Friday, October 28, 2011

OCCUPYNEERS THE TOTAL TRUTH TRIALBUNAL: Is the CCCs Calmly Composed Consensus Community COURT 100% pt3

Rock Offense + Stone Defense!!
Is the CCCs Calmly Composed Consensus Community COURT 100%+ 
1. SYSTREAM Summary Suggestions: Specifically summoning White Occupyneerations; this youthful genetic-generation of Euro-Anglo-Americans, are called upon to truly StopPointBlankPeriod, what is notoriously known as being: “White Privilege”!

2. Advantages given to Caucasian Caucasoid citizens, and held back, blocked and or denied nonwhites, obstructing their/our full humane rights to participate in the decision making processes. Those that have influence, impacts or controls over our lives here in the Americas. These are native-natural requirements as human beings, which are being bargained off, bought and sold, by the Racist Institutions of Europeanized Economics. Reinforced collectively by the citizens of what is termed “White America”!
3. These are not at all in the least “Black” problems to be socially solved, butt, in fact of reality, in spirit and in truth: White Problems!!! So let us be crystal clear about these existing conditions; as we endeavor to unify our efforts, on a racial-ethnic-cultural constitution.

4. Meaning that the truest tasks and challenges face the pale pink pigmented people populations, precisely first and foremost of all others. Because, they are the historical subjecting societies of citizens, victimizing the subjected secondary societies of nonwhites. And each and every White appearing organizer, facilitator, “leader”; or committee constituents, are to target their own racial and ethnic groups of Americans. Seeking and searching them out for corrections, to educate them to what is really going on in the dis-United States of America and throughout the Whole Wide World!!!

5. The common CaucAsians called, commissioned and chosen, to lead other Whites into truth and justice as opposed to self-righteous judgments. They are to denounce and renounce, deject and reject, all conceivable artless forms of these virtually all white court juries. Because, the policy practices of these alleged legal functions, are in fact of reality, supporting and reinforcing the Racist White Supremacy Superiority Superpower Sickness Syndromes. And as we look and see these staged settings, inclusively, predominantly White male Grand Jury panels put into political places, without questions asked, they warrant being shot straight in their hateful heads, with THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH!!!


6. DELIBERATED DIRECT ACTION ACTIVATORS + AVENGERS: Better beneficially blessed because, basically, these corrupt city and county cops, City Halls, Police Departments, and politicians, employers, all alike, have been repeated told about their crooked conglomerations and criminal company corporations. For about the last past 40-30-20-10 years to date; Saturday, November 5, 2011...1:30 pm. They all were well; Admonished + Cautioned + Warned! Informed of their blatantly bad barbaric beastly behaviors!!! Systemic systematic savagery. Expressly by Civil Rights Leaders 1960s; Black men: Mr. Medgar Evers, Rev. Mr. Martin Luther King Jr., Min. Malcohm-X Little Shabazz Big Red, Black Panther Party leaders, inclusively, decent White Men; John F. Kennedy, and his younger brother Robert-Bobby Kennedy. All were assassinated in hopes of silencing the voices of the Impoverished Poor Down Trodden Mass Members!!!
7. Nevertheless, “The White Supremacist Power Structure”; foolishly and unwisely, think and or believe, that it is far too big, too great, too grandiose, to fatally fall flat on its face; as a shameful disgrace to the HUEMAINKIND “RACE”!!!

8. Completely comprehending this arrogant ambitious egoism, racism, sexism, fascism; our Good GREAT WHITE HOPE ABOLITIONIST Minded Men & Women, are to step up front and center carbon core, to the performance plates, perfected platforms, platoon positions. Courageously, clean cultured, drug free, soberly sound - sane and sensibly, sounding off loud in an outrage!!! StopPointBlankPeriod: A. The Modern Day Underground Legalized Slave Trade Markets & Jail House Prisoner Corruption Rackets. B. The hatemongering and warmongering; Military + Prison + Pharmaceutical Industrial Complexes!!!

9.Son of SUNGOD says: “The New Black Panther” = Black Cats & “Black Power”; “Black Liberation”; “Pan-African” Feline freedom fighters, militant revolutionaries, are to get with, be buttresses supporting these White Battalions = Bat-ta-Lions. Who are faithfully following the guiding, leading Love Life Light Locks Lion KING COLORKINGDOM NWCA.

10. While still in the solemn midst of the Whites taking containment controls of other bad indecent whites; z-Blackxz, z-Bluexz, z-Brownxz, are as a mandatory must do, make these ’money changers’; false Christian Churches, Protestant & Baptist & Catholic congregational groups, responsible. Hold them all accountable for every monetary cent; penny, nickel, dime and one dollar bill they collect from within their respective communities. Baring none! Put up + pay up, or shut sorry shit down and git ya asinine asses, the Good SUNGOD Devil Damned Holy Heavens Hades Hell Fires, out of our neighborhoods!!!

11. Absolutely and positively not, never again, shall White males and females, attempt to organize committees, city councils, jury panels, excluding the active participation and physical presence of African American Black males. For if We’s & Us’s see someone trying to do this, habitually substituting the African Africoid Masculine Male Principal, then, we will also assault and attack them for practicing the very same exact prejudice policies of racist White Supremacy Superiority!!! Good intentions no longer will count advantageously, butt, be counted against those contriving to subtract away from the Unification of Blackness, females + males artwork networking together; in Love Peace & Harmony!!!

12. Yawls take the precious time out and really research, to righteously realize, that these domineering White men, in every sector of societies, are demonically directing our humanly affairs. And this has to be made and forced to StopPointBlankPeriod. For good or for bad, for right or for wrong, he can no longer dictate “Demonocracy” democracy to people of darker, shaded, toned-tanned Melaninated Skin pigmentation. And y’all just simply look closely at how the local and mainstream news media monsters, have contrived in an “Axis of Evil’ Conspiracies, in cahoots collusion working in coalition between each other to; employ the black females. Making sure her numbers are larger than the black males hired on these jobs. These sinister setups shall never be accepted, nor appropriated, and are now today deemed Deliberated Divinely Decreed Devil Damned!!!

13. And pretty please do look much further into the so called: International Criminal Court = ICC’s composition; at The Hague. Where these white males have selected, elected, appointed mostly African females, to take Matriarchal controls of Africa’s leadership position. Choosing her to be politically seated, to displace the Africoid males, who the Caucasoid fears frightfully. He does these treacherous tricks by claiming to be fighting against sexism and being pro-feminism or womanizer!
14. Which are both bogus bigotry:  Euro-centric concepts of craziness crap. He is not afraid of Black females whatsoever and uses them; exploitatively and expediently, as affronts to Black males. Wake up out of naiveté and gullibility. Him without the presence of real males of equalized color, the apparently prejudiced white males can't ever again be solely trusted. So be aware, be informed and be on guard duty 24/7, on the lookout and watch for his Euro-centric treacheries and sorceries!!
15. Likewise, check out how these treacherous Euro-Anglo-Americans, have put the African American women, in power positions at the assumed United Nations = UN. The Colored Girl White House Negra selective syndromes. Constantly contriving to marginalize the truer African male Africoid self-loving images. And replace them with an insignificant number of included Black Jack Ass Uncle Tom males + females. And in each small series of sneaky, stealthy steps, percent wise, they are subtracting from the positive progress of the Africans in America and throughout the Africoid Diaspora Panorama Phenomena!!!

16. So let these statements of truth be known worldwide, because, the Westernized, Americanized, Europeanized mentality models, are parts and parcels to the present problems. And humankind is to re-Africanize humanity, and restore life back to its original creations of civilizations. Removing the negative layers of grossly distorted historiography; about LOVE GODDESS Mother Africa Earth Nature. Tall tales, wrongly written by European White males and females. We are to keep on pealing back the pages of time periods, chapters and texts untruthfully told. Study ancient ancestral African historicity. Then and only after which investigations, examinations and inspections, of alleged historical facts, to uncover and reveal realities of valuable worth and worthiness!!!

17. However, I shall suffer not at this present moment, intend to elaborate on the fine details, so I direct y’all to further your research reading, herein my True-Up U Turn Story Book Bible Blogs. All linked together in a unifying art form within Wordpress + Bloggers!! Factually Financed Free = $$$0%
18. Black tokenism = UncleTomism = Selfhatism; Therefore, superficially placing colored complexioned faces up front, can no longer fool nor mislead us anymore. We are to chose, appoint and anoint our nonwhite males and females, according to our discretion, and strictly not by Euro-Anglo-Americans. For instances, if a recognized or identified to be “Black” female, is not able to work well with other “Black” males, then she is automatically disqualified to represent the African American collective community and Consensus Court. And if in her personal opinion made public, that she can only work well with White males and females, then she has a private problem! Indoctrination that militates against our best interests. And women folk like her, are not allowed or permitted to speak in behalf of, about, the issues concerning community causes, whatsoever, they might be. Self-disqualify decision!

19. Deliberated, Dutifully Cast NOTES: Are strictly and specifically stratified in STATUTES. No outside racial-ethnic-cultural group, has the ability, authority, jurisdiction, to choose some one else’s leaderships, males or females, women or men, boys or girls. Nor can anybody volunteer themselves to talk in behalf of these uniquely stated stratified Statutes. And we are to stand staunchly against those who may consciously or unconsciously, knowingly or unknowingly, try to undermine and impede these Divinely Decreed Deliberated Decisions!!!
1. The Total Truth Trialbunal also aims, through this artful approach, to contribute to the mobilization, unification, and the involvement of the conscious community, consensus civil citizenry. Societal SYSTREAM. Collectively counted in all the stated strategic STATUTES, concerned on the question of Constitutional Court Justice & Jurisdictional Judgment!!
2. USAA PROMISED LANDS: Belongs to our Optimized Occupyneers Optional Objectives. Thus to renounce, rebuke and rebel righteously, against the USA’s Federal & States Politicized, Privatized Prison Industrial Complex, The Pharmaceutical Industrial Complex and The Military Industrial Complex!!!
3. Expeditiously & Thoroughly: Investigated for committing criminalized acts against earthly humanity. Alreadly proved to have been tormenting, torturing captive slaves who they criminalized as political prisoners. Held in bondages and captivities for many years unjustly. Unholy and ungodly acts of merciless madness. Insanity of inhumanity!

3a. Howsoever be no longer down hearted, low in spirited self-esteem, butt be brave and bold using your birght brilliant brains. Because sooner than later, 2012, the criminal corporations, false leaders are being brough before JUDGMENT THRONE OF ALL MIGTHY DIVINE GRACE.
3b. The verdicts are already in, and court dockets deliberated, guilty as charged. Next, in our physical world of material matter, as I've envisioned, are manifesting themselves in realized realities. The juries of bringing these mass murderers into justice and judgment, are We The Public People Power Plan + Positive Population Protests!!!

4. There are no Statute of Limitation to stop our Infinite Intellectual Investigative Intelligence. All biological bodies, physical and psychological entities, subsidiaries, associates and affiliates, who profited from these terrible crimes, of homicides and genocides, are to be arrested, charged, indicted, prosecuted and sentenced accordingly. In respects with AN HONORABLE SALUTE, towards Native Natural Laws, Universal Laws + Spiritual Laws!!!
5. After which verdict of found guilty, their corporations, businesses, companies, are to be taken away from them and removed from their private ownership. Regardless of how some may have conglomerated their corrupt criminology.
6. Paralleled Pyramidal Panorama Phenomena, of the Africa Africoid Diaspora. Meaning that our Jurisdiction encompasses, covers completely continental criminal causes. Inclusively, The Unified Statutes of Americas + Africa!! Equal USAA PROMISED LANDS.
7. The Total Truth Tribunal of Sublimely Spirited Statutes…, is calmly composed of Occupyeers from all states and geographical locations listed herein this document. It’s legitimacy is installed, instated, instituted by our MultiplexRacialBody Governance. Defending and protecting the elemental, fundamental, native-natural HueMain Rights of all humankind. Having no monetary, financial, economic professional profit motives!!!
8. Spiriters or Spiritators = Spiritations: Those supporting Systream Soulidarity. Encouraging those who are dead in their spiritless religions, and to awaken, rise up coming alive and well healed within their Spiritious RealiVisions. Open their own two eyes to see the Royal Rich Rare Crown of Glory; No longer based bogusly on bias bigotry’s allegory; Falsified fraudulent historical biblical story.__
9. Their commission calling cause is to neutralize, stop any potential poisonous pollutions, from penetrating our Optimal Objective Occupyneerational Options. This is a substantive due process of positively progressively producing our SPIRITUAL RENAISSANCE MOVEMENT; Cleaning up our own filthy dirty underhanded acts and dirty deeds for self-empowerment improvement, Instating, installing, instituting our MultiplexRacialBody Government!!!
10. We’s & Us’s are to realize that some of us are forevermore, still walking around dead in their heads. Devilishly, demonically demised. Dumb down by the major mainstream media’s mass mind murders. Equals = MENTAL VIRONS = “Mind Viruses”. They were killed off by the poisonous propaganda politicized pollution pathogens. Which were compounded by what I name to be Psychogons + Physicogons!!

10a. Some sinister systematic, systemic, symptomatic sickness syndromes as psychosomatic illnesses, due to mindset man made manufactured myths. Commonly called; duping, bribing and brainwashing, tactical techniques taught, learned then used or employed through advanced acknowledgement of educational psychology.
11. Therefore, understanding, ‘inner-standing and over-standing’ these outstanding situations, conditions and compelling circumstances, the “99%” stays stabilized, in actual numbers. Howsoever, this do not reveal the truer factors when counting citizens participations in “occupations”. For examples: the projected “1%” superpower elitist rich racist reptilian rulers, might be greater in numbers than the activist “99%”. Why? Well, simply because, after one sits down and think rationally and reasonably about these things, it become crystal clear in abundance, that, the “Occupy Wall Street Movement”; is going up against a very self-empowering foe and arch antagonistic adversary!!!
12. Moreover, likewise, because about 88% to 90% of the aggregate citizenry, of diverse racial-ethnic, cultural societies, are actually not activated. And are Compliantly Complacent, Inordinately Indifferent, and Appallingly Apathetic!!!
13. They don’t care enough about generating change through mass marches, demanding demonstrations, anti-war, anti-Capitalism, anti-U.S. Government. And these are the numbers in larger quantities, constituting dead weights. They equals = the excessive fat adipose tissues and issues, helping hold the motions back and down and slowed on movements. So then, I pray tell y’all, that this is exactly why I revealed and righteously reported, the very few Rare Rich Royal 10% to 12%. They are permanently counted contained within the overall in general 100% total national and international summation.
14. The COMFORTER COMMANDER CHIEF COLOR KINGDOM NWCA: Raises the lifeless living dead deceased citizenries through the patterned pathways of it everlasting Leading Love Life Light Locks!!!

15. The Sower Son of SUNGOD: Says that these are solitary solemn seeds being planted underground beneath the planetary earth’s surface, of We The Public People Power Plan + Positive Population Protests!! Sown from the gifted genesis genius, green garden grassroots ground level zero % percentage points. Y’all don’t see them yet, until they germinate and start spouting outwards and springing upwards. Prolifically pervasive spreading wholesomely, and nutritionally across Her VegePlanTerRain of our USAA PROMISED LANDS!!!
16. Albeit, honey bees are always busy, fighting fire ants, sugar ants are constantly creating colonies, citizenries, countries, counties and cities. Ant beds being built boldly and bravely baring nobody belonging to their platoons, regiments, battalions, barracks and concentrated, compact compound camps. They are studious and steady and strategically stabilized, mobilized, and organized. And they can and will and shall sting and bite those who try to stop their progress, interfere, intrude, intervene, invade their spaces or domains. Thus certainly give their own lives if in truth in need be, to teach trespassers a learning lesson, not to F…k with We’s & Us’!
17. Crooked Criminal Cops & Renegade Rouge Police Forces: Seeing how that if ya do decide to fire wicked weapons of mass member destruction hitting our Occupyneers, then, in retaliation, retribution and revenge, the peaceful participants, are going to turn into mean militants, anti-racist, riotous radicalized reactionary revolting - rebelling revolutionaries. As if they were Anarchist Ants at weaponized Warfare!!!

18. Meanwhile, in perfect Love Peace & Harmony, may we continue on with our daily artworks and networks, bringing together more meaningful members, into the brotherly and sisterly family folds financed foundation for flaming fame and fortune. Cleansed Cultured Capital Cash Currencies = $$$, no longer bottom based on profiteering politicians. Mercy Money + Monetary Merchant manufactured material matter. Owning our industries!
19. The dollar bill is worthy of gold, and gold standards are worth dollar bills. Meaning money values are constituted currency 100% when we say and determine it to amount to. Calculated cash capital that does not fluctuate, change and shift account to the dictates of “demonocracy” democracy.

20. Further still, let us now begin to deliberate on our Occupyneers Legal Law Legislations. A Citizenry Criminology Community Consensus Court, in operational, organizational order, the locate, recall, retrieve, arrest-apprehend, suspected officials of corruption. Inclusively, indicting inordinate governmental leaderships in political power positions, elected and or inappropriately appointed. Remove them by force or by persistent pressure persuasively!!


1. UNFORTUNATELY & SADLY TO SAY: There are some so called anti-war activist groups, led by perceived to be White Males, who wrongly think or believe, that by reminding Africans in America, or “Blacks”; how much more they are hurting than whites is the correct answers. Stating some other white establishment’s findings; that are grossly distorted and seriously skewed. Such as unemployment rates being higher for people of color as “Minorities“. True or false? Which tells nobody that there are an increasing, considerable number of whites loosing their jobs, becoming unemployed, homeless, and facing foreclosures. etc. Equaling = overwhelming higher counted numbers and so I kindly tell y'all, to hell with racist rates. Percentages compared to bull shit and crazy capitalist corporate crap!
2. STRIKE ONE In brief: what I mean is that, this persistent making of unfavorable comparisons, with blacks and whites, equals- Institutionalized Racism!!! It's devilish doings. And as they have fail to carefully compile factors according to absolute accuracy. Stating statistics that are based on a fair and just methodology. And the wicked wordings: “More likely” is used as an ominous threat of terror. Something non-existent yet could possibly happen! Our small school kids don't need nor want to constantly hear these falsified teachings! Demonic indoctrinations!!
3. However, nonwhites are “more likely” to survive the horrors of hate, hostilities and hegemony of police brutality, overcrowded jails and prison conditions, hunger or even starvation, than so called Caucasian Caucasoids. Write about this and think totally told truths. Or else, shut the F….k down!!!
4. STRIKE TWO, And if in fact certain Whites don’t cease their adverse language, then, Strike Three shall surely go into effect/affect in retaliation and retribution and revenge. In truth the wrathful weather patterns and long hot summer droughts, Texas toast, raging river waters, ferocious fires are hitting, hurting, harming Euro-Anglo-America the most.
4a. Blog Revelations: The Awesome Forces of Mother Earth’s Divine Nature = Wrathful Weather = Wealthy Womanhood Witty Wisdom Worship = restitutions-retributions-revenges-retaliating terror + Color Kingdom NWCA THE COMFORTER + AmeriAfrindian ArtistCHD
5 Fact of Reality!! Negative programming politicized propaganda is part and parcel to the capitalists conquer and cause divisions in the ranks of our marching motions. Who wants to broadcast and persistently publicize disadvantages happening; exclusively, to the white Americans as a rallying cry? Middle class America, overall and in general, regardless of racial-ethnic-cultural... educational and professional degrees; are under corporate attacks and monetary assaults. Bogusly and blatantly being wiped out completely! So why not honestly reveal and report these truths?
6. DEVISIVE And Disuniting + Dissatisfying: Likewise, to repeatedly report these negative statistics, only help further the deadening minds of those alleged impacted the most. It's counter-productive and racially discriminatory, to publicize somebody's bias information based on prejudice collective data. Because We’s & Us’s don’t appreciate hearing some non-African (or Uncle Tom males or females), telling our people of Melaninated colorations, how much worse off they are than Euro-Americans. Due to the factual realities that African Americans, live these discrepancies and disparities, and are membrane numb to news reports imposing their white will upon us. These stereotyped media messages are never going to be motivation; butt quite depressing. Conjuring up more Apathy & Indifference & Complacency = Compliancy. It is never going to inspire nonwhites to join any types of Caucasoid Caucasian, controlled or dominated movements. So I tell all wanna-be revolutionaries, militants, anti-war groups, be very careful and sensitive about what you say to and about Z-BLACKXZ & Z-BROWNXZ & Z-BLUEXZ!!!
7. Respectful Request: Africoid African Americans, Afrindians…, speaks with a wiser voice for our own selves, with our own mouths, orally spoken, verbalized, and written words in English language. This is what our warfare is about also, full Freedom of Artistic Expression, “Black Liberation” from whites trying to talk for or at us. Which poses a major media problem and helps to divide the OCCUPYNEERS!
8. “Three Hundred Years of White privilege” said Mr. Dick Gregory! Has certainly come to a finalizing fatal End Time Days of Reckoning, Trials and Tribulations are Now Beckoning. Furthermore, to support, buttress my contentions, you can courageously read my collective data, backed up by sure evidential proofs, pictures presented with pearly pale pink faces suffering serious setbacks, and severely hit hardest 2011 this year alone. So stop worrying about our shortcomings and look closely at these truer facts of my REAL-LIVE-VISION >>> The End Time Days Of Reckoning; Trials & Tribulations Are Now Beckoning!! mp3 song sound tracks, listen and learn.
9. No doubt in my mind, that there are those white males who are not going to want to listen to “Black” leaders, spokesmen, orators, organizers, so forth and so on. These are the rednecks, undercover Ku Klux Klan’s mentalities, Neo-Nazis, Aryan Brotherhoods, Skin Heads and their dislikes. And are apt to get their white male egos stuck up their asinine asses. Refusing to follow African American males guidance and directions. So y’all expect some butt whippings happening out there on the city streets. In front of the city cops in police uniform, sooner or later. Because, our black brothers can be very aggressive, if and when need be!?. This is our HueMainKind HUMANITY!
10. On or about Saturday, November 5, 2011, 8:00 pm, on Live Stream media, I watched and heard and listened to an activist African American Black, young male, up in front of a crowd of Occupyneers, ranting and raving radically. Very vociferous, and even started talking about ‘killing their babies… children’ of those enemies of attack and assault us first. Or even lay a their violent hand on a demonstrator, because, he vehemently proclaims, that nobody has a “God damned” right putting their hand on y’all, etc. And the general crowd seemed to disagree with that directive, and kind of jeered thumbs down at him, butt, he readjusted his composure, calmly, and continued to rally the on looking crowd of about 100 - 150 marchers at Zucotti Park, New York.
11. Then they marched on down the city streets, and some small number of arrogant hard heads, starting going up the Court House stairs in front of the building, then the duty police officers, ordered them back down and off the property. And this aggressive Black brother man, home-boy, told them that they had an agreement with the NYPD, and for the crowd to back off away from the cops, and stay on the sidewalks. ……
12. And at least one angry activist, challenged the African American guy, by yelling; ‘I’m not gonna listen to you’! And brother man yelled back saying, ‘yes you will…if I punch the hell out of you…fool’ or something to this effect. Yes, tempers flares and leaders are forcing the issues and tissues, taking command controls of the crowds, as courageous Black Men should, ought to and must as a mandate!!!

1. AN ACTIVIST "AGENT"?!: I heard some witty white male speaker telling the audience of listeners, that everything is “political”, change, occupying, protesting, marching, demonstrating, etc. Butt, believe me this is an Anglo-American Eurocentric mentality and Institutionalized Racist White Supremacist Superiority “Honky Ideology”. Because, he thinks and believes, that just because a Caucasian Caucasoid, has politicized so many things, functions, operations in our societal system, that they have to remain that way. And he is absolutely and positively wrong. So y’all comprehend that the total turnover of the existing system and full replacement is the only optional pathway to take. In operational order of overcoming oppression, repression, depression decisively!
2. Besides, the Europeanized economical mainstream, middle class citizens called centered sections of society here in America, is self-destructive, killing off itself, dying daily, at a fast rate and swift pace. And what We's & Us's are doing, is refusing to help it stay alive and well, by letting it fatally fall flat on its pearly pink pigmented "pale face"!
3. Albeit as an AmeriAfrindian ArtistCHD, I Know, the Freedom Liberty Ride, explicitely that so called African Americans as Black Jackass Uncle Toms, stupid sellout stooges sucking up = those that truly fits these sorry shoes..., are unwise idiots and foolish ignoramuses. Expressly, if they don't have these uniquely creative replacement SYSTREAMS ready, functioning and operating, as the old-System suffering slave ship suddenly sinks. And ends in demise direly dead. The Death Penalty!!!
4. In other words, just like I repeatedly keep on saying, that these good intentioned white males, for the most part, are not qualified to lead and direct nonwhites. Seeing how he or they refuse to understand, that We’s & Us’s intend to redefine the meanings of things, words, realities as we see fit. Without asking and begging for white approval, rewrite our history rigtheously, correctly and truthfully. Re-Africanize our lifestyles TO LOVE THY SELF 

5. DUTIFULLY NOTE: Thus, de-politicize our lives, food productions, farming practices, city water services = utilities, clinical aid and hospital medical treatments, free housing, on and on accordingly. This is a substantive due process of "Black Liberation". Sucking back out, extracting, the toxic political propaganda poisons from our deep dark Melaninated living body organisms. Also realize, that nobody can take a vote for these humane necessities. Elections are replaced with Systream Selections. The immoral prejudiced politic is destroyed by our moral new world wiser word = SPIRITIC! Truly, this is the complete changes that citizens of color are all about! Full financial freedoms. None of us need nor want anymore religions and party politics; playing poisonous pollution gambling games, devilish dice, with our livelihoods, health and well-being!!! Period.
6. YES: A new group is being created called “Block Heads”, by a white male spokesman name “Dave”. He says that they are gonna go far beyond the regular general strikes, protest marches; and do some weirdly wild shit and outrageous things ya can image! And I say, this is very interesting and sounds exciting and courageous if not simply crazy!? Documented today: Sunday, November 6, 2011... 1:34 am.

7. OKY DOKY YAWLS: Here’s a consensus conclusion, for live stream media computer camera crews, individual person shooting filmed footages, as the activities happens. Referencing Orlando Florida arrests. I’m telling our Occupyneering youths, to stay strategically mobile, ready and able to move at moments notice, directed by crooked city cops and petty police patrols. When they order evacuations of parks, locations of protests, sleeping and camping out, hurry up and immediately remove the media equipment. Place the video movies in a neutral spot, sidewalks and areas unrestricted, for the moments of unlawful arrests and illegal detentions of marchers and demonstrators. Self-defense and self-protection against aggressive law enforcement enemies, who “the police are not our friends“!!!
8. Crucially Critical Conflicts: Out of containment controls are the Portland, OR USA, “Occupyers”; in a park area tent camp. I’m looking at the Live Stream media, showing a very violent fighting crowd, of alcoholics and drug addicts. Intoxicated protestors, screaming and hollering at one another. Acting like a bunch of barbaric behaving beasts. And from what I can visually see, these are Whites, males and females arguing between themselves about safety issues and kitchen health tissues, with people invading the food serving sections and refusing to leave or back up out of the cooking department. Hard heads!
9. Rowdy yowdy big Jack and tiny Tim pushing and shoving, showing no class attitudes, that constantly disrupts speakers trying to be heard. Lots of negative name calling, profanity and cursing organizers. Total disorganization and disorientation!! Accusing one another of being on meth, cocaine, heroin, and involved in child prostitution on site! Plus, it seems as if the State & Federal Governments, and or some filthy rich corporation of capitalism, has paid a number of persons to camp out and cause trouble, subversive activities to systematically sabotage the unity? Also, these Euro-Anglo-Americans, don't have enough people of dark Melaninated skin pigmentation, to bio-balance their racial-ethnic dynamics of common decency! Documented today, Sunday, November 6, 2011...8:32 pm.
10. HONESTLY: my definitively analogy, is that they all lack vital: SPIRITUALITY, the essential element that allows the potential possibility to generate or positively produce: Love Peace & Harmony!!!

1. YES: First and foremost of all artistic actions of my Sublimely Inspirited Commission Calling Cause Creative Evolutionary + Revolutionary rebellions and revolts. Aimed against invidious, insidious Institutionalized Racism+ UncleTomism = Selfhatism! High siding steppin' fletchers...cartoon comical coon ass Colored cops, showing off in front of their white slave master whip "Crackers"!!! 
The Black Jackass Uncle Toms self-hatred of Love GODDESS Mother Earth Nature Africa's AmeriAfrindians and AfriNatindian Ascendants!!!
2. In other plain-o-simplified words, I specifically and strictly mean, that We's & Us's as a mandated must do in deeds; as opposed to talk radio rhetoric..., is to tell the total truths. Not necessarily only 90% to 99%, butt, better beneficially blessed, basically by believing and faithfully knowing the wholesome, healthy, happy, humored, healing, holistic Spiritious Truthfulness 100%+
3. Coming cleansed culturally current, crystal clear concisely: In which, requires rethinking and stepping back taking another look at our organizational order. Thus to remove the impurities, toxins, politicized pollution poisons, in particularly, and expressly, all man made, manufactured mythological religions! Exquisitely exclusive herein, thereof, this specified special occasion!
4. Prerequisite, to effectively standing up against the dis-United States Government of angry-Anglo-America Al Qaeda Agents = Alien Antagonist Arch Angel Adversaries! This artful approach actualizes actions that are proficiently profitable, to all other movements, revolutionaries, militants, rebels, natural-human-civil rights groups. Constituting cataclysmic currency climatic charged changes, in atmosphere of our overall living environments, and in general citizenry's societies. Nationally + internationally all around our GlobalWorldNations. As a Pyramidal Panorama Phenomena!!!
5. I use wordings like purity=purifying, cleansing, decontaminating, detoxifiying, which means exactly what those English language words are defined by dictionaries. Expressly, extracting the religious radicalized racism from our movements. Especially where somebody insanely believes in their white man person Jesus Christ Christian Church concept of being "God"! It's racist!
6. OCCUPYNEERS: Are to exercse all energies by exploring all other options expeditiously and expediently. Likewise, screening out the contaminating concepts of a Prophet Mohammed as messenger of "God" as Islamic Muslims! Because it's all blind faith following fictitious filth! And to sift out those who believe religiously that they are the Jews of Judaism, Hebrews as "The Chosen People of God"!!! It's a biblical fraud in fact lie of leading liars! Lets not, tolerate, accept nor embrace some ones religious revival meetings, nor support somebody's particular political party = period.
7. THE VACICAN POPE Rules The Giant Capitalist Corporations & Nations of our "New World Order" of "Globalization"!! And these community congregational religions, are the branched bodies belonging to Capitalism's Catholicism; inclusively, Protestant Baptism. Even though, the huge hatemongering hegemony hypocrisy, "demonocracy" democracy, they invented and invested trillions of dollars..., are radically, religiously raging rapidly out of their command controls. Yet the initiating origins are posing humanity problems that are real-well and actively alive!!!
8. They constitute the political seat of their posterior power positions, one way or the other. They are all "Agents"; as the principal problems to be resolved and solved, and can never be party to the solutions. The entire Capitalist Corporate Caucasoid Creature, built their evil empires upon the terrorist foundations of slavery. Using these named religions to do so, unjustly. Hard slave labor generated their capital goods and economies. The enslavement of human beings historically to date: Wednesday, September, 5, 011 ...6:38pm. Fortunately, for We's & Us's, their slavery money has run/ran out, and they are desperate for survival = good riddance!
9. PLAYING BOTH SIDES = Underhanded Dealings: The Vatican Pope & Priests have two faces, of dualistic devilish deceptions, and deliberated demonic deceit. They join many movements, on one side, and behind the dark doors that are privately closed to public view, all manner of “axis of evil” conspiracies congregate against revolutionary militants fight for full financial freedoms = $$$
10. OK Y'ALL, let us take things one at a time in small baby steps. Thus to understand that what I mean is, as far as it pertains to participating in our SPIRITUAL RENAISSANCE MOVEMENT, "Occupy Wall Street Movement"; 'Anti-War activist groups, so forth and so on, one has to "Divest" themselves of all man made, manufactured mythological religious politics. If not permanently; at least temporarily, for this present and particular time period, of We The Public People Power Plan + Positive Population Protests!!!
11. Howsoever, if we fail to do this cleansing and sterilizing and decontaminating substantive due process of natural humane law, then we also, have made our efforts null, neutral and or void of validity. In other simpler words, one can't successfully clean a dirty filthy floor with a dirty filthy mop! And the people are the mops and the corporate-capitalist crooks of current corruption are the floors, as U.S. Federal Government + Wall Street Stock Market Exchange criminals!
12. They are the very same satanic sinister snake serpents behind the U.S. Supreme Court & State of Georgia Supreme, Superior & District Courts criminal act; of illegally lynching, and  hateful inhumane murdering Mr. Troy Davis, the innocent African in America!!!
13. Divinely Decreed Dissent of Deliberated Dissidents & Devil Damnation to the Establishment, Governments and poisonous polluted pirate politicians + U.S. President. Corrupted Corporate Capitalist Criminals, Crooked Cops Crossbones!!!
14. NEUTRALITY = Neutrons: Moreover, this goes for any Gay males and females, Feminist Lesbians, Sexist either way gender agendas. Which has to be kept quietly to themselves, displaying no posters, signs advocating sex preferences, religious faiths, nor political party platforms, whatsoever, not in the least. Remaining neutralized willfully, wantomly and wisely. So the healthful holistic healing happens, curing our Solar Sexus Souls Spirituality. Removing Religionality. And this artistic approach shall surely, soundly-sanely-sensibly, unify our "99%" nation against the Elitist "1%" ruling super-class corrupt creatures of corporatist capitalism, colonialism, imperialism; inclusively, invidious-insidious Institutionalized Racism!!!
15. Reformist: “ A person who advocates gradual reform rather than abolition or revolution.” Reform means: “make changes in ( something, typically social, political, or economic institution or practice) in order to improve.”
16. Albeit, the present existing sinister System is absolutely not reformable; whatsoever, in the least. It's immoral, unrepentent, unremorseful and has no regrets for the deadly damges done to others; esp. Africans, Native Indians = AmeriAfrindians of the Americas, South - Central - North continents. There is no repairing the motor mechanisms, electoral voting apparatuses, functions and operation of the Western European-American mental models. Because, they have never truthfully work right, justly and fairly, nor lawfully, legally and Constitutionally. Democracy is a white man made, manufactured mass marketed media myth!!!

17. FACTULLY; These Euro-Caucasian Caucasoid controlled countries, were imposed on all indigenous inhabitants, as nonwhite people of color, worldwide. It was based bogusly on massacres, murders, pillages and plunders, raiding-robbing-raping, Mongoloids and Negroids = Africoids. The USA in particularly, is predestined to self-destructive demise, from in the inside of its social citizenry. Because, it’s a direct enemy energy entity, of all earthly humanity and sanity!! Founded upon fraud in fact devilish lies of demonic leading liars! A religious racist Reptilian monster and savage beast behaving barbarian bitch-bastard. Premised and structured unsoundly and insanely by psychopaths and sociopath; Supremacy Superiority Superpower Sickness Syndromes = System’s Sorcerers Sinister Snake Serpent SATAN.

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