cop aggression goes on, violently with wicked venon, viciously violating American citizens human rights. As they decree: “Shame on you”!!! Another courageous white male has his bull horn saying that “this is a peaceful protest”

. ....
4. Bean bag guns, pepper spray sticks, ready for shooting at resisting members sitting together on the ground holding hands in solidarity = Soulidarity! They say they are “having a dance party in the streets” and that the crooked cops can join them if they want to. Says Livestream Ustream media man doing the courageous coverage. “You should be ashamed of your selves…ya think that you are doing something?”….”You F…ing pigs….you F…ing losers …. F you…ass hole…., beating with sticks, show me your legal authority, where are your papers?…., now we can’t even be on the sidewalks…., forwards march some guy yells!
5. Now there’s a march on City Hall, a tactical strategy to evade, avoid being arrested for blocking vehicle traffic at an intersection, being prohibited by posted police. So the crowd of chanters strut out toward a different direction, causing cops to have to change their stand and adjust their positions. “We are the 99%”; is being sounded off loudly while marching in the streets, defying the city Officials & Authorities. It is now 12:35 am Sunday, December 4, 2011 SA Texas time line
1. YES OCCUPYNEERS vs. “Occupy“, office space sellouts to capitalist corporatist donors footing the monetary bills, expenses in hidden disguises, and "occupying" a companion bank building space with them, will help conquer and divide the grassroots ground level protest marchers!

2. NO: I didn’t visually see any such thing resembling; an all in all inclusive, MultiplexRacialBody of diverse groups working togetner for positive productive progress, seated inside these office spaces. And that's a crying out loud low down dirty shame and disgrace. Only a bunch of “pale faces” eliminating the dark faces. However, those nonwhites, who will see the hypocrisy, Euro-American status quo, of spiffy youngsters, tuck tail running for cover. Accepting bribery money in secrecy, Housing expenses paid for financially, abandoning principles, morals, personal integrity, ethics and dignity. Receiving special treatment, sucking up to the big bank bosses billing benefits by bailing out at the first signs of defeat. Eviction notices and forced evacuations from parks and dragged out, etc. Frightful fears of retreat!
3. TRYING TO PULL THE WOOL OVER OUR EYES?!. Unfortunately for the financial unity of everybody involved in "Occupations": Now being systematically "co-opted" by invisible unseen forces of the powers that be. “Anonymous” Another white Supremacy Superiority Sickness Syndrome. With a few elite dictators (1%) making the democracy-decisions for everybody else, (the 99%) while being sheltered sheep. And the so called "Minorities"; as "People of Color", = Mexicans-Latinos, African American-Blacks, Asians and Native American Indians, are seeing this move as typical of Anglo-Americans. "White privilege" and more of the very same racist setups as usual. What a mighty fine strategy to separate, divide and destroy the "Occupy Wall Street Movement". Righteously reveals-reports CK-NWCA… Thank Y'all Kindly. Smile ‘n lovin’ faith always with humor. Posted at CNN’s blog Just In on today, Friday, December 2, 2011..10:00 am.

Exclusive Inside the offices of Occupy Wall Street"...12-1-2011 ....
YES: This untrustworthy private, non-transparent meeting..., may sound good on its surface; butt, the visual evidence and portrayed proof reveals more Invidious Insidious INSTITUTIONALIZED RACISM. And noble intentions means absolutely nothing in reality of THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH:  “We found a donor who was generous enough to pay the rent,” Shan said. The donor has chosen to remain anonymous. “I think it’s been a really useful and important space. … It’s really just another place where people can come and get work done.” Another place where decisions are being made is a short walk from the New York Stock Exchange, the public atrium at 60 Wall St. The privately owned public space is on the ground floor of the building that houses Deutsche Bank, one of the institutions that Occupy Wall Street has targeted.” Use links to read full story blog. Exclusive: Inside the offices of Occupy Wall Street  New York City, segregationist symptom!

AMERIAFRINDIAN ARTISTCHD’s Analysis, Symphonic Synthesis + Synchronized Spirituality: Defined herein, to mean that to retain the truest identity and independence, of the “Occupy” conceptual idea; it is a mandatory must do, avoid becoming a member partner in the existing satanic System.
Because, such sickening, sinister and vicious violence has been and still is being engaged against nonwhites, by whites, until retaliatory violence is inevitable. So lets not get caught up on trying to cry non-violence while Eurocentric Anglo-Americans, still vote for their criminal politicians in election campaigns. Yet expect for darker skinned human beings to remain peaceful with them, thus be submissive towards their version of what constitutes: LOVE PEACE & HARMONY!!!
Nevertheless, in the aforementioned paragraphs; this is most assuredly not the case of racial-ethnic equality. Seeing how some senseless individual persons, trying to play colorblind, has decided among themselves, secret committees, separatist groups, to accept a monetary Bribe. Thus exhibiting the Culpable Mental State, of allowing themselves to be bought out by brainwashing and being duped. At their most vulnerable period of time in the “Occupy Wall Street Movement” in the specific State of New York!
YES: These racist white supremacist bastards, in 1989 murdered my own son at 19 years old teenage, out of their hostile hatred of Africans in America. Then after their dirty devilish damages; defensive whites want to tell me or teach us something about being non-aggressive, non-violent, = bull shit. War is violent, physcical demonstrations, protest marches are forms of violence by definition, biological contacts on the city streets with criminal cops, yelling profanity, curse words and nasty negative name calling. Provokes reactionary retaliations. Butt, this portrait picture is one of a completely innocent Black girl, a quet, peaceful, friendly and loving little child of our Cosmic CREATOR.
And just y'all look closely at this little girl, a precious daughter, child and sweet baby of an African American family, mother and father, murdered by angry-Anglo-America Al Qaeda, back recently in about 2009. They burned this young kid with police riot raiding racist Reptilian fire bombs and bullets, shot into their home and in her bed room sleeping soundly and serenely and in transquility. Now pray tell me, who is violent and who should make these terrorist, ungodly, unholy Caucasoid Caucasian criminal creatures pay dearly and punish them!?
NO COMPROMISING OUR PRINCIPLES + Plus Principal Positions: We's & Us's shall never forget our real history, nor let by-gones be by-gones. And there's no such of thing as forgiveness; without real repentance, regrets and a moral remorse. Howsoever, to truly reconcile our racial differences and to protect the innocent anti-racist whites, as individual persons, I've gone far above barbaric beastly behaviors; on the lowdown dirty demonic dimensions. Which = elevating, my own level of comprehension and artistic apprehension of ALL MIGTHY DIVINE GRACE via the paved patterned pathways of COLOR KINGDOM New World Creative Arts. Certainly retributions and retaliations and revenges, are being created in the Musical Metaphysical Mediums, invisible and unseen SPIRITUALIZED SYSTREAMS!!!
Albeit, believe my telling y’all, that it is no doubt in my mind, that it’s the right time to move inside, close quarters, and headquarters. Howsoever, this positively do not mean, selling out, into the apparent Corporatist complexions, stately architectural buildings, banks, where the very same CEO’s operated their criminal Capitalism & Corruptions!!!
INTERVENTION DIVINE + REVELATIONS: Meaning that the whole entire New York City & State shall see some severe wrathful winter weather, very soon! Along with other localities and war-zones. Rich & Poor shall seriously sufffer sentencing and be silenced. Suddenly shut down! Completely clogged up with ice packs and show drifts, hellish high winds, as blantantly bad blizzards. And nobody will be able to stay outside, warmly heated buildings, homes, apartments very long, without being over-exposed to hypothermia or freezing to death! Via The Awesome Forces of Mother Earth's Divine Nature!!! She shall surely OCCUPYNEER the dis-United States of America!!!
Moreover, in my view, as a Real-Live-Vision, it would be appropriate, to come to a complete consensus comprehension, by each and every represented racial-ethnic-cultural group of that county and city therein. This racial bias, earlier posted picture presentation shows a crystal clear White Anglo-American image and skin pigmentation; systematically capitalizing on the issues and decision making processes. A sure racial imbalance! Thus without the input of other non-Europeanized citizens of cultural colorations. Especially z-blackxz and z-brownxz males; are not being included, reached out to as human beings of equal intellectual intelligence. This is negligent exclusions while surreptitiously ignoring our existence!
Yet talking about We's & Us's and using our collective energies, butt, marginalizing the grassroots ground level leaderships, contributors who were some of the first bodies to get arrested. Apprehended on live media news reports by the over-aggressive criminal city cops. Several African American males, defied the police forces publicly first. Study the film recordings. Howsoever, they are not being brought into the organizing, facilitating, decision making meetings. Expressly in NYC Occupy!
This is a travesty of justice, it is wrong and there is no viable excuses and sorry alibis from such racial discrimination and prejudice. The exact same inordinate imbalances that we obviously see and eye witness daily as non-whites. Being dominated and controlled by Euro-Caucasian Caucasoid citizens. And this is precisely what internal affairs, living conditions, We’s & Us’s shall never accept, nor ever again agree with, in Love Peace & Harmony!!!!

YES, seeking shelter inside this particular place and office space; surely this is also a setup to protect their Lilly White women, from the undesirables, misfits, street bombs, alcoholics and drug addicted “poor ass patties” hauled away in petty police Patti wagons. These pretty young ladies, were certainly sexually harassed while camped out in the local parks and plazas. They had to deal with unhealthful air to breathe, due to all of the toxic cigarette smoke and weed-grass-marijuana brain altering drugs and cancer causing chemicals of crazies = uncivilized savages, eh?. Plus these secretary styled female folk were faced with constant cursing, swearing, profanity, obscenities. And, had to put up with or tolerate the hateful heckling, fussing and fist fighting foolish, alleged, brothers and sisters. And Livestream - Ustream audio-video taped the action as it happened, not CNN = corporations mass marketing myth making media!!!.
Understandably, they would sooner or later seek selter under the covert, clandestined cover of capitalist corporations. Having their own security police on guard duty daily, watching for anybody who looks impoverished and thuggishly poor, trying to enter these office spaces; where these Pearly Pink Pigmented persons = fine fit feminine females work. A quieter place to think, read rationally with reason, and not be constantly interrupted by the homeless, hungry, beggars, Big Jake's junk, Jumbo Jack’s & Tiny Tim’s arrogant ambitious egos of low-life white males vs. “Spiffy White Boys”; who don‘t drink beers, wines, alcoholic beverages, and don‘t do drugs, are polite, courteous and gentlemanlike. Fine and dandy, it’s all good, it’s all gravy!!
Special NOTE: On Saturday, December 3, 2011.…9:30 pm San Antonio, Texas time line, the leading female queen ass secretary styled “Occupy Wall Street” was very vociferous. She said some saddening things about the politicians in power, expressly, Mayor Bloomberg: “They got to be removed from office”.

Surely she’s sounding righteous, butt, what is her clarifying methods by which to remove him and others in public offices? Is it not leading them to think in terms of the System’s electoral voting apparatus? Do this try to softly, subtly and stealthily move more in the direction of politicizing New York City’s “Occupy” office spaces, that are seated inside a capitalist corporatist building and or skyscraper? Will she say that the new names is: The “Occupy Wall Street” party political platform? Or better still; Occupyparty? And shall this shift also make the participants, occupants, also petty politicians too? Why has the NYPD and city hall Mayor called upon the "anti-terror" police units on the scene for such a small number of marchers? Are they not planning and plotting to classify all domestic "Occupiers" a terrorist threat to the USA's homeland security?

Anyway, it is surely sad to see and watch the movement die off like it has so suddenly. And it is apparently beginning to become driven by diehard desperados, trying to survive. As most others have already been scattered, and many are still drifting far away. The overall numbers are decreasing, and the people passing by the demonstration rally in front of Fox News coverage team and GOP Republican conference of candidates and Tea Party. Paying very little or no attention to the noise making small crowd. So then this beauty queen, is going to do what so ever she can to try and save themselves, keep controls over the $400.000 to 600.000$$$ in donation monetary banked funds. And start systemically and systematically developing political policy principals and practices. So be it!

The Prophet Messenger of the Watch AmeriAfrindian ArtistCHD, on 24/7 guard duty station full time big eyes and open ears, visual land to air Operations Communications Division. Nobody receives an automatic rite/right of passage, nor Top Secret Security Classified Clearance Pass!  Via An HONORABLE SALUTE: to totally told truths and honesty, righteously reveals how that, a lawfully liberated office space to “Occupy”; is one of a vacant, deserted, abandoned building. Even one that may be rented out at a reasonable money expense to the donation funds and economic savings, cheap yet effective + independent!!
Likewise, this requires a storage space too! All affordable locations, headquarters, that are absolutely not attached to, affiliated with, associated by the images of Capitalist Corporate America. The number one enemy energy entity!!!

Common sensibilities should have told these isolationist and segregationist, middle class minded citizens, who are effectually trying to become or be the leaders, rulers, governors, presidents of the movement. By “Occupatiion” of the financial resources, taking controls of the donated monies, goods, items, and clothing. So that they can distribute them according to their own wishes, discretion and judgments. Which, inevitably involves imposing their prejudices and bias opinions. Thus contriving to eventually have the so called poor people of color dependent on services, charity and compassion. And, baiting in the marginalized, ghetto slum dwellers, to come begging them, as Whites, for the things that they need. This is another artless form of Euro-centric colonialism and imperialism, on a much smaller systemic scale!
Therefore, the total financial committees, "facilitators" or whosoever handles money, are to be constanlty circulated as though themselves were, cash capital currencies. Meaning members are to creatively evolve and repeatedly revolve. Changing persons and individuals, teaching everybody equably, how to become or be leaders in and of themselves. Persisting and shifting secretaries, "money changers", etc. And all of the merchandise, donated materials, whatsoever they might be, are to be stored safely and securely, in a neutral zone, locker, barracks, warehouse, rental storage space. And in nobody’s, groupie possessions.
Furthermore, I keep on hearing Native American Indians+Afrindians, Mexicans - Latinos - Africans in America, proclaiming that: "Whites gotta learn to follow our lead"; "There ain't gonna be no revolutionary without us"; "We have the daily experence dealing with the cops, not whites"; "No shaking hands under your white conditions"; "I see racial prejudice out here in Zuccottii I walk through...they look and stare at me funny and don't speak" decries BIG INDIAN CHIEF. "Just because some of you have lost your jobs, now y'all want to try to tell us what to do"....etc., etc. etc. On and on and on racial divisiions!!!
Since it is commonly called a leaderless movement, then let this be true in an existing reality, conforming with what is real, as opposed to fantasy fairy tales and make believe. And not just in verbal words. For instance, claiming that these stated office spaces, and location inside a capitalist corporation’s structure and or architectural building, is not a “headquarters”; butt, in Spirit and In Truth; it is functioning and operating as one, thereby, making it in fact a leadership based headquarters! Controlled and dominated by the White Euro-Anglo-American 1%. Black blocking out the other 99% dark shaded, toned-tanned Melaninated Members!!! And keep on reading with long wind, to see specifically what I’m talking all about: Equal = Dynamic Equalized Bio-Balance!! Madam Mother Matriarch MAAT!!!

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