Friday, October 28, 2011

OCCUPYNEERS MultiplexRacialBody Governance = black-brown-red-tan, yellow, white, pink pigmented people populations = Dynamic Equalized Bio-Ballance pt 2

Love Peace & Harmony!!!

YES: Our Optimal Optional Objective OCCUPYNEERS, organizational order: 1 As it specifically pertains to the totality of humanity’s MultiplexRacialBody. 2. Each and every single ethnic or cultural group, only has one dutifully cast consensus NOTE. Which ever individual entity one chooses to identify themselves with, do not in the least, determine anything else other than their personal private state of being human. This strictly means that regardless of having more numbers, people in one’s general groups, racial identities, color of skin pigmentations; they, collectively can count only for a solitary seat as a singular STATUTE.

Let us say for instances; That there are a majority of White citizens here in USA, controlling and dominating a minority people of color in their ethnicity. Howsoever, this is an actual reality existing, causing citizen conflicts right now today. Due to Euro-Anglo-Americans contriving to maintain their status quo, “White Privilege”; and higher present numbers to overpower others who are nonwhites. Doing so domineeringly through their voting apparatuses, that were initially intended to serve their White Supremacy Superiority interests. Even at the costly expense to African American Blacks, Mexicans, Native Indian indigenous inhabitants = AmeriAfrindians too!!

These conditions poses problems that has to be solved, before any fair and just decision making is carried on as a substantive due process. What has to happen first and foremost of all things, is to make absolutely sure, that no predominant body, group, committee of, in particular, White Males, are attempting to lead and direct everybody else. Especially darker shaded toned-tanned Males of Melaninated color complexions.

Moreover, as a mandatory must, men are to be equated with other men, and women equated with other women. Because, what has been happening for such a very long time, here in our North American society, is that the exact same sinister system of White men, has purposely, intentionally, deliberately, contrived to socialize black females with white males, and at the same time systematically exclude black men. It has been detected and analyzed with a crucially critical eye. Propping her up front, in banking, corporate executive secretarial seats, city councils, even military leadership positions over her black males, suppose to be compatible companions, instead of competing opponents. Contrary to Euro-centric concepts, and historical impositions upon the whole wide world, acknowledge this: Females and males were only meant to be in complete COMPATIBILITY vs Equality!! (Dr. P.V.)
Certainly, we know all about these treacherous tricks. A capitalist Caucasian Caucasoid concoction to further divide and conquer the “Black Family Structure”; and keep brothers and sisters at odds with one another. Preferential treatment and favoritism, buttering her up, spoiling and sweet talking, acting like perfect gentlemen, as an affront to strong Africoid imaged masculine men. Creating strife, envy and jealousy. So then, when We’s & Us’s see how these Whites are so ready, willing and able to work with our Soul Sisters in Solidarity, this becomes suspect. Also as they are frequently highlighted in front of media cameras, singly, unattached to a black male; this tactic generates issues. Persisting to politically poison her mind!?. 
So know, that already, there is far too much destructive damages done!…..
Consequently: And the wiser African males are going to strongly object, resent it, and start to separate, and thus begin to war against the White American males, of the; “Occupy Wall Street Movement”; inclusively, any other type of anti-war groups attempting to pull such deception off, and slip shit by our open eyes. So I kindly tell White male organizers, helpers, aids, representatives, facilitators, or whatsoever, they want to call themselves,  I vehemently warn, play ya hands and race cards straight or don't play them at all!
Beware and be informed. Bogus bullshit is being detected. It’s identified as being; invidious, insidious INSTITUTIONALIZED RACISM. Then many will need and be begging for white cop crooked police protection! 
Neverthess, let us give them the benefit better blessings of the doubt, until they prove warranting challenge. Seeing how that it has taken decades to get Euro-Americans to stand against their own Official Government Leaders, State & Federal. So at this point in time, these are of the 10% to 12% Rich - Royal - Rare few, spiritually saved seeds, redeemed bio-genotype traits, delivered good, decent, GREAT WHITE HOPE ABOLITIONIST Minded Men & Woman. Fearlessly fighting for full financed freedoms and economic equality and monetary, capital cash currency civil liberties!!! 
Furthermore, these friendly meetings and gatherings, are not to be based solely on the idea of Trust. And is to be based on the artfully applied attitude of Knowing what the other participants are actually doing. So that We's & U's are positioned in a perfected preferred place that the violators can be punished, for breaking our sacred agreements, contracts, treaties, charters, restrictions, rules and regulations. I mean held accountable for racial discrimination, prejudice and bias bigotry!!!
Therefore, to avoid these seriously severe circumstances, might members start off on the righteous foot, left right left of our originating Ancient Ancestral Africoid Africa Egypt = KEMET. Yes, this is precisely where European got it from in military march, mark time march. The left foot forwards!

Therefore, to avoid these seriously severe circumstances, might members start off on the righteous foot, left right left of our originating Ancient Ancestral Africoid Africa Egypt = KEMET. Yes, this is precisely where European got it from in military march, mark time march. The left foot forwards!

Nobody receives an advantages by having greater numbers participating and the planning platoons, that are no longer considered to be political platforms. Committee campaigns are all de-politicized, and de-religion-ized and de-Europeanized!!!
Because basically they are parts and parcels to the present problems; with having humane citizenries civilized. No longer are we to use Europe a our mainstay mental model, nor White male America. Butt, an all and in all inclusively Unified Statutes of America + Africa!! Yes, Africanized. We need our original homeland, birthplace of the HUEMAINKIND “RACE”, and Her healthy and wealthy, naturally native resources. Plus+ positive trade between the two continents, exchanging merchandises, goods and services, friendly relations, brotherly and sisterly
Love Peace & Harmony!!! No we don’t need Europe, the initiating slave ship whip “Crackers”!!!
Each and every body of racial-ethnic-cultural groups, get one consolidated cast consensus NOTE. Regardless if they add up to be an overwhelming majority membership. We are to talk and think things together or not at all. Even if the thoughts sound good, has wholesome intentions, if not decided upon equably, then, they are also to be rejected, renounced, rebuked and returned. Whites opinions can never again overshadow z-Blackxz, z-Brownxz and z-Bluexz opinions, view points, inputs, ideas, creative concepts, and what have you…. Etc., etc., etc.

YES: As I hear on LiveStream media, Nashville, these White male as speaking representatives are talking about how the P.... Christian Church is behind the “Occupy” movement. And as infiltrator "Agents"; or naive gullible activists uninitiated... they are saying how lovely it sounds when the bells rings in the mornings and the choir sings “We Shall Overcome Someday”. Albeit, fine and dandy, butt, believe my telling y’all that this is a tactical trick of treachery. In hopes of influencing and controlling our feelings and emotional attachments to this legendary preacher Black man M.L.K. In spite of his good intentions and with the utmost respects to him: The false Christian Church, is a Racist Reptilian and the Corporate Capitalists Criminal Caucasian Caucasoid creature of corruption!

Furthermore we are no longer trying to overcome some distant day, and are activated artistries actualizing what we want to come about righteously now today! And so know that, their efforts to interface with our Occupyneers, is a subtle stealth of sneaky snake serpents slipping and slithering silently unseen, for who and what they truly are: The System’s SATANISTS!!!

Realize this and dutifully NOTE: That the primary reason Rev. Mr. Martin Luther King Jr. and his faith followers failed to free at last and liberate African American Blacks, is due to his congregation being Church going Christians. A concoction of Catholic Church Popes & European Emperors of their historical time periods respectively. And that means, in the midst of their street marches, they were in reality, attempting to spread pervasive RELIGION, throughout, the poor impoverished lower sub-class and well off middle class citizenries of the American society.

Consequently dire deliberaton, the Good SUNGOD Devil Damnation of Judgment + Justice as Divinely Decreed Deliberated Curses came crashing down upon their demonstration protests. Warranting the life sentence + death penalty for punitive damages done to humanity's sanity, resulting from falsified Christianity's insanity--inhumanity!!
KNOW; That it there is no respector of persons herein, hereon planet earth, and honestly, it was the highest Ultimate Supremely Superior Powers of The Ether That Be; behind the decisions to smash and demolish and destroy this Racist Religious Reptile, of the System’s Sorcerers Sinister Snake Serpent SATAN!!!
Petty Police are politically neutral while in uniforms and under ordered commands. Almost brainless and totally insensitive. They might be militaristic mad men and mean women or unkind unfriendly cops who don't give a dog gone about somebody's religious faiths. Don't want it and never needs them. Even as M.L.K, attempted to unite with The Nation of Islam; back during the Civl Rights era of the 1960s, join together the alleged and so called “Honorable Elijah Mohammad”; and Min. Malcolm-X Shabazz backfired into their faces. And, he only exacerbated or increased to retribution and revenges of these invisible, unseen SPIRITUAL SYSTREAMS. Equals = The SPIRIT SOURCE SCIENCE SYSTEM of ALL MIGHTY DIVINE GRACE!!!
The CATHOLIC = Cat--holi---c concocted concept, is a fabricated fraudulent impostor. And notice the word CAT is a Feline, meaning The LION prophesied in Holy Bible Revelations.
Howsoever, they are absolutely no authentic, authorized Catalysts to revolutionary rebellions nor of Evolutionary Creation. They are camouflaged reptilian racists. And they are not in the least Holy, and their religiosity is not consecrated and sacred whatsoever. These are the sinners who are child molesting priestly pedophiles, adulteresses, idol worshipping whores, hateful harlots of infidelity hiding cowardly covered by sheep‘s clothing and innocent looking little lambs, under hairy wool wigs of worldly wickedness! Our Cosmic CREATOR Forbids!!!

Fraud in fact leading liars and the godfathers of all lies. Who dress themselves up as angels of Love Life Light Locks, yet are the children of criminal corruptions. Thug thieves of treasonous treacheries, sorceries and European western witchcrafts; and presently flying overhead in deadly dragon drone aircrafts. Phonies and fakers! Because, they stole our Spiritious Ancient Ancestral Africoid Africa’s Artistries. Robbed, raided, ravaged and raped historic Egypt of antiquity; which is KEMET = “The Land of the Blacks”!  To in 2011 black brown brother bomber Barack Obama Hussein insane says: 'I ordered the drone attacks and aerial assaults'!

Son of SUNGOD solemnly says, that I AM here to truthfully tell yawls these things to come and at the simultaneous time is here already arrived righteously today now. Protestant Baptism + Catholicism is Capitalism, and both are Racist Religions politicized. And one can called me any negative nasty names that they wish, butt, the Sublimely Inspirited Anointing + Appointing shall surely never be stopped. Predestined to be my Solar Sexus Soul’s success. And know that all antagonist adversaries are automatically deemed devil damned!!!

Dr. Walter Williams says “Divest”; free and liberate your own selves from all man made manufactured mythological religions. Which white male Europeanized versions of Christianity, means in reality throughout history, the enslavement of Africa’s Africoids. This is his 2006 African Village presentation; about O-Reverend Chicken Wing__“Afrikan Liberation-pt.8”

OK Y’ALL YES: There are acting “anarchists” antagonizing the police forces firing flames as freak feigns. Seeing how that the so called “peaceful” demonstration marches, are receiving physical violence in return. That means in reality, setting aside good intentions, that the non-violent approaches failed at the point of police shooting their teargas canisters, rubber bean bag bullets at the “Occupyers”; marching in the city streets. Thus hitting humans hard in their bodies and heads. And every American citizen has his or her native - natural human rights to return fire, ‘by all means necessary”; rocks, sticks, bottles, Molotov cocktails…, to defend and to protect themselves from crooked cops aggression!

Although, there are also some seriously naïve citizens participating in the “occupations”; blocking of traffic, striking with unions, sit-ins, boycotts and what have you. Failing to completely comprehend, that this is a “Enemy Combatant” Warfare zone! No place for small children, infant babies, unless demonstrators, intend to apply for and get permits, and to promptly, comply with the direct orders of the police forces in charge. Other wise stay at home safe and secure!
Furthermore, nobody can tell others how to protest cry, because, We’s & Us’s have different personal and private experiences dealing with city officials and the petty policing patrols in their living environments, communities and oppressed neighborhoods. So little miss Pollyanna wearing her rose colorblind grasses, foolishly thinks that everything is just going to be alright, honky dory, allegory make believe story. Equals = Self-deception, Rationalization and Gross Distortion of Reality. Culminating into self-induced disillusionment!!

THINK TOTAL TOLD TRUTHS: The countries and sovereign nations are already in states of disorderly conduct by the elected and appointed governmental officials. City halls are out of operational order. Out of control Congressional & Senatorial leaderships and U.S. Presidents of military machine might. The rouge renegade racist cops are themselves "Anarchists", as they refuse to recognize their own authorities, citizens rights, restrictive rules, regulations, guidelines of engagement. Proper police protocols are obsolete, null and void. The criminalizing injustice system is an arbitrary despotism, self-righteous judgments of corrupt kangaroo courts. America is a lawless land of lost losers!!!
PASSIVE AGGRESSION vs. Physical Aggression: Meaning that provocation can be perceived by telling and yelling at city, county cops that "We love you”; ‘were trying to help you and your pensions’; “thank y’all for not bean bagging us”; “you pigs”; “you sorry mother f…ers”; “This is a peaceful march”; ‘our protests are all about love’, on and on without stop. Means absolutely nothing to those riot police and special combat forces. And one can be tempted to retaliate if taunted and when repeatedly insulted, up in their faces too close, shot with racial slurs, negative name calling, rude epithets, so forth and so on. And my own individual artistic approach, is one of courteousy, respect, politeness, because I consider AmeriAfrindian ArtistCHD, to be the Lion, the calmly cool CAT, Feline as a naturally Rare Rich Royal Kindhearted Kinky KING of COLORKINGDOMISM!!!
Further still, the multi-millionaires; are historically notoriously known to hire henchmen, secret spy agents, to infiltrate and privately penetrate the ranks and files of the “Occupy Wall Street Movement”! Implant “anarchists” as subversive activities, that divide the groupies; as they attempt to dictate democratic policy practices to a broad spectrum of racial, ethnic, cultural citizens. Something detested, that is the White Privilege, to tell nonwhites how and when they can protest. This constitutes another artless form of fakery, falsehoods, and self appointed policing oppression of those deemed divisive. Based on somebody else’s bias and prejudices. And in these stated cases, internalized interruption can and will and is occurring as a direct and proximate results!
All efforts to control how the crowds react and overreacts to police physical aggression, becomes another Caucasian Caucasoid creature’s colonization. Trying to control and dominate nonwhites as “minority’ people of color complexions, Who are righteously explosive, more militant, revolutionary rebellious, due to being done so seriously and severely wrong by White Americans, overall and in general, for generations. A long time!

Nonviolent Voice of an African American man, member of the “Occupy Movement“: “I hope we can squash all of this solidarity with the cops… the cops are not your friends”  This articulate brother was stopped and searched and questioned without probable cause by Euro-Caucasian cops. He went on saying, be aware of these uniformed racists, in so many words. ‘And for a person of color, we have to deal with this constant harassment, being hassled by the white police almost daily. And some others, (Anglo-Americans), don’t necessarily have to have these life’s experiences.”

1. Spiritical Statutes vs. Political Parties!! This is the right replacement of that in which is removed and relieved of their fiduciary duties, for unsatisfactorly serving society. Realizing that it is of a necessary need to create new art forms to take the places of old ones. Doing away with religions and politicians, influencing our nation’s laws, Legislative, Judicial, Executive and Congressional and Senatorial government branches.

2. PROFIT MOTIVES: Extracting, eliminating, excluding, exterminating them into extinction. Along with the untruth tellers; of all sorry sorts, lobbying about influencing the manufacturing and distribution of commodities, utilities, and goods, that are basic requirements for living a wholesome existence, hereon planet earth. They are now today Divinely Decreed Disqualified!!!
3. Let us go all the back in historiorgraphy, of Mother Africa's ancient ancestral time periods, to see the crystal clear evidential proofs. And look closely at what we will have to do in organizational order to erradicate the poisonous political, and racist religious rationales; imposed upon humanity by European CaucAsian Caucasoid, criminal creatures, of capitalist, corporatist, colonialist corruption!!!
4. According to Dr. Diop, 15,000 years Before Present, interbreeding between the Black Africoid and Caucasoid white created the Chancellade Man (prototype of yellow race). This contact was made around the Caspian Sea area of the Caucasus Mountains during the Reindeer Period in the Magdalenian Age. The epicanthic eyelid developed as a result of this group migrating to Outer Mongolia where the high wind factor caused the eyelid fold (Dr. Diop, Civilization or Barbarism, p 16). India: The first Indians were Black Africoid people. The earliest Indian settlement dates from the 6th millennium B.C.E. and earlier. The geographical area of existence was in today’s Baluchistan and in lower Sind, to the north and west of present day Karachi. These cities were known as Mohenjo-Daro and Harappen. The “elaborate construction of these cities with hygienic sewage systems was like a minute version of Manhattan Island New York” (Rashidi/Van Sertima, African Presence in Early Asia, p 91, Transction Publishers, New Brunswick (USA), 1985)
5. Our Spiritious leaderships are to be anointed and appointed, through patterned pathways of casting a NOTE. Who one thinks or believes will be better beneficially blessed to represent a body of citizens. Between the divisive fractures, volcanic civilian conflicts, earthquake plates and well founded fault-lines ..., a neutralized zone is in creative evolution. Culminating into smaller sectional statutes in stature; instead of united states. Each racial or ethnic group are to choose, select or pick their Spiriticians; as opposed to voting through election campaigns some politician!
6. New world wiser words written well = original creative conceptual ideas: Socialism, Socialist, Social Movement = Soulism, Soulist, Soulistic, Contrary to the traditional, conventional Communist and Capitalist countries. A different direction of decision deliberations, plus + making meaningful merchant money and manufacturing material matters. Representing and symbolizing an independent institution, instatement, installment of new world wiser wordings and terminologies. Yes, ColorKingdom New World Creative Arts:
7. This separates and segregates the contaminated conditions of the terribly toxic living substandard. Doing away with the usual political framework of fraud in fact liars. Isolating and extracting certain conceptual ideas, and capturing cancer causing Capitalist criminal creatures. Arresting and prosecuting their dog gone asses. Cage their butts inside the jail cells and prison camps that they built to house, imprison and enslave We’s & Us’s. And also, serve the culpably guilty, greedy gluttons the same death penalty that they gave Mr. Troy Davis, the innocent African American male. Righteously ridding our entire nation and world of their utter dislikes. So that they are completely eliminated and we don’t have to waste our valued time, resource energies trying to reform or repair the irreparable and irrational governmental bodies. They are all innately inordinate and inappropriate and inoperable!!!
8. Likewise, nor do we any longer have to worry ourselves about; attempting, to hold them accountable for their actions and or lack of appropriate actions, wrong deeds done as damages. By taking country, county, city controls, citizens contains the conscious conditions of their livelihoods. Never again allowing these naturalized humane rights be bargained off, sold to privatization, capitalization of corporate criminals. Yes, the current accountability starts with We The Public People Power Plan + Positive Population Protests!!!
9. Dynamic Equalized Bio-Balance: of our beauteous MultiplexRacialBody of American citizens. Composed as an overall, general and aggregate whole Unified Statutes of America or AmeriAfrindica. Equals unification with mineral rich VegePlanTerRain of Mother Africa = USAA PROMISED LANDS = Diaspora Panorama Phenomena!
10. BUTT BEWARE, Be Ready + Be Prepared = Wealthy words wisely written to remember: hijacking hacksters, patronizing politician infiltrators, slick shyster spies, stealthy snitches and “AGENTS”, attempting to stealthily move in on the OCCUPYNEERS “Occupy America” movements across our country. Thus befriending the causes of action, in order to steal the revolution, “coopted” and corrupt it with undercover capitalist criminals and “enemy combatants”!!
11. Love Goddess Ms Madame MAAT Mother McKinney; reveals + reports: "The only way for the Occupy movement to ensure its independence is to begin fashioning protest signs that read: "SOROS IS WALL STREET!"and "OBAMA - OWNED AND OPERATED BY WALL STREET!""
12. Personally I vehemently proclaim the end to this foolish faker African American brown skinned brother; "I'm half black & half white" "mutts like me", 'con man wheeler dealer' Barack Hussein Obama. And propped up proxy politician puppet pundit, parasitic predatory President of the USA, Capitol Hill Oval Office of Washingston, DC. And he has to be forced to: StopPointBlankPeriod. He's like all the rest of these war criminals, who are mass murderers and guilty as charged for masacring members of Her earthly HUEMAINKIND!!!
13. Nevertheless, howsoever, fully comprehend and totally apprehend, this true reality of fact; the exact same invisible, unseen Spirit Source Science System, is also, behind him. Operation communications controls coming from the Africoid Africanized central carbon core creation. Meaning that Blackish brown Barack Obama Hussein, Mastermind Melanin Messiah..., has a dirty underhanded job to do and military mission of mindlessness = madness, to courageously carry out. Devilish dealings. Especially on geographical continent of Mother Africa Earth Nature. Thus to de-Islamicize and de-Muslimize and de-Arabianize Her, inclusively, de-Christianize Your Majesty Madame MAAT. Decisively defeating all regions of religions! And yes, unwittingly and unknowingly... he's anointed and appointed too, as an A+ Son of SUNGOD. An Activated AVENGER!!!
Dr. Walter William professes that: Africans in America has to be the ones who make the change in Africa, we are the leaders who other follow, our arts, music, jazz, blue, pop-rock ‘n rolls, rap…..etc. “Afrikan Liberation-pt.9”
1. Labor Pains due to Whole World Wide new birth being born well and alive via LOVE GODDESS Mother Africa Earth Nature. Old things are passing away, so look up and behold, The Original Cosmic CREATOR is making all things newer than the older. Both political parties; and all others playing party politics; as a mandated must, do in deed die! Go straight into the flaming inferno of Holy Heavens Hades Hell Fires!!!
2. Internal Inferno Implosions + world wide wicked weather wraths! Inflamed feelings firing furor and forceful fevers from on the inside of the North American continent. Swollen tissues and burning hot head heated issues that are increasing in sizes of an internalized infected pus bubble bursting by blood veins of viral vengeance against the filthy rich robbers and rapist racists!
3. The End To Terrorist Military Monster Machine Mark of the 666 Satanic Bloody Beast Behaving Barbarians. Finalizing fatally at the end of the bomber brother Obama’s era of U.S. Presidential Administration!!! Yes his fallen fame and unfortunate fate, while in the solemn midst of setting the stage, for the whole of Africa freed at last from all religious faiths. Righteously restoring it back to our original Sublimely Inspirited Indigenous habitats. All religions are antagonistic alien adversaries to the Center Carbon Core Craddle of Mother Africa Alpha.
3a. Barack is the 'Omega' ending of his four years term = termination of outdated time tables. And is the demise of the terrifying invasive, intervening, intrusive measures of colorblind foolish faith followers! RELIGION = A deadly destructive deasease that mutated from Eurocentric Caucasian Caucasoid mutants of Africoids & Negroids!!
4. HISTORICITY: “Between 3000 to 2500 B.C.E., barbaric Aryan-Whites coming from the steppes of the Caucasus Mountains destroyed this civilization, and interbreed with their Black female captives. Modern Archaeologists have uncovered evidence which shows that in Mohenjo-Daro even women and children were beaten to death. Historian H.G. Rawlinson pointed out: “Mohenjo-Daro inhabitants were put to the sword by the barbarian Aryan-Whites coming from the Caucasus Mountains.”
5. Intellectually Intelligent + Smart people are prompted to at once, study the historicity and origins of these religious faiths; in which, they have mass murdered millions of the members of our HUEMAINKIND. And in organizational order to liberate + deliberate, the blessed birthplace caddle of creation. INTERVENTION DIVINE.
6. U.S. President Obama: He shall be the slaughterer scapegoat, sacrificial sheep, butt not innocent little lost lamb!!! Reveals Prophet Messenger AmeriAfrindian ArtistCHD = CHRIST HORUSHEART DIVINITY!!! read later on: .
7. BACK FIRING INTO THEIR PEARLY PINK PALE FACES: Indubitably, indicates that Humanity's Sanity is restored, reinstated, reinstalled. And Europeanized inhumanity insanity decisively defeated to death! As the Euro-Angry Anglo-America Al Qaeda, fighting fearlessly against Islamic Muslim Arab Al Qaeda..., fooishly and unwisely arms Africoid Africa with instituted "Africom" military machine might. Warfare advance technologies acquired from slave labors, huge capital gains in profiteering power positions, in the North Atlantic Slave Trades. Yes their thievery slavery money has been exhausted! 
8. Idiotic ignoramuses coming back home to the scenes of their accidents, mistakes, and meaningless mad man's mentalities. Going back down upon their own vomit, putrid puke and repugnant regurgitation. By being so destitute and desperate for natural resources to feast and financially feed their greedy gluttonous gait and guilt! Thereby, in this strict sense, it’s all good, it’s all gravy!! Optimism vs Pessimism!!
YES Dr. Walter Williams reveals: This is the part where he gets hot and passionate about; us divesting ourselves of all of the dead man’s manufactured religions concocted by the racist white man. And to through this European male image of Jesus Christ, and this fictitious “God” concept and throw it in the nearest garbage can. Along with this Islamic Muslim and ‘black Israelite Hebrew-Jew bull shit too!!! 10.Dr. Walter Williams Euro-Man's Religion.
1. REINSTATED + REINSTALLED + RESTORED SPIRITUALITY: Therefore don't think or believe anymore, butt KNOW. Eventhough our arch adversaries might be treacherously trying to re-colonize Africa, they are unknowingly, helping to create organizational order. Even while causing criminalizing confusion and internal chaos, conflicts, combustion on the continent. So whatsoever the case, yawls fear not, be never deceived because your GODSUN is never mocked. Meaning no mutating material matter what these racist whites, CaucAsians--Eurasian yellows, and or Eurocentric evil doers co-conspire against We's & Us's, they are futile. Back firing fusions = failed attempts to re-enslave Africa = Cause And Effect! Bad being brought back into the sphere of good!
2. WHITE SLAVES RISING UP IS GOOD ARE GREAT WHITE HOPES: Activated Abolitionists against slavery in its every conceivable artless forms. And we need them today to rebel and revolt as essential revolutionaries. OCCUPYNEERS! So change the way ya look at it all and the things ya look at perceptibly changes. Accordingly watch the wicked wrathful weather of wisdom, creating compelling circumstances and concurring conditions. Forcing multimillion mindless members to cry in outrages, one way or the other, sooner than much later. No mercy shall be shown to them, because they showed no mercy towards others in their politicized religions of murderous MERCILESSNESS!!!
3. AFRICA ARMED: Effectually exercising the greatest defensive and offensive nuclear powers to protect and to defend our originating homelands. Americanized artillery, armored tanks, fighter jets, space science and y'all name the rest reinstated. And remember also: "Where Ever There Is An Adversity, There Also Roots The Seeds Of An Equivalent Advantage" (N. Hill)  Which will no doubt, be inherited by self-loving, humanity loving... Africans in America, one way or the other, sooner than later!  The Unified Statutes of America + Africa. Predestined to happen happily, punctually, initiating in Janurary, 1, 2012...12:00 am. GENESIS GIFTED GENIUS!!!
4. Marking this new beginnings, genesis gifted genius in We's & Us's, as the time period perfected to replace the deceased by-gone old-age days of doom and gloom and culpable guilt. Moving very fast today, swiftly coming about into a manifested being. The enslaved political prisoners of captivity are being set free unto the perfect law of liberty. This is our refreshed format founded for more meaningful, money makiing manufacturing. Methodical Mental Models. By which to lead and guide our future's fast forward positive progress and national productions to employ citizens. Fashion fabrics, texile industries, original artwork and crafts, as Dignity Digital Divinity Diamond Designs. With The USAA, beng the healthy heart and Solar Sexus Soul of  COLOR KINGDOM New World Creative Arts:
5. Nevertheless, meanwhile, the entire aggregate country of citizens certainly can look forward in the very near future for financial frozen funds. Freezing ice-cold climatic conditions of blatant blizzards, inundating huge-heavy snow falls this winter. The American economy is being brought to a sudden screeching halt. Calcified-clogged, congested, confused, chaotic and combustible. And each and every person, individual who elected to vote and participate in this unholy and ungodly system, shall surely pay the costly prices. For refusing to join the OCCUPYNEERS across our nation and worldwide civil disobedience as dissidents. There’s dire consequences for Apathy & Complacency & Indifference, toward “The Occupy Wall Street Movement”!!!
6. YES: This is exactly how the dis-United States of Angry-Anglo-America Al Qaeda, fabricates warfare wickedness worldwide. They concoct certain fraud in fact lies, then mislead members of the major mainstream media news, to report their fraudulent findings to poison the public people’s populations with toxic tall tales. Polluted political propaganda press releases, attempting to induce fears and foolish fright among citizens of our country. A glib way of trying to clean the inner city urban streets up, to get rid of the youngsters who are uprising, rallying, bucking back against authoritarian rules and regulations of the filthy rich racists!. Then called them "Draft Dodgers" and criminally accused fugitives on the rapid run as radicals evading arrests!!!
7. TREACHEROUS: Top Officials in every sector, branch and division of U.S. Government, Federal & States, are forming their “axis of evil” conspiracies, working in cahoots collusion in coalition chains with each other. In hopes of convincing our society, that a newer war engaged against Iran, is what we need to defend and protect ourselves from extremist terrorism! Especially, Arab Islamic Muslims!!!
8. Albeit, let We’s & Us’s, be not deceived, led remotely astray, as naïve, gullible sheep marching off to bloody warfare for the homicidal and suicidal slaughter. Say absolutely hell no to any conceptual ideas of imposing a military draft, upon our generation of youths. Because, this is a Top Secret being revealed, released and reported to y’all today, a systematic setup to send America’s teenagers, young males and females off to fight for the financial capitalist corporatist criminals. They are certainly crazy psychopaths!!!
9. REMEMBER TO NOTE: “Also, author E. Hawkride, Indian Gods and Kings on page 10, tells of the savage barbarism inflicted on the Blacks by these Aryan-Whites from the Caucasus (Paul Lawrence Guthrie, Making of The Whiteman, page 11, Beacon Communications, San Diego, Cal., USA, 1992). There are 160 million Black people living in India, today. This is the largest known concentration of Blacks in any country in the world, including Africa. Forty five million of these Blacks fall under the Indian Government’s classification—Adivasi. This means the Original owners of India. Japan: The first Japanese were Black. There is a very evident Negro strain in a certain element of the Japanese population, particularly those of south Japan. H. Imbert, who is the author of Les Negritos de la Chine, also points out that: “The Negro element in Japan is recognizable by the Negroid aspect of certain inhabitants with dark and often blackish skin, frizzy to curly hair….The Negritoes are the Oldest Race of the Far East. Skulls of these Negritoes have been found in the island of Formosa (Taiwan China, today) and traces of this Negroid element in the island of Liu-kiu to the south of Japan. The oldest known inhabitants of Japan are the Ainus.”...
10. YES-UM BOSS, Absolutely no support from nonwhite international states. An attempt to gather up other nations of the worldwide community to join the USA against Iran, in their alleged assault and attack attempt to assassinate a International Diplomat = Ambassador. Claiming that it is “an act of war”! The Top U.S. Officials, hope to rally forces in order to unite them to invade, intervene into another sovereign nation’s internal affairs.
11. Butt, believe my telling y’all, that this time around, this terror tactic, as I've envisioned, is backfiring in the pitiful pale pink faces of these Racist White Leaderships. Those cowards who are hiding their sorry asses, behind propped up colored skinned appointees and elected representatives of America as Africoid Africans. Learned and taught UNCLETOMISM + SELFHATISM!! Inclusively, concealing their Caucasian Caucasoid criminal causes, cloaked in the cultural coloration complexes; to mislead and deceive developing nations of our GlobalWorldNations. MP3
12. Self-loving citizens as z-Blackxz & z-Brownxz denounces and detests using our Melaninated images as an affront, to engage their wicked warmongering and hostile hatemongering military madness and mass murders. Although, by their doing so, hastens their own deadly demise, elimination, extermination and extinction!!!
13. NO RATIONAL REASON TO DOUBT: All foolish fakery, for futile fates fallen from any truthful foundation of honesty, and is Divinely Decreed Damned, decisively destined to backfire in blazing flames, into their terrorist “pale faces” of pitifully polluted politics!
14. Breaking news: ANSWER responds to Holder's allegations of terrorism plot Shortly after Attorney General Eric Holder held a press conference targeting Iran for an alleged terrorist plot in Washington, D.C., ANSWER Coalition Coordinator Brian Becker spoke on RT about the issue. Today, Tuesday, October 11, 2011.... 9:42 pm
15. Racist-Sexist-Fascist-Egoist CNN exposed, uncovered and revealed: “I think this video clip clearly shows how one of the worlds largest news companies, CNN, will clearly steer the audience to their own agenda. Watching this makes me incredibly grateful for the internet.” + My MASTER1 Melanin Media: 

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